Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 240 Walled City Rules

Chapter 240 Walled City Rules
After passing through a slightly dilapidated alley, Wang Chen returned to his home.

Although the valley occupied by Dongwu Village is very large, because many spiritual fields and medicine gardens have been opened up in it, the actual area for people to live in is very limited.

Thousands of houses and tile houses are crowded together in a disorderly manner, which is the most typical feature of Sanxiu Walled City.

Of course, Wang Chen's new home is not rich, with a main house, two wing rooms, and a small courtyard, which is completely incomparable with the Sunset Peak Manor he once owned.

It's not even as good as the small house at the outer gate.

But just such a house cost Wang Chen three hundred spirit stones, and it was still for the sake of his cultivation level of the seventh level of Qi training!

The seventh level of Qi training is the realm that Wang Chen disguised with the help of Dzogchen-level breath-holding technique.

This kind of cultivation base is higher than most of the monks in Dongwu Village, and ordinary people dare not provoke him easily.

But it's not the highest, and it's not among the top handful of monks.

So not particularly noticeable.

Of course, Wang Chen's true face was also covered up with Qianjibian, and he even gave himself an alias.

After all, he is now the most wanted object of Guiyuanmen's reward!

When I got home, the rain had stopped.

Wang Chen unlocked the door, went to the bedroom next door to the main room, opened the bed and entered the tunnel below.

After moving into this new home, he dug three secret passages and five secret rooms underground in ten days.

One of the secret passages leads out of the valley!

Although he stayed in the mundane world for a while, Wang Chen didn't let go of his tunnel-digging skills.

Compared with the house on the ground, only this secret room, which is tens of meters deep underground, can give him a real sense of security.

In a secret room, Wang Chen took off his coat.

He took out a bottle of vajra ghee from his storage bag, applied it skillfully all over his body, and then began to practice Tianlong vajra rectification.

Because he obtained the middle and third levels of this body training method, and solved the side effects of cultivation, Wang Chen was able to continue to practice after breaking through the fourth level of Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa.

After a long time, Wang Chen opened his eyes.

In this practice, his improvement was very small, and the medicinal power contained in a bottle of vajra ghee obviously couldn't meet the cultivation needs of the fourth-level Tianlong vajra rectification method.

And the diamond ghee just used up is already Wang Chen's last bottle!
As the best training aid for Tianlong King Kong, this thing is almost indispensable in the training process.

At least I am used to using ghee to strengthen my body. Once I don't use it, the effect will be worse.

The problem is, after breaking through the fourth floor, one bottle at a time is not enough!
Back then, Wang Chen hoarded nearly [-] bottles of ghee, thinking it would last a long time.

As a result, half a year was all used up.

Wang Chen returned to the world of cultivating immortals from the ordinary world, and went to Yunshan City for the last time. In addition to investigating the situation, he originally planned to replenish a batch of diamond butter through Wanbao Pavilion or the Universal Chamber of Commerce.

Even if the price is five times more expensive, he still recognizes it!
As a result, Wanbao Pavilion and the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce all ran away, leaving Wang Chen with nowhere to spend his spirit stones.

It is also resentment.

Wang Chen thought about it, and decided to go to Fangshi tomorrow to find out if anyone sells diamond ghee.

There is a square market in Dongwu Village, which is used by monks for daily transactions.

In addition to the monks in the city, there are quite a few foreign monks doing business in this square city.

They sell a wide variety of items, such as pills, talismans, magic tools, and spiritual materials.

If it doesn't work, he has to use other elixir instead.

The effect is definitely not that good, but it can be used to make do.

While thinking about it, Wang Chen's eyes suddenly froze.

His eyes turned to a mirror hanging on the front wall.

This is the duck mirror in the mandarin duck mirror, and the mandarin duck mirror is placed in the main room, which allows Wang Chen, who is in the underground secret room, to observe the situation on the ground at any time.

Wang Chen just heard someone knocking on the door outside.

Bang the door!

There is a menacing meaning.

Who is it?

Wang Chen was puzzled.

It has only been half a month since he settled in Dongwu Village, and he doesn't have any acquaintances here at all, and he just nods and says hello when he sees his neighbors.

How could someone come and smash on your own door?
After thinking for a while, Wang Chen immediately left the secret room and returned to the ground through the tunnel.

Then he went out and opened the door that was about to be smashed.

There were three monks standing in front of the door. The one who knocked on the door was a tall man with a rough face and a vicious look.

"who are you?"

Wang Chen asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

The burly monk sized him up and said with a "hum": "You are the new owner of this house? Do you know that Zhong Xing'an owes us five hundred spirit stones?"

Wang Chen was expressionless: "What does the spirit stone he owes you have to do with me?"

Zhong Xing'an was the original owner of this house, and Wang Chen bought the house from the other party through the introduction of Yaren.

Unexpectedly, the trouble caused by the original owner would involve him.

Simply inexplicable!
"Zhong Xing'an ran away."

The burly monk took it for granted: "Then I can only find you, who asked you to buy his house!"

With such a robber logic, Wang Chen couldn't help laughing: "Get lost!"

He drank like thunder!

The three monks were all startled.

The burly monk who bore the brunt even took a step back involuntarily, his face turning pale.

The brain is buzzing!

Wang Chen glanced at them and said, "If you come to harass again, don't blame me for being rude!"

The rules of Sanxiu City Walled City are quite different from those of the sect.

Whoever has a hard fist will speak louder.

If you want not to be bullied, you must be strong enough, or form a gang!
The top village master doesn't care about "little things", so there are a lot of gangs in the city, and a special set of coexistence rules has been formed.

The monks in front of them obviously belonged to a gang.

Wang Chen didn't care if they were really cheated by the original homeowner or not, anyway, there's no need to be polite if they offended him!
The burly monk's face turned from white to blue, and veins sprouted on his forehead.

However, he didn't have an attack, and turned away: "Let's go!"

The three monks, who were originally aggressive, ran away in such a desperate manner.

At this moment, the door of the neighbor's house opposite Wang Chen opened, and a middle-aged man sneaked his head out and whispered to him, "Fellow Daoist Wang Xiu, they are members of the Sanjiang Society, you have to be careful. "

After speaking, he shrank back and closed the door tightly again.

Sanjiang Club?
Wang Chen had heard of this name before, and it should be a powerful group of monks in Dongwu Village.

But so what?
Annoyed him, all used to harvest heavenly power!
Wang Chen remembered it.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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