Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 269 New Year's Eve

Chapter 269 New Year's Eve
Coming out of a remote alley, Wang Chen had already changed his attire and appearance.

Changed back to the identity of "Wang Xiu".

Relying on the strange thing of Qianjibian, he prepared multiple vests for himself, and he could switch at any time when needed.

Sometimes when he gets into the drama too deeply, Wang Chen can even completely forget about his real self and devote himself to his new identity.

Under such a superb disguise, his real body has not been revealed so far.

Crossing the alley and crossing the street, Wang Chen returned to his home familiarly.

However, standing at the door of the house, he saw a big hole in the door of his house, on which two thick boards were nailed, and a big lock was added.

And this broken door is not original!

How is this going?

Just as Wang Chen was about to jump over the fence, the door of the neighbor's house across the street creaked open.

Chen Qi poked his head out: "Fellow Daoist Wang?"

He was very pleasantly surprised: "You are finally back!"

Wang Chen nodded, pointed to the door and asked, "What happened?"

"Forget it."

Chen Qi came over with a wry smile, and explained: "During the time you were out, the people from the City Lord's Mansion looked for you three times."

Because Wang Chen was never found, the visitor was extremely annoyed, not only smashed the door of Wang Chen's house, but also broke in and searched inside and out, making a mess.

Chen Qi didn't dare and had no ability to stop them, so he could only help Wang Chen clean up afterwards.

The courtyard gate was not only replaced by him, but also repaired by him.

Chen Qi unlocked the door as quickly as possible, and sighed: "During this time, a lot of people have come to the city, making it a mess, and there are a lot of petty theft, so I added a lock."

In fact, no matter how many locks are hung, it is just to prevent gentlemen but not villains, and has no real meaning.

But Chen Qi felt that he had failed Wang Chen's entrustment, and he had a look of shame on his face.

Wang Chen said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Should be."

Chen Qi scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Friend Wang, I owe you Lingmi..."

"It's fine."

Wang Chen interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "Whenever you have more money, give it back to me."

Chen Qi was a nice person, but Wang Chen didn't take the bit of Lingmi that he borrowed at all.

But some people...

Wang Chen looked at the hole in the door and thought of the chickens he had raised.

Chen Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Young Daoist Wang, if you don't mind, come to my house for a New Year's Eve dinner tomorrow night. My wife has talked about it a few times, but she hasn't thanked you for your help."

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve?
Wang Chen's mind was in a trance for a moment, and he nodded subconsciously: "Okay."

Chen Qi was very happy: "Then I will let my wife prepare well, fellow Daoist Wang, we will meet again tomorrow."

After speaking, he saluted Wang Chen and left in a hurry.

Wang Chen thought for a while, but didn't immediately enter his house.

He first went to a nearby carpenter's shop, and asked someone to come over and replace him with a new courtyard door.

Then check it out at home.

Although the home has been tidied up, many damaged places cannot be concealed at all.

Wang Chen went down to the secret room again.

The first level of the secret room was not spared, and many things were missing.

It's just that the function of this layer of secret rooms is actually to cover up the existence of the second and third layer of secret rooms below.

The intruder was misled by the first level of secret chambers, and did not discover the deeper mysteries below.

But this debt, Wang Chen wrote it down!
He simply bought new tables, chairs, benches and cabinets from the carpenter's shop, and basically changed all the furniture in the upper and lower rooms, which can be regarded as getting rid of the old and welcoming the new.

It was completely dark when the carpenter left.

Wang Chen closed the door of his house, reset the mandarin mirror, and went down to the secret room on the third floor.

He exhaled the Immortal Cultivation Panel and smashed 1000 points of Heavenly Skills on the root bone.

【Root bone: 7】

It's 7 o'clock!

The original owner's two basic attributes of root bone and understanding are only two points. Under normal circumstances, there is no hope of breaking through the high level of Qi training in a lifetime, let alone breaking through to open the house.

After Wang Chen crossed over, he added 4 points to his root bone back and forth, and together with the buff brought by taking vermilion fruit, this most important attribute of cultivating immortals was greatly improved.

7 points of root bone, at least "upper average" evaluation!
This means that Wang Chen has left most monks behind in terms of cultivation talent.

With the blessing of 7 points of root bone, the probability of him breaking through and opening the house will be much higher.

The Poqiao Pill can also be used less.

If it is added to 8 points or even 9 points, then there is no major obstacle to directly promoting to the Purple Mansion without the Poqiao Pill!

It is a pity that Wang Chen has added points to the root bone four times, and the fifth time will require 10000 points of heavenly skills.

How many monks do you have to kill?

He is too lazy to calculate, anyway, it is impossible to realize it at present.

Even if he gains a new heavenly skill, Wang Chen will give priority to his comprehension.

Because this attribute is equally important.

The moment the addition was completed, all his bones seemed to be crawling and biting by countless ants, and the sore, itchy, painful and numb feeling flooded his whole body in an instant, making one wish to smash all his bones into pieces.

But Wang Chen endured it easily, and even felt quite refreshed!
After sweating profusely, he returned to normal.

The root bone has been re-stabilized!

This made Wang Chen feel happier.

In the evening of the next day, he took ten catties of monster meat and went to visit the neighbor's house across the door.

Seeing Wang Chen coming over with the meat, Chen Qi's family was both surprised and happy, and quickly invited Wang Chen to sit down.

When Chen Qi's two children saw the monster meat in Wang Chen's hand, all four eyes glowed green.

They are at the age of delicious and gluttonous food, and they haven't eaten meat for a long time.

Even raw meat can be eaten.

Wang Chen gave the meat to Mrs. Chen as an addition to tonight's New Year's Eve dinner.

Mrs. Chen has already prepared meals for half the table.

Although she exhausted her craft.

But because of the limited conditions at home, only one scrambled egg can barely be regarded as a meat dish.

Without the meat brought by Wang Chen, this New Year's Eve dinner was really a bit of a mess.

Chen Qi was very embarrassed about this: "Fellow Daoist Wang, I have cost you again."

Now that the price of rice in Dongwu Village is skyrocketing, monster meat naturally rises accordingly, and it is still difficult to buy.

Especially in the past few days, because of the New Year, everyone wanted to get some meat for a decent New Year's Eve dinner. He spent a lot of effort and only got a few eggs in exchange.

I feel ashamed of Wang Chen.

Wang Chen shook his head with a smile, picked up some scrambled eggs with chopsticks and tasted it: "It tastes good."

He called Chen Qi and the two children to sit down: "Let's eat together."

The stove in the kitchen was on fire, the lights in the main room were brightly lit, and the smell of food wafted in the air.

Everyone gathered around talking and laughing.

Although life is still difficult, at least on New Year's Eve tonight, there is still a piece of happiness to enjoy! ——
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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