Chapter 234
Because of the changes that occurred after the Taixuan Mirage Dragon's true shape map was unsealed, and the Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue was obtained.

So instead of leaving immediately, Wang Chen built another stone house in the depths of the big lake, and even surrounded it with a wall, making it a real residence.

Of course, Wang Chen didn't intend to practice here for a long time. The aura of heaven and earth in Donghuang Daze was very small, basically not much different from Daqian.

His purpose is mainly to study the true shape of Taixuan mirage dragon.

In the afternoon, when the water vapor rose in the Daze, Wang Chen once again showed the true shape of the Taixuan mirage dragon.

This treasure map has completed the initial sacrifice. Although it is still far from mastering its true power, some basic manipulations are still no problem.

And just as he guessed, the Taixuan mirage dragon's true form figure began to absorb the surrounding water vapor again.

The number of points displayed on the training panel increases accordingly.

Wang Chen didn't know what new changes would appear in this treasure map after the points reached [-].

But he could afford to wait for a day or two.

Of course, Wang Chen didn't waste any time. While releasing the Taixuan Mirage Dragon's true shape map to absorb the water vapor, he began to comprehend the Taixuan Mirage Dragon Art.

This comprehension took three full days!
The Taixuan Mirage Dragon Art is a very wonderful art. It is not only a method for refining the true form of the Taixuan Mirage Dragon, but also a very mysterious illusion.

In terms of skill attributes, the Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue is a water form, and its power is the strongest in the land of water.

This technique does not match Wang Chen's main form, but he is practicing the five elements of the five elements, so there is no real obstacle to practicing and using the Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue.

It is nothing more than the slow progress of cultivation.

But Wang Chen has a panel for cultivating immortals, so this problem is not a big problem.

[Cultivation method]:
Main: Five Elements (nine layers): 238/900
Deputy: Tianlong King Kong Dharma (four floors): 63/400
Vice: Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue (1st floor): 100/[-]
In three days, he completed the introduction of this exercise, which was so smooth that he was a little surprised.

You must know that the Taixuan Mirage Dragon Art is a skill that can be cultivated to the Nascent Soul!

Wang Chen estimated that his comprehension has increased to 6 points, and the environment here is very suitable for practicing this skill, otherwise it would be impossible to get started so easily.

He took the true figure of the Taixuan mirage dragon into his hand.

[True image of Taixuan mirage dragon: 100000/100000]

As early as yesterday morning, the points of the Taixuan Mirage Dragon True Shape Map were full.

This treasure map also no longer absorbs water vapor.

But it didn't show any new changes, as if it had eaten and drunk and then lay flat.

Wang Chen was not in a hurry, this treasure obviously contained many secrets, which he needed to dig out slowly.

Holding the picture in hand, Wang Chen urged the Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue he had just mastered to start the sacrifice.

The true figure of the Taixuan mirage dragon glows faintly, and the mirage dragon flying above the clouds gradually disappears, and at the same time, images of mountains, rivers and rivers emerge.

Like a dream, like a dream, like a dream.

Wang Chen's own mana aura melted into this treasure map little by little.

A flash of light flashed in his sea of ​​consciousness.


The next moment, Wang Chen suddenly unfolded the true shape of Taixuan mirage dragon to the big green donkey next to him.

This treasure map instantly revealed a bright light, completely covering the big green donkey.

Before the big green donkey could react, it had already disappeared in place.

On the real map, an identical donkey suddenly appeared.

It rushes left and right on the painting in panic, but it can't break through the limitation of the picture, so it raises its head and screams in anxiety.

But there is no sound.

Wang Chen found it very interesting, and conveyed comforting ideas to the trapped big green donkey in the painting through the real shape of Taixuan mirage dragon.

The latter quickly calmed down, shaking his head from side to side, with a look of curiosity in his big donkey eyes.

Adaptability is still very strong.

Wang Chen noticed that at this time, the points of the Taixuan Mirage Dragon True Shape Map had dropped by more than 500 points.

He faintly understood.

This point should be similar to the monk's mana, which will be consumed in use.

It is also possible to understand the energy points of equipment!
But it's super easy to add here.

After thinking about it, Wang Chen shook the Taixuan mirage dragon's true shape: "Come out!"

With a flash of light, the big green donkey appeared out of thin air, rolled on the ground and got up again.

Shout out to Wang Chen!
Wang Chen touched its head with a smile, and gave the guy a spiritual peach.

The big green donkey immediately smiled, happily gnawing on the peach and no longer getting angry.

Wang Chen was also very satisfied.

The true figure of the Taixuan mirage dragon can actually store living things, and it is much more convenient to use it to hold a big green donkey than to use a spirit animal bag.

And Wang Chen reckons it can be used to collect living people!
It's just that there is no way to test it for the time being.

In the next few days, he devoted himself to practicing the Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue, and at the same time consecrated the Taixuan Mirage Dragon's true shape diagram.

Back and forth, Wang Chen stayed here for half a month.

Only then decided to leave.

When it was time to leave, he took the big green donkey into the picture of the true shape of the Taixuan mirage dragon.

Then inject mana to drive this treasure.

The surrounding water vapor gathered at an astonishing speed, forming clouds and mist around Wang Chen.

The next moment, the Taixuan mirage dragon's true form turned into a flash of light, instantly enveloping him, and at the same time, carrying the churning clouds and mist, it flew forward, faster than an arrow.

The surrounding scenery flashed by, and Wang Chen felt as if he had transformed into a dragon, soaring through the clouds and riding the fog against the wind above the big lake, with an indescribable sense of ease.

If it keeps flying at this speed, it doesn't take much time to travel through the Donghuang Daze in a radius of ten thousand miles.

But Wang Chen also noticed that the points, or energy, of the Taixuan mirage dragon's true shape map were also declining.

However, the rate of decline is not fast, and one hundred thousand points can last for a long time.

And when Wang Chen tried to raise the height, he felt that the Daze below seemed to generate a suction force, which kept pulling him down.

Not only did Wang Chen's flying speed decrease, but the point consumption of the Taixuan Mirage Dragon True Shape Map also increased.

This reminded him of the legend about Donghuang Daze.

Wang Chen was so stupid that he knew he couldn't do it, so he immediately dropped the height.

Sure enough, it returned to normal.

Fly all the way like this, until the energy consumption of the true graph is almost exhausted.

He fell down to rest and recover.

Although the location has been changed, the Taixuan Mirage Dragon True Shape Map can still replenish points by absorbing moisture from the outside world.

Flying and stopping like this, Wang Chen became more and more proficient at grasping this treasure map.

It only took him seven days to fly out of the Donghuang Daze with a radius of thousands of miles!

You must know that it took Wang Shaoyuan nearly two years to cross the Eastern Desolate Daze when he came to the world of cultivating immortals from Dagan.

And the accompanying team, only a few people survived.

Leaving Donghuang Daze, the front is already a vast plain, with mountains in the distance, and the scenery is very beautiful.

What makes Wang Chen feel comfortable is that there is already a spiritual energy of heaven and earth here!

Although few, it shows that the hardest part of the road is over.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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