Chapter 209

In the sky above Luolei Peak, the churning clouds condensed into a huge vortex, slowly rotating from west to east.

From time to time, electric snakes would scurry among the thick clouds, and suddenly a bolt of thunder would strike and land on the peak.

This situation has been going on for thousands of years.

360 days a year, this lonely mountain has to withstand the bombardment of lightning for at least [-] days.

And precisely because of this strange sight, Thunder Falling Peak is very famous throughout Nanshao County, and rumors about it are recorded in the county annals.

It is said that people often climbed to the top of the peak in the past, trying to reveal the secret of long-term thunder here.

Some people also suspect that there are treasures hidden on the mountain.

These people include mountain hunters, martial arts masters, and even monks.

But they found nothing except bare rocks, and some people were accidentally killed by lightning.

As time goes by, everyone is familiar with the strange phenomenon of Luolei Peak.

No one came up to seek death.

But for Wang Chen, this Luolei Peak is simply his blessed land of cultivation!
Of course, this practice only refers to the five yang dry thunder.

When the kung fu started to work, a trace of thunder power floating outside silently passed through Wang Chen's skin and penetrated into his limbs and internal organs.

Wang Chen felt his whole body go numb, like touching a switch.

Goosebumps appeared all over his body, his hairs stood on end, and electric lights as thin as hair appeared on his fingertips.

This feeling is not painful, but it makes people feel like they are sitting on pins and needles. Every inch of skin, every muscle and every bone is sending a signal of soreness and numbness to the brain.

Wang Chen persisted entirely by relying on strong willpower.

As time passed, the power of thunder he absorbed into his body became stronger and stronger.

This special power gradually merged with Wang Chen's mana, circulating back and forth between the meridians and the dantian.

Complete the tempering steps to lead the lightning into the body bit by bit.

Wang Chen gradually realized the benefits of this tempering to his body.

Wang Chen's Tianlong King Kong Dharma has been cultivated to the fourth level, and his physique is stronger than many Zifu monks.

And the tempering of the power of thunder further strengthened and purified his body.

Although the current effect is still very weak, but after years of persistence, the improvement is definitely considerable!
The most important thing is that in the process of tempering, Wang Chen touched the mystery of Wuyang Qianlei.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a thunder in the dark pupils.

The next moment, Wang Chen suddenly raised his right palm.

A faint blue light flashed across his palm in an instant, and a bolt of lightning shot out quickly, accurately hitting a rock on the ground ten steps away.

[Five Yang Dry Thunder (Entry): 0/100]

A small hole was blown out of the charred rock on the surface, and debris flew everywhere.

Although the power of this "Thunder in the Palm" seems weak, it must be known that Wang Chen's Five Yang Dry Thunder has just started, and the rocks on the top of Luolei Peak have experienced the baptism of lightning for a long time, and their texture is particularly hard.

As a high-level thunder method for Qi training, the power of Wuyang dry thunder is 100% higher than that of fire crow.

Wang Chen's palm took away about one-tenth of his mana!
That is to say, with his eighth level of Qi training, he can only cast the palm thunder about ten times at most.

And as the spell level increases, the consumption of spellcasting will only increase.

While Wang Chen was delighted to get started with Wuyang Qianlei, he also realized that he had to work hard to level up.

Nine layers of qi training, complete qi training, break through the holes and open up the house!
These three steps are exactly his core training goals for the next three years.

Although he is a mundane person in a land of absolute spirits, Wang Chen's heart to the Tao has not changed because of this, but has become more determined.

He was gearing up, eager to find evil luck.

Because of evil spirits, it has become the cultivation resource Wang Chen needs most right now!

He hoped that Zuo Yongjun's investigation would yield results soon, and it would be best if he could find ten or eight evil lairs for himself.

At this moment, Zuo Baihu, who was given high hopes by Wang Chen, was trekking along the rugged mountain road with his deputy and a team of guards.

There are many mountains in Nanshao County, and the mountains account for most of the area, so large and small mountain villages are dotted all over.

However, in the past ten years, incidents of evil spirits and riots have occurred frequently, and many villages have suffered as a result, and some even have the tragedy of killing the entire village.

Therefore, a large number of civilians living in the mountains abandoned their homes and fled to live in relatively safe county towns.

Over time, the mountain roads that used to be frequented by people were all covered by weeds and vines.

People who are not familiar with the terrain can easily get lost.

"Ahead is Wu Family Village."

Wu Song, who was walking at the front of the team, said in a deep voice, his resolute eyes showed sadness and sadness.

There is still a trace of hatred that cannot be extinguished!

Wujia Village is the hometown of Wu Song. He and his eldest brother spent their childhood in this mountain village and left many good memories.

After his grandfather passed away, he and Wu Da were taken by their parents to live in Nanshao City and never came back.

But in this village, there are still many relatives of Wu Song.

Seven years ago, his parents went back to Wujia Village to visit relatives, but they were robbed by evil spirits.

The whole village is gone!
During Wu Song's enlistment in the army, he practiced martial arts desperately, and later joined the Department of Imperial Guards.

For the sake of revenge one day!

"Everyone be careful."

Zuo Yongjun, who followed Wu Song, said: "Get the talismans ready!"

A team of imperial guards responded in unison: "Here!"

Under the leadership of Wu Song and Zuo Yongjun, the elite troops of the Elimination Hall climbed over the ridge, and soon saw the Wujia Village at the foot of the mountain.

There were originally more than 100 households in Wujia Village, and a lot of fertile fields have been reclaimed around the village. There are streams and rivers nearby, and it looks like a paradise from a distance.

However, this peaceful and peaceful mountain village in the past is now only a piece of ruins.

Most of the houses in the village have collapsed and been taken over by vines, and the fertile fields are covered with tall weeds, creating a desolate and desolate scene.

A group of people entered the deserted village and quickly completed the search.

But nothing was found.

This is quite normal, because once a village that has been troubled by evil spirits loses its popularity, the evil spirits will also disappear.

Wu Song stood in front of a collapsed house, with teary eyes and a sad expression.

He knelt down and kowtowed three times, and said in a sobbing voice: "Father, mother, the child is not filial!"

This iron-clad man hated himself for being powerless back then.

Zuo Yongjun sighed, stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder: "Erlang, let's go back."

Earlier, Wu Song took the initiative to invite Ying to come to Wujia Village to investigate evil spirits.

Knowing the situation of his deputy, Zuo Yongjun felt uneasy, so he personally led the team here.

Now it seems that it was a waste of time.

At this time, fog suddenly appeared in the deserted village!
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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