Chapter 262
It really is that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop!
Back home, after thinking about it, Wang Chen didn't feel that the middle-aged manager was fooling himself.

After Xin Han, the lord of Dongwu Village, took over Hu Meiniang, a nun from Hehuan Sect, he specially set up a guard hall for Jin Liancheng, the latter's younger brother, Jin Snake Langjun, who served as the head of the guard hall and mastered the force of the city lord's mansion.

Xin Han is even more fond of Hu Meiniang. It is said that he has no board of directors for a whole month and concentrates on reconciliation and double cultivation with her.

Some time ago, Xin Han retreated, and the power of this walled city was completely in the hands of Hu Meiniang and Jin Liancheng.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to say that the old people who follow Xin Han in the City Lord's Mansion are submissive!

Wang Chen suspects that the infighting between the two sides is the root cause of the chaos in Dongwu Village today.

Now Hu Meiniang and her brother are going to recruit monks to build another courtyard, and according to the other party's wishes, he will also be on the list.

This made Wang Chen quite annoyed.

I practiced quietly by myself, and never deliberately provoked anyone. Why did I always have troubles?

It's hard to hang on!
Do you want to solve the problem from the root?
Wang Chen suddenly became murderous.

Humane destruction is undoubtedly one of the best ways to eliminate troubles.

But after thinking about it carefully, he temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​killing Hu Meiniang and Jin Liancheng.

First of all, Wang Chen didn't know the two of them at all, and he didn't know what kind of strength and means the other party had.

Secondly, Hu Meiniang has always been in the City Lord's Mansion.

Wang Chen is really not sure that he can take the head of the target in a lair that has been run by the monks of the Zifu for many years.

A careless, maybe put yourself into it!
But it is also impossible for him to accept the other party's call to build some other courtyard.

It's better to avoid it!
After some thought, Wang Chen decided to leave.

It's not to leave Dongwu Village forever, but to go out and hide for a while.

When Xin Han leaves the customs and the order of the city returns to normal, it will not be too late for him to come back.

It was a last resort, Wang Chen was really unwilling to give up the foundation he had laid here.

And once he made a decision, the action was very decisive.

The next morning, Wang Chen packed his bags and prepared to leave Dongwu Village.

As soon as he went out, he bumped into the neighbor across the street, Chen Qi.

The latter noticed that Wang Chen was carrying a large and small bag, and looked like he was traveling far away, and couldn't help being very surprised: "Fellow Wang, are you going out?"

It's freezing outside now, and it's snowing day after day.

I saw other people fleeing to the walled city to avoid disasters, but I haven't seen them go out a few times!

Wang Chen didn't intend to leave secretly at first, and now he just explained the reason through the mouth of his opponent: "I'm going to visit relatives and friends, and I'm afraid I won't be back until after the Chinese New Year."


Chen Qi looked disappointed: "I still plan to invite you to have a New Year's Eve dinner together!"

He knew that Wang Chen had always been a loner.

"Next time."

Wang Chen said: "Brother Chen, please help me look at some houses during this time."

Chen Qi patted his chest and said, "You can rest assured!"

His strength is not strong, and the nursing home can still do it, and it is very convenient to live in the opposite side to take care of him.

After bidding farewell to Chen Qi, Wang Chen left the city and went straight to the northwest.

When he left Dongwu Village far behind and there was no one around, he sacrificed the Silver Spirit Flying Shuttle.

At this time, Wang Chen has changed his appearance!
Riding the Silver Spirit Flying Shuttle, he flew fast all the way, flying five or six hundred miles in one breath.

Then Wang Chen retracted the flying shuttle and changed to walking and trekking forward

And the destination of his trip is Wind and Thunder Valley!

In order to practice Wuyang Qianlei and Benlei swordsmanship, Wang Chen once came to explore this special place, which is said to have strong winds all year round and thunder and lightning every day.

However, before Wang Chen could enter, he was stopped by disciples of Wufeng Mountain.

For this reason, he also killed Liu Yingxiu, the golden elixir seed of Wufeng Mountain!

This caused Wang Chen to form an irresolvable enmity with Wufeng Mountain, and later gave up the idea of ​​practicing in Fenglei Valley.

Only temporarily!
Although Fenglei Valley is not the only place that often encounters lightning strikes, Wang Chen searched for it with the help of "Yunyang Ten Thousand Miles Kanyu Map", and found that other places are not ideal.

The cultivation of kung fu is a major event, and there is no room for compromise and fooling around, so Wang Chen also temporarily put aside the practice of Wuyang Qianlei and Benlei swordsmanship, and focused on the cultivation of the five elements.

But his "thief" towards Fenglei Valley has never been wiped out.

That place is really great, it's not a high mountain, nor on a cliff, and it seems that the power of thunder is extraordinarily abundant, it can be called a treasure land of cultivation.

It used to be in the hands of the Yunyang faction, but now it is dominated by Wufeng Mountain, which must involve great interests.

Although Wang Chen didn't know the situation in Fenglei Valley, he thought it was very suitable for him.

From a distance, he saw streaks of lightning falling from the clouds above the valley!
Bursts of thunder came faintly.

With previous experience, Wang Chen didn't rush over this time.

He put on a pure white snow suit, stimulated the Dzogchen-level breath-holding technique to the extreme, and sneaked close to the destination.

Finally, Wang Chen stopped about ten miles away from Fenglei Valley.

The probability of being discovered in the past will continue to increase.

And the location of the foothold he chose was very secluded, surrounded by towering trees covered with snow, and he couldn't see the Wind and Thunder Valley ten miles away.

Then Wang Chen took out the tools from the storage bag.

Wang Chen, the "remnant" of the Yunyang faction, obviously couldn't enter Fenglei Valley through conventional channels.

He is not a sect disciple now.

So just find another way.

Wang Chen's idea is very simple, that is to dig from the ground, all the way to the Wind and Thunder Valley.

"Steal electricity" under Wufengshan's nose!
The idea could be said to be extremely bold, but he was quite sure that it would succeed.

First of all, of course, the enemy can't think of it at all.

Secondly, Wang Chen has the mudstone technique of Dzogchen level, and his tunnel digging technology has reached its peak.

Once excavated, Wang Chen, whose whole body was covered with storage bags, made rapid progress.

In order to ensure safety, he first dug down tens of feet deep to ensure that Jin Dan's spiritual consciousness could not detect it.

Then open up two escape secret roads, and set up a safe exit.

Then start digging the main road.

This main road extends straight to the underground of Fenglei Valley.

During the excavation process, the biggest problem Wang Chen encountered was that the underground rocks here were extremely hard. He had to spend more mana than before to soften the big rocks he encountered into mud and crisp.

However, Wang Chen was not afraid of difficulties, he had enough patience, gnawed away the most difficult part like an ant gnawed on a bone, and unswervingly moved towards the goal.

Three days later, Wang Chen's tunnel was successfully dug underground in Fenglei Valley.

But he couldn't go any further! ——
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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