Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 283 Trouble is coming

Chapter 283 Trouble is coming
you again!
Looking at the Song family who appeared in front of the booth, Wang Chen felt quite a headache.

As the saying goes, there are only three things, and this guy came to Fangshi for the fourth time and invited him to join the Song family in Zifu.

Not only did Wang Chen familiarize himself with the other person's face, he even knew his name.

Song Laosan.

At the beginning, Song Laosan smelled like a dog from a wealthy family. Facing a casual cultivator like Wang Chen, although his nostrils were not turned upside down, his arrogance was on his face.

By the second and third time, his attitude changed significantly.

Not only did he lower his posture greatly, but he was not annoyed when he was rejected by Wang Chen again, and he was still polite.

This caused subtle changes in Wang Chen's reputation in Fangshi.

The dignified Song family of Zifu sincerely invited them over and over again, but Wang Chen didn't give any face.

It's too arrogant!

Even if you want to play hard to get, you have to accept it as soon as you see it. Are you really afraid of offending others to death?
Is the face of the Song family in Zifu so easy to beat?

In less than half a month, Wang Chen was labeled as "arrogant of talent" and "not knowing what is good or bad".

The Song family, on the other hand, gained the reputation of "Corporal Lixian".

After rejecting Song Laosan who came to talk for the fourth time, Wang Chen ignored the strange eyes from around, sat down and continued to drink tea and read a book, wondering if he should change his vest again.

But the only way for him to earn Lingshi at present is to make talismans. Changing the vest cannot change the techniques and skills of refining talismans. Even if he sets up a stall in another place, it is impossible to hide it.

And by doing so, you will also expose your secret of being good at changing your appearance!
Wang Chen had to earn spirit stones, otherwise he would not be able to produce [-] spirit stones by then, and the two Aperture Breaking Pills would fly away.

Daily cultivation in the cave is also necessary, which is related to the success rate of opening the mansion, no matter how expensive the rent is, you have to pay!
The problem is that now that the Song family is targeting him, how long can this business last?

Wang Chen felt that the other party must have someone behind him waiting for him.

How to deal with it?

When Wang Chen fell into deep thought, Song Laosan hurried all the way and came to a big house.

"He still refused?"

In the study room, a young man in a brocade robe asked in a deep voice, "Is our Song family so shameless?"

Song Laosan lowered his head, with sweat dripping from his forehead: "This subordinate is incompetent, please punish me, my lord."

"Can punishing you solve the problem?"

The brocade robed man shook his head: "Did you find out the origin of this person?"

Song Laosan's head almost hit the floor: "This subordinate is incompetent."

Every time he sent someone to follow Wang Chen, he was easily thrown off by Wang Chen, completely unable to touch Wang Chen's roots.

"Get up and talk!"

The brocade robed man frowned, and said in a tone of hatred, "My adoptive servants are not just for display, forget it, next time I will invite them in person."


Song Laosan's tears were about to fall.

The master humiliated his ministers to death, and he was not good at doing things, causing his master to look at other people's faces, what a crime!
The brocade robed man waved his hand: "Go out."

After Song Laosan exited the study, a middle-aged monk sitting in a brocade robe asked curiously: "My lord, just a casual cultivator, even if you are good at making talismans, it doesn't deserve your attention, right?"

The brocade robed man did not directly answer the other party's question, but took out a talisman and handed it to the middle-aged monk: "Uncle Minghui, try this talisman."

The middle-aged monk took the talisman and injected a trace of mana.

With a flash of light, this magic talisman instantly turned into a cloud of bright white aura, covering his whole body.


The middle-aged monk suddenly showed a look of surprise: "This amulet..."

"It's very strong."

The brocade robed man sighed, "None of our Song family's talisman masters can refine the same talisman."

"I showed it to my grandpa. Grandpa said that although it is a first-order magic talisman, the talisman maker's skills are close to the Tao. Not to mention our Song family, even the entire Wanxiu City, there are few who can compare with it."

"Such a talent cannot be used by me, I am unwilling!"

The middle-aged monk came to a sudden: "So that's the case, then I understand, and leave the next thing to me."

The man in brocade robe said happily, "Then please trouble Uncle Minghui."

The middle-aged monk smiled and said: "It's just a trivial matter, the eldest son is too polite."

While speaking, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.

This brocade-robed man is the grandson of the eldest son of the Song family, he has already perfected his qi training at a young age, and when the time comes, he will break through and open the house, and his future will be limitless.

If the other party attaches so much importance to it, then he only needs to handle this matter beautifully.

His position in the Song family is as solid as gold!

Wang Chen naturally knew nothing about the Song family's plot.

What surprised Wang Chen was that during the next period of time, he went out of the stall several times and didn't see Song Laosan again.

The other party seems to have given up.

But Wang Chen's troubles did not disappear, and someone else came to solicit him.

The visitor claimed to be from the Li family, and wanted to hire Wang Chen with a high salary as the chief talisman maker of the Li family's talisman store.

Wang Chen refused without hesitation.

"You can think about it!"

The rejected Li family said sadly: "Don't regret it then!"

The threat is beyond words.

Wang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, so he waved his hand to signal him to get out.

The Li family left, leaving Wang Chen with a vicious look.

As soon as the other party left, the stall owner next door came over and said to Wang Chen, "You are in trouble."

Wang Chen glanced at the other party: "You know?"

The stall owner next door looked around and lowered his voice: "If I'm not wrong, it's from the Tieshou Li family."

There are two Li families in Wanxiu City's 57 Purple Mansion.

Among them, although the strength of the Tieshou Li family is at the bottom of the 57 Zifu, the head of the family, Li Tieshou, has a ruthless temperament and is a very difficult person.

Ordinary Zifu families are not willing to provoke each other easily.

In comparison, the Song family's reputation is much better.

The stall owner next door continued: "If you still want to hang around in Wanxiu City, you'd better go to the Song family, otherwise the Iron Hand Li family will have plenty of ways to torment you."

Wang Chen smiled and said, "I see, thank you."

The stall owner next door saw that he didn't care about it, so he said earnestly: "Don't take it seriously, just watch it, the Iron Hand Li family will definitely make a move to deal with you in a few days!"

Facts have proved that the stall owner next door to Wang Chen guessed it right. When he opened his stall again after three days and the business hadn't opened yet, someone came to ask for an explanation.

The visitor was aggressive, and he put on a posture of desperately facing Wang Chen.

"Everyone is here to judge. This is the one who sells talismans. He sells bad talismans at a high price and almost kills me!"

"If you don't give me an explanation today, I will fight with you to the end!"
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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