Chapter 265
Tan Yue was extremely depressed.

As a true disciple of Yuanfeng's lineage on Wufeng Mountain, he worked hard to accumulate five hundred merit points before he was able to exchange for the qualification to practice in Fenglei Valley for three months.

Just hope to use this opportunity to break through the bottleneck of Xuanyuan Leifa.

Xuanyuan Leifa is a technique inherited from Wufeng Mountain. Its power is astonishing when it is cultivated to a high level, and it can also be blessed with magic weapons, greatly enhancing the combat effectiveness of monks.

Tan Yue has already thought about it, once he breaks through the bottleneck of Xuanyuan Leifa, he will sign up for this year's martial art competition.

As a result, the plan did not change and came quickly. Tan Yue had only practiced in Fenglei Valley for three days, and he had just realized something. As a result, the station was attacked by spirit birds.

Recalling the situation just now, Tan Yue couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

This Thunder Eagle's innate ability is too strong, and a monk like him who has trained at the ninth level of qi training is completely vulnerable.

If it wasn't for Tan Yue's quick enough reaction, I'm afraid it would have been a charred corpse on the ground by now.

While lamenting and rejoicing, Tan Yue drove the flying boat towards the southwest.

Although Wufeng Mountain is in the northwest.

But the direction that Lei Ying chased after Wufeng Mountain's Zifu just now was northwest.

If he flew in that direction, if the spirit bird suddenly turned back, he would be in bad luck.

Tan Yue is very smart, he would rather travel thousands of miles than run into any danger!
At this moment, the disciple of Wufeng Mountain suddenly had a creepy feeling.

This feeling is like being stared at by some terrible beast, which arouses my instinctive weak vigilance.


A thought just popped up in Wang Chen's mind, a sharp and sharp sword light shot up into the sky from above, instantly piercing through the flying boat on my feet.


Wang Chen's protective shield was as special as paper, and could block that sword light even for a moment.

That Qifeng Mountain disciple suddenly split in two, hot cold blood splashed into the sky!

"Enemy attack!"

Another disciple of Qifeng Mountain who had been following in front of Wang Chen, a monk with a round face, witnessed that scene.

Immediately his eyes were about to burst.

While issuing a heart-piercing warning, I shook my hand and typed out a flying flame talisman for help!

At the last moment, a high-pitched thunder sound rolled in, causing a weak impact on the round-faced monk's eardrums.

The sword light that cut Xue Sha into two halves lost momentum, and it was only when she rushed to a low altitude of a hundred feet that she showed her true face.

It is impressively a second-order weapon with blue-purple electric light lingering all over its body.

The second-order weapon drew a long trajectory in the air, and flew towards the round-faced monk again!

"Ziying Wind and Thunder Sword!"

The round-faced monk was frightened out of his wits, howled and sacrificed a tortoise shield.

The Ziying Fenglei Sword is an important weapon of the Qifeng Mountain School, it is specially enshrined outside the Patriarch Hall, and only the master can use it.

Of course, that Xuesha might be the treasure of Qifeng Mountain, but the round-faced monk recognized its origin at a glance.

This is the imitation of Xuanyuan Lei, one of Tianyun Yixiu, who holds it!

Although it is an imitation, it has reached the level of a seventh-order low-level spiritual weapon. Xuanyuanlei once swept away his peers with that Xue Sha, but he knows all the inner disciples of Qifeng Mountain!

However, Xuan Yuanlei passed away half a year later, and the imitation Tier [-] was taken away by someone, and the real culprit is still revealed.

Never imagined, it actually appeared there again!

The round-faced monk was very straightforward, and the person holding Xue Sha was most likely the culprit who killed Xue Shasheng.

And the main hall of the inner sect of Qifeng Mountain has always been offering a reward, as long as the murderer can be found, whether it is providing invalid clues or directly arresting the culprit, he can get a generous sum.

But there was only one thought outside of the round-faced monk's mind.

The other party was Dan Ji who practiced the Ziying Wind and Thunder Sword, and also possessed the skill of Leiyin Sword Qi.

It's basically something I can compete with.


In the blink of an eye, Tier [-] hit the tortoise shield.

The former suddenly split into seven pieces and exploded!

Seventh-tier versus first-tier, even if the tortoise shell shield was a top-tier defensive magic weapon, it would still be unable to withstand the frontal attack of the Fenglei Sword that was blessed with the weak thunder power.

Even the round-faced monk also won a breath of time for himself.

I am about to crush the talisman I just took out.

As a result, a beam of golden Seventh Gold energy suddenly broke through the air and penetrated my body armor without stagnation.

The round-faced monk was shocked, and there was a blood hole the size of a fist under his head.

At that time, I saw the true face of the murderer.

This is a young monk who is driving a silver spirit shuttle, and he is only countless feet away from me!

The round-faced monk let out a miserable laugh, his breath was instantly annihilated, and his body fell to the ground.

[Tiangong +8]

Fei Jian reached out and grabbed it, and volleyed over the storage bag hanging on the opponent's waist.

The Fenglei sword suddenly flew behind me, and the blade trembled slightly, conveying the meaning of joy and joy.

Xue Sha's murder weapon, fighting and killing is the meaning of its existence.

Before the seventh-order spiritual weapon was obtained by Feijian, because of its ordinary origin, it had always been revealed behind others.

That time the flying sword made the Fenglei sword shine again, and it was against the disciples of Qifeng Mountain.

It can be regarded as a causal cycle!

I held Xue Sha and poured Qiyang Qianlei energy into it, so that the spirit sword that had consumed a lot of power just now glowed again.

Holding the sword in his hand, Fei Jian yelled: "Liu Yingxiu from Guiyuanmen is here, how dare the grandson of Qifeng Mountain dare to fight?"

Both Guiyuanmen and Qifengshan are my enemies, if I pretend to be a disciple of Guiyuanmen to deal with Qifengshan's disciples, does Feijian have the slightest moral pressure?

Liu Yingxiu is one of the ten young disciples of Guiyuanmen, the same golden elixir seed as Xue Shasheng.

Fei Jian has never met Liu Yingxiu, but he has been unknown to the head disciple of the Guiyuan Sect for a long time. He knows that the other party is very young, and he is also a sword cultivator.

It is said that that guy has no background in the sect, has an arrogant personality and acts domineering, and has no conflicts with future Yunyang sect disciples.

Fei Jian is now wearing the standard robe of the Guiyuanmen, and he is driving the silver spirit flying shuttle most commonly used by the disciples of the Guiyuanmen. It is quite real to pretend to be a monk of the Guiyuanmen.

As for the self-proclaimed Liu Yingxiu, if others believe it, this Feijian is in charge.

Streams of light flew towards the flying sword.

Those Qifeng Mountain monks first saw Feiyan, who was asking for help from the same sect, and then heard Xue Sha yelling, all of them were furious, wishing they had to smash Feijian to pieces!
A long distance apart, we sacrificed our respective magic tools, but did not take down the talisman.

Several sword cultivators took the lead and quickly approached Feijian.

"Good come!"

Fei Jian laughed aloud, and suddenly waved his sleeves.

The Fenglei sword whizzed out instantly, carrying the rolling thunder sound towards the opponent.

How is one or two enough?
I practice hard day and night, enduring talk and loneliness, but in order to be a long-lived turtle.

Today, Feijian is going to have a big fight!
The first one is sent down.

(End of this chapter)

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