Chapter 287
In the quiet room, Wang Chen who was sitting cross-legged on the futon suddenly opened his eyes.

He got up and went into the outside room.

A letter crane fluttered in through the half-open window and hovered in front of him.

Wang Chen took the letter crane with his hand, unfolded it and read the contents inside.

Immediately revealed the color of joy!

Without hesitation, he immediately left home and rushed to the Universal Chamber of Commerce.

This crane letter was sent by the Universal Chamber of Commerce, informing him that the Poqiao Pill he had ordered had arrived.

Wang Chen has been waiting in Wanxiu City for nearly half a year for these two Aperture Pills!
In the Universal Chamber of Commerce, he met Guanshi Jin again.

The latter asked Wang Chen to take a seat in the VIP room, and then ordered someone to bring Poqiao Dan over.

The two broken orifice pills were placed in two spiritual jade bottles, and Wang Chen unscrewed the stopper of one of the bottles, and a clear spiritual breath came to his nostrils, and the smell lifted his spirits!
The reputation of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is well-known. After checking the two pills, there was no problem. Wang Chen immediately paid the balance of [-] spirit stones and completed the transaction.

"Fortunately, you ordered early..."

Manager Jin sighed and said to him, "It's not the same price now!"

The Poqiao Pill was successfully purchased, and Wang Chen was in a good mood: "What's the price now?"

Jin Guanshi smiled: "Our Chamber of Commerce is willing to increase the price by [-] and buy it back."

Wang Chen: "Two?"

Jin Guanshi: "Two for ten thousand!"

Wang Chen was surprised.

The Four Seas Chamber of Commerce is willing to increase the price by [-] a piece to buy back, so they will definitely have to add [-] to sell it to others.

In other words, [-] Pills of Breaking Apertures cost at least [-] now!
The price is outrageous.

Probably seeing what Wang Chen was thinking, Guanshi Jin explained: "The prices of the two main materials for refining Poqiao Pill have risen sharply, and it is estimated that they will rise even more after a while."

Wang Chen nodded.

I thought in my heart that if I only use one Poor Aperture Pill to advance to the Purple Mansion, then if the extra one is released for a while, will it be possible to recover more than half of the capital?

This is not a pill, it is clearly a wealth management product!
Back home, he called Ye Feifei to him.


After practicing Chunyang Kung Fu for nearly half a year, and often drinking Dragon and Tiger Zhuangpo Soup, Ye Feifei's physique is obviously much stronger now, with his head held high and his chest held high.

"I'm going to retreat in the cave for a while."

Wang Chen said to him: "You practice martial arts well at home."

Although Wang Chen never recognized Ye Feifei as his disciple, he always did things from the beginning to the end, and he must make arrangements for the little guy in front of him before leaving.

End the fate between the two parties.

In fact, Ye Feifei is a very good apprentice, he studies martial arts very hard, and he has great respect for Wang Chen.

Moreover, he is quite talented in martial arts. After only a few months of learning, he has already mastered Chunyang Kung Fu, and he has also mastered a set of ordinary boxing techniques that Wang Chen taught him.

It is very hopeful to be promoted to Xiantian in the future!

Ye Feifan was stunned: "Master, how many days are you going?"

He suddenly had a feeling in his heart that after Wang Chen left, he would never come back again!

Wang Chen said: "I don't know either, I will come back after the retreat is over."

Although Wang Chen had sensed the opportunity to break through half a month ago, he was not 100% sure yet.

This time when going to the Beishan Cave House for retreat, Wang Chen must first adjust his state to the best, and then take the Poqiao Pill to hit the great realm of the Zifu!

As for how long it will take, he really doesn't know now.

Ye Feifan said pitifully: "Then, then I will practice hard, and I will wait for your return at home."

Wang Chen smiled and touched his head.

After explaining to Ye Feifan, Wang Chen left home again and went to Beishan Cave Mansion.

This time, he rented a first-level cave in the Purple Mansion!

The rent of the elementary-level Dongfu in Zifu is much more expensive than that of high-level Qi training, and it costs five hundred spirits a day.

It was really dark at home.

But in order to be promoted to the Zifu, let alone five hundred spirit stones, Wang Chen has to recognize even one thousand two thousand spirit stones.

Because the aura of the cave mansion at the level of qi training is difficult to support what is needed to break through and open the mansion.

If you save the spirit stone, you may fall short at a critical moment.

That loss would be too great!
Since Wang Chen didn't know that it would take him a few days to be promoted, he took out all his spirit stones and bet them on the management of the cave.

Fees will be deducted on a daily basis until supplies last!
Wang Chen has been preparing for this big promotion for a long time.

He will succeed in one fell swoop!
Entering the first-level Dongfu in the Purple Mansion, Wang Chen once again experienced the feeling of "drunken aura".

It took him two days to fully adapt to the environment of this cave.

Then start sensing the world.

Sensing the world is a very important step before opening the house.

Although Wang Chen is trying to break through the big realm for the first time, he has already read many promotion experiences of the Zifu monks, and he has also asked his master Chang Chun for advice before.

Therefore, Wang Chen had the bottom line in his heart, and he followed the steps step by step and was extremely calm.

After he settled down, he didn't know how long it had passed before he once again sensed the opportunity to break through.

This feeling is extremely strange, as if the soul is about to leave the body, but is blocked by an invisible barrier.

Under the impact of the power of the soul, the zenith bone became looser and vibrated.

At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth filling the surrounding space spontaneously merged into Wang Chen's body.

He hadn't increased his cultivation for a long time, but he started to improve slowly.

The mana quickly reached the limit that the dantian could hold!

It is now!
Wang Chen suddenly opened his eyes, waved his hand, and flicked off the cork of the jade bottle in front of him.

A pill the size of a longan flew out of nowhere in an instant, exuding a clear aura.

The next moment, Wang Chen opened his mouth and inhaled the Poor Pill.

The elixir enters the mouth, and when it touches the body fluid, it immediately turns into spiritual liquid and flows into the abdomen.

The incomparably powerful medicinal power covered Wang Chen's internal organs in an instant, penetrated into the meridians and reached all the limbs.

All the pores of his body were open, greedily absorbing the spiritual energy from the outside world.

At this moment, Wang Chen entered the state of "spiritualization".

That is to say, his skin, muscles, bones, blood, etc. are completely infiltrated by the spiritual energy, and all the impurities in his body are discharged with sweat, and the whole person seems to be flying.

This feeling is really comfortable to the extreme, making people wish it could last forever!

But if he really indulges in it, breaking his senses will inevitably fail.

Many monks who have perfected Qi training fell before the "spiritualization" during the breakthrough process.

But Wang Chen's mind didn't fluctuate in the slightest. He mobilized his mana and soul power at the same time, and launched the final general attack on the Zenith Great Aperture.

Once, twice, three times...

I don't know the reason, but Wang Chen's zenith bone is extraordinarily tenacious and stubborn. It was obviously loose enough to be about to separate, but it resisted his impact time and time again.

When the eighth attack failed, Wang Chen breathed out the Immortal Cultivation Panel without thinking.

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(End of this chapter)

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