Chapter 207
[In the third year of Jinghong, in late July, the owner of the Chen family tofu shop in Taide County was possessed by evil spirits, killed his wife and children to grind blood tofu for sale, and then killed several arresters and escaped. He is still missing. 】

[In the fourth year of Jinghong, in the first ten days of March, an evil spirit was suspected in Chenjia Village, Sanhe County. All 320 and five people in the village were drained of blood and died. 】

[In the sixth year of Jinghong, in early October, there was heavy fog on the official road in the outskirts of Taide County, and a caravan disappeared out of thin air, suspected of encountering evil spirits. 】

[In the eighth year of Jinghong, in late February, a large number of cattle and sheep disappeared in Datong County, and then countless skeletons appeared in mass graves outside the city. 】

[In the ninth year of Jinghong, in mid-May, the county government office in Datong County was attacked by evil spirits, and the county magistrate, chief secretary and seven government servants died. 】

[Ten years of Jinghong...]

Guarding the Guanxing Pavilion of the Tianshi Mansion, in the study of the secret room, Wang Chen was flipping through the files handed over by the Hall of Exorcism.

These files recorded in detail all the cases involving evil spirits that occurred in Nanshao County in the past ten years.

One pile, one piece, the number is as many as hundreds, which makes people feel shocking when they look at it!
Most of these evil cases have become suspicious cases.

Only a few evil spirits were dealt with by the evil spirit hall and the martial arts masters in the rivers and lakes.

Before Wang Chen went off to do his job, he knew that there were evil spirits in the mortal world from time to time, killing creatures and causing harm to the world.

It can be said to be the enemy of mortals!
But he didn't expect that the situation of evil and chaos would be so serious.

Wang Chen noticed that in the past three years, incidents of evil spirits and disturbances have occurred extremely frequently.

Except for Nanshao City, which was guarded by the Exorcist Hall and the County Guards, and the situation was relatively stable, the four counties below the county government had all suffered disasters to varying degrees.

Many villages were abandoned, and a large number of civilians fled to the county seat or near the county seat to avoid the disaster.

Once there was civil unrest!

Faced with such a situation, the county government was helpless.

There has been no owner to guard the Tianshi Mansion for three years, and the power of the Hall of Exorcism is weak, and the place is threatened by mountain people, savages and bandits.

It is not easy to keep the peace of Nanshao City.

In fact, evil spirits would appear in the county from time to time, but they were basically suppressed.

Otherwise, what Wang Chen saw would not be the current situation.

For some reason, looking through these files, he always had the feeling that "the country is about to perish and evil spirits are overgrown".

In addition to the content of these cases involving evil spirits, Wang Chen also checked the Nanshao county annals, and asked the people in the hall of eliminating evil spirits, and found that the place is not big, but the water is quite deep.

During his predecessor's reign, he basically hid in the Tianshi Mansion and went out very rarely.

Once there is an incident of evil spirits in the county, and the county government reports it, he will assign the evil spirit hall to solve it.

I never did it myself!

However, Wang Chen's senior brother also provided a lot of medicine pills and blood essence talismans for Chu Zong Tang.

It was a great effort.

The former guarding celestial master didn't care about the material opinions outside at all. Anyway, he held the purpose of "I'll take the blame and send you to death", survived the three-year mission deadline, and immediately ran back to the mountain gate.

Also a talent!
Wang Chen reckoned that the gold, silver, jewels and elixir talismans he left in the secret room were hush money for his successor.

After all, during the three years that this inner sect brother served as a celestial master, and the three years after he left, the reputation of guarding the celestial master's mansion can be said to have plummeted, and even the servants who stayed behind dared to commit crimes without scruple.

Wang Chen was left with a big scapegoat!

Although Wang Chen took a big pot for no reason, it made Wang Chen a little upset.

But the impatience of the sheriff's mansion to dump the blame gave him a great help!
Wang Chen's Tianluo Punishing Evil Net can refine evil spirits and convert evil power into the purest spiritual power for storage.

In the past in the inner school of Yunyang School, he never thought of relying on the spiritual power of Zhuxiewang to cultivate.

Because it's so reckless.

The spiritual power of Zhu Xie Wang is hard-won, and it can be used as a super recovery pill, which can be used to save lives or establish a victory at a critical moment.

Of course we should cherish it all the more.

However, from time to time, Wang Chen now needs the spiritual power of Zhu Xie Wang very much.

Replenish spiritual power by destroying evil spirits, meet the needs of daily cultivation, brush up some human virtues by the way, and fulfill one's own duties.
If this path is cleared, then the biggest problem facing Wang Chen will be solved.

At that time, he will definitely present Ruan Zhaoming with a one-ton medal!
After reading all the files, Wang Chen was not in a hurry to find trouble with Xie Chong.

The most troublesome thing about evil spirits is that they are extremely hidden. Except for the fixed evil nests, they often appear and disappear. Sometimes it is normal for them to lie dormant for several years or even decades.

Its behavior is weird and unpredictable, and it is not easy to find clues of their existence.

It took Wang Chen a day to draw a total of three hundred blood essence and blood amulets.

The Essence and Blood Talisman is a talisman that can be used by ordinary people. It can be activated by smearing blood. Although its power is not as good as the real magic talisman, it is also a treasure in the mortal world.

Wang Chen's predecessor left him dozens of Essence and Blood Amulets.

It's just that Wang Chen, who has a primary talisman-making skill of Dzogchen, doesn't like these blood essence amulets at all!
Not to mention the low quality, and because it was not stored in the storage bag, the spiritual power was seriously lost, and the effect was greatly reduced.

He was all burned - without such a trick!

And Wang Chen's newly refined blood talismans include evil-breaking talismans, amulets, armored horse talismans, burst talismans, help-seeking talismans, and so on.

Three hundred blood essence talismans consumed a lot of his mana.

After the refinement was completed, Wang Chen summoned Zuo Yongjun, a hundred households of the Nanshao Elimination Hall, into the mansion, and ordered him to send people to investigate the evils that had occurred in Nanshao's territory in the past six months.

"These talismans are assigned by you."

Wang Chen handed three hundred blood talismans to this innate warrior, and introduced several uses of talismans to him.

Then he seriously warned: "Don't be reluctant to use it. If you encounter evil spirits, save your life first. Don't take risks. It doesn't matter if you run out of talismans. Just come and get them from me."

The emperor did not send hungry soldiers.

To make people risk their lives to do things, it is reasonable to give real help.

And holding a thick stack of talismans, even Zuo Yongjun was determined and determined, and he couldn't help showing his touch.

Wang Chen is not the first fairy master he has dealt with.

But he is definitely the monk who is most considerate of his subordinates!
The other immortal masters always acted condescendingly, disdainful of ordinary people, and at best gave innate warriors a little face. It was simply impossible to get so many precious talismans from them.

Zuo Yongjun knew very well that with these talismans, his brothers would be able to escape even if they couldn't fight the vicious evil spirits in the future.

A real life saver!
He immediately bowed down and bowed down: "On behalf of the 120 seven guards of Nanshao Chusong Hall, I would like to thank the immortal master for his reward!"
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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