Chapter 186


Wang Chen, who had just returned home, immediately encountered strong protests from Yuanyuan.

The little guy grabbed his collar tightly with his paws, and rubbed his furry head against his chin.

There was a whimper of dissatisfaction.

This time Wang Chen ran away for another three or four days before returning, leaving him alone at home with a mouse.

There is only one boring wooden man beside him.

It feels like being abandoned by Wang Chen.


Wang Chen coaxed and made a wish, but finally had to resort to a big weapon: "I'll cook something delicious for you, do it now!"

To enhance persuasion.

He took out a piece of honey from the storage bag, broke it and stuffed it into the little guy's mouth.

Yuanyuan's eyes immediately widened.

Having tasted the sweetness, it opened its front paws and hugged the large piece of nest honey tightly, and its tail was so happy that it stood up!
My mine is mine!

After coaxing the little guy to be happy, Wang Chen came to the kitchen with a smile.

Start processing the ingredients harvested today.

First take out four peeled bear paws, soak them in honey water prepared with honey, and finally put in some spirit wine.

In this way, the blood in the bear's paw can be soaked out, and the effect of removing the fishy smell is excellent, and it is easier to taste when cooking.

This method was learned by Wang Chen in the book.

It's just that the bear's paws have to be soaked overnight, so they definitely won't be able to eat them today.

Wang Chen took out the pair of expensive bear galls and put them into a porcelain jar filled with spirit wine.

He bought both the spirit wine and the porcelain pot in Yunhu City. The spirit wine in it is a distilled spirit, which is most suitable for brewing bear bile.

Wang Chen planned to drink the brewed bear bile wine by himself.

A few days ago, he inquired at the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce in Yunlong City, and found that the price of diamond ghee, which is used to assist in the cultivation of Tianlong King Kong Dharma, has skyrocketed by five or six times!
After Taigu Daobei suppressed Dawei Tianlong, Wang Chen, who had no more worries, picked up this set of Buddhism's most powerful body training exercises and continued to practice.

Unexpectedly, the price of diamond ghee has risen to such a point.

Simply inhumane!
But the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce also expressed its helplessness, because the diamond ghee has a special formula, which can only be refined by Tianlong Temple in the Western Regions, let alone the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, even Wanbao Pavilion cannot imitate it.

Under the condition that all the sources of goods are supplied by Tianlong Temple.

Not to mention how many times the increase, even if the increase is ten times, it is the freedom of the monks!
Although Wang Chen's current financial resources, five times the price of diamond ghee can also afford.

But he really didn't want to be taken advantage of.

Originally, I bought Vajra Ghee, only because this kind of medicated oil is very cost-effective, and it is most suitable for the cultivation of Tianlong Vajra Dharma.

Now the price has risen to such an extent.

It is undoubtedly more cost-effective to replace it with other elixir and spiritual materials that replenish qi and blood and strengthen the body.

Even if the effect is not good, he is not afraid to open the Immortal Cultivation panel.

That's why I left this bear gall on purpose.

After soaking the bear's paws and bear bile, Wang Chen took out a large piece of bear meat and nest honey.

He cleaned the bear meat, cut it into small pieces, and skewered them with iron skewers.

After processing the ingredients, Wang Chen came to the front yard and set up a barbecue stove.

Soon, strings of snow-white bear meat skewers were sizzling under the charcoal fire.

A strong smell of barbecue spread quickly in the yard.


The gluttonous Yuanyuan was immediately seduced, and lay on Wang Chen's shoulder, drooling at the tender meat skewers.

Roasted until half cooked, Wang Chen brushed honey on the meat skewers with a brush.

The smell is absolutely amazing!
The bear meat is roasted until it is very ripe, and the outermost layer is a thin layer of golden yellow honey shell, which is crispy when you bite it.

Then the fat inside overflowed the mouth in an instant, and the rich meat flavor made the taste buds explode.

Both body and mind are greatly satisfied.

Nest honey and bear meat, 100% perfect match!

The honey barbecue is a bit greasy after eating too much, so replace it with soy sauce and spices, it still makes people want to swallow it with their tongues.

It's delicious.

And whether it's nest honey or bear meat, they both contain considerable aura.

Bear meat can increase Qi and blood even more.

Wang Chen killed ten skewers in one go.

The rest were all filled into the round belly - the little guy's appetite has been getting bigger and bigger recently.

Wang Chen took the frying pan again, and put the cut bear belly meat into it to cook.

Bear belly meat has a lot of fat, which can yield nine taels of oil per catty.

Use fragrant bear oil to mix soy sauce yellow rice.

Wang Chen can eat three big bowls.

As for the leftover oil residue, sprinkle with fine salt, and then embed black sesame rice balls as fillings.

Yuanyuan said that she has contracted all of them!
It not only contracted by itself, but also brought it to Grandpa Turtle to share.

The next morning, the first thing Wang Chen did after waking up was to put the soaked four bear paws, together with various ingredients, spring water and spirit wine, into a red copper kettle and stew.

The red copper cauldron is a pot with a round bottom and no feet, similar to the pressure cooker in Wang Chen's previous life.

It is specially used to stew those tough monster meat.

Moreover, mana must be used to catalyze the flame cooking, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced by relying on charcoal fire alone.

It took him an entire hour to prepare this stewed bear's paw.

The out-of-the-pot bear's paw meat is pink and tender, like crystal jelly, and the smell is so tangy that it makes people salivate.

As for its taste.

It melts in the mouth like eating ginseng fruit, Wang Chen really can't describe it in words.

He and Yuanyuan each ate one for breakfast, and left the other for the little guy to honor Grandpa Xuangui.

The last one, Wang Chen packed it in an insulated food box.

I went to Peach Blossom Valley with it.

He walked through the peach grove to the pool, but Chang Chun was not seen.

Wang Chen didn't take it seriously, put down the food box, took out the Fire Crow Sword, and began to practice sword control.

Although he has successfully condensed the sword power, this skill still needs dozens of points of experience to advance to Dzogchen.

The power of Dzogchen's imperial swordsmanship will inevitably be further enhanced, and even produce special effects.

So he planned to spend a few more days to fill it up.

Just as Wang Chen was getting better in practice, a figure suddenly appeared on the rock next to him.

Wang Chen felt something in his heart, immediately took back the Fire Crow Sword, and bowed respectfully to the other party: "Master!"

Chang Chun nodded: "Have you completed your mission?"


Wang Chen took out the nest honey that he had already prepared, and offered it together with the food box: "Master, please check."

I saw hundreds of catties of honey brought by Wang Chen, and bear paws packed in a food box.

Chang Chun showed a smile: "Not bad."

"Since you have completed the task, I will pass on the Benlei sword technique to you now."

Wang Chen was immediately refreshed.

He has been diligently practicing the sword control technique, which is only the basis of the flying sword technique, and the condensed sword power is already at the peak, and there is no possibility of further progress.

But the real swordsmanship is different, the upper limit of power is much higher.

The problem is that the Feijian swordsmanship is very different from the ordinary swordsmanship, and the honor points required to exchange it in Zangshu Pavilion are astonishingly high.

Wang Chen couldn't take it out either.

With Changchun's teaching, it is equivalent to saving a lot of honor points.

He can finally enjoy the benefits of a true disciple!
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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