Chapter 277

Wanxiu City is a well-deserved city of casual cultivators, and there are hundreds of thousands of casual cultivators living outside the city.

With the addition of outsiders like Wang Chen, the number of monks is even greater.

The monks at the Qi training level accounted for the majority of them.

Due to the large number of bases, there are many people who have perfected Qi training. Except for a very small number of outstanding people with extraordinary talents, most of them need the Poor Pill to attack the Zifu.

Possessing the Poor Pill does not mean that you will be able to break through the realm, but without the Poor Pill, the probability of failure is high, and there is also the possibility of death.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine the popularity of Poqiao Pill!

It takes half a year to book!
Wang Chen couldn't help asking: "How many spirit stones?"

Manager Jin smiled and raised three fingers: "Three hundred spirits."

Convex (fuck dish)
Wang Chen wanted to raise a finger.

too dark!
Although it is said that one spirit is equivalent to one hundred spirits, it is easy to exchange three hundred spirits for thirty thousand spirits, but it is impossible to exchange thirty thousand spirits for three hundred spirits.

At least a [-]% price increase is required!
In other words, the actual price of the Poqiao Pill sold by the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is [-] Xialing.

This price really broke Wang Chen's cognition.

"If I order two, can I get a discount?"

Jin Guanshi pondered for a while, and replied: "If you make an appointment now, then I can make the decision, and the two Aperture Breaking Pills only cost [-] spirits."

Sixty thousand spirits...

Wang Chen gritted his teeth: "It's settled!"

Now that he has perfected his qi training, he is only a little short of accumulating to try to break through and open the house.

Wang Chen had already planned to be promoted to Zifu before crossing the Jade Dragon Mountain Range.

Therefore, the Poqiao Pill is just needed.

After passing the village of Wanxiu City, there may not be any shops where you can buy Poqiao Pills in the future!
As for shopping around, with the reputation and strength of the Universal Chamber of Commerce, Wang Chen doesn't think he can find cheaper ones in this city, unless there are other tricks.

As it was a matter of promotion, Wang Chen would of course choose the Universal Chamber of Commerce.

The twenty-three thousand and forty-five yuan he had just purchased was returned before he even warmed up.

I even posted nearly seven thousand ghosts!

There is no way, the requirement of the Universal Chamber of Commerce is to pay half of the deposit first, and then deliver the goods within half a year.

When he walked out of the gate of the Universal Chamber of Commerce, Wang Chen felt his whole body was hollowed out.

The wealth he had worked so hard to accumulate, the trophies obtained by beheading dozens of monks back and forth, can't be said to be all, most of them went in, and it was only enough to pay half of the deposit for the two Poor Aperture Pills.

No wonder all high-ranking alchemists are extremely rich!
Wang Chen even regretted that he chose talisman making as a side job back then, if he had been a part-time alchemist...

never mind!

He suppressed this unrealistic idea, thinking about where to find the other [-] spirits.

After much deliberation, Wang Chen came up with a solution.

Wanxiu City has a special magic circle, which suppresses all the monks in it, so it is not suitable for cultivation, but it is undoubtedly excellent for doing business.

There are countless shops, restaurants, hotels, workshops, pavilions, magic weapon shops, elixir shops, talisman shops, pet animal shops, tailor shops, grocery stores, etc. all over the streets and alleys, and the commercial atmosphere is extremely strong.

In Wang Chen's view, Wanxiu City is actually a big trading city in the world of cultivating immortals!
Even if he is a newcomer and is not familiar with this place at all, he can deeply appreciate the unique temperament of this fairy city.

So Wang Chen decided to follow the Romans and do as the Romans do.

During the half a year waiting for the Poqiao Pill to arrive, he earned [-] spirits in Wanxiu City!

He found a dental office.

Half a year is neither long nor short. If you want to earn spirit stones in the city, you must find a place to stay.

Wang Chen is going to rent an apartment.

As a result, after inquiring, it was not easy to rent a house in Wanxiu City.

First of all, houses in the city are very popular no matter whether they are rented or sold. Often when a house comes out, it is immediately snatched away.

Whether you can rent a desirable house depends entirely on luck!
Wang Chen was a little confused.

Wanxiu City is not suitable for cultivation, why are the houses in the city still so expensive?
It can't be that the Wenzhou real estate speculators traveled here!

As for Wang Chen's question, Yaren smiled and said, "As long as you live here for a while, you will naturally understand."

Although the attitude of the other party is very polite, the expression is also very respectful.

But Wang Chen felt that this man, who had cultivated the fourth level of qi training, didn't really take himself seriously.

There is an inexplicable arrogance in his bones.

Spiritual Draconians!
Wang Chen calmly handed the other party a letter crane: "Contact me if there is a house available."

This letter crane has a trace of Wang Chen's aura attached to it, and as long as it is activated by injecting mana, it can send messages to him.

The premise is that the distance cannot be too far.

Leaving the dental shop, seeing that it was getting dark, Wang Chen found a nearby inn to live in.

The house price is high, and the cost of staying in the hotel is not cheap.

This inn is so-so, and Datongpu, where ten people live, actually costs five souls for one night.

Of course, it was impossible for Wang Chen to share a room with others, so he rented a single room for [-] yuan a night.

This is already the cheapest single room!

The room was pitifully small, with a bed and a table and chairs set up, there wasn't much room to move around.

However, the walls of the room are very thick, and the sound insulation effect is very good.

What's interesting is that when the inn clerk brought Wang Chen over to look at the room, he specifically told him not to set up formations in the room, such as the spirit-gathering formation.

Otherwise there will be big problems!
And if the customer violates the rules, the store will not take any responsibility, on the contrary, they will be held accountable!

If you want to practice, then go to the inner city to rent a cave.

Although the inn guy didn't say anything, Wang Chen can be sure that the price of renting the cave must be extremely expensive.

Nima, a broken single room in a small inn costs [-] spirits a night, how much is it for a day to rent a cultivation cave?
Wang Chen felt that the few thousand spirit stones left on his body were not enough here.

Wan Xiuju, it's not easy!

He thought about it, if he really couldn't rent a house, or the rent was too expensive to afford, then he might as well find a place near Wanxiu City, dig tunnels and build a secret room to be a caveman.

As long as there is a flying magic weapon, even if it is hundreds of miles away, it is very simple to go back and forth to the suburbs.

This saves money and is not suppressed by the large formations in the city.

Isn't it the best of both worlds?
The problem is that other monks are not fools, why don't everyone do this?
Wang Chen felt that there must be a reason for this.

After much deliberation, he finally decided to stay in the inn for a few days, and then make plans after getting familiar with the situation here.

The next morning, Wang Chen went out early in the morning.

Then wandered around Wanxiu City for a whole day, and sat in two teahouses and restaurants.

He also spent the third and fourth days in this city of casual cultivators.

After three days, Wang Chen knew it all.

At the same time, he finally received the crane letter from the tooth shop!
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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