Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 290 Purchasing Techniques

Chapter 290 Purchasing Techniques
After seeing off Wang Chen, Qiu Haoran returned to the private room.

He poured himself another cup of spiritual tea, tasting it while thinking.

In the eyes of others, the position of the head of the Beishan Cave Mansion is so glorious, holding the most important cultivation resources in Wanxiu City, it has both face and liking.

But I know my own family affairs, the Beishan Cave Mansion is not exclusive to one family, but a common resource of 57 purple mansions, and he just sat in this seat as a family representative.

Don't talk about covering the sky with one hand, even if you get some benefits by pretending to be public, you have to be careful.

In order not to be criticized by others, I lost this hard-won position.

In recent years, Qiu Haoran has clearly felt that the support from his family has decreased.

This was because his cultivation was stuck at the initial stage of the Purple Mansion, and he was unable to break through to the fourth floor for a long time.

There are more than one or two masters in the Qiu family, and the family's resources are limited, so it is impossible to continue to invest in a Zifu with no bright future.

Qiu Haoran is very aware of this.

Once the support of the family is lost, the position of the head of Beishan Cave Mansion is 100% impossible to keep.

Under such circumstances, Qiu Haoran put his hope on Wang Chen who had just opened his house!

If he can introduce this newly promoted Zifu who has the potential of golden core to the Qiu family, this credit will last for another ten years.

The most important thing is that with Austrian aid in the family, the right to speak will inevitably increase greatly.

As for how to tie Wang Chen, Qiu Haoran had already thought of many ways.

Wealth, beauty, skills, kindness...

No matter how stubborn Wang Chen is, it is impossible for him not to have a slight weakness.

Just as Qiu Haoran was thinking, a letter crane suddenly flew in through the open window.

Qiu Haoran probed his hand to take a picture, and he understood the content with a sweep of his spiritual sense.

His face instantly became very ugly.

The fact that Wang Chen's breakthrough and opening of the mansion caused a strange phenomenon in the world was still spread.

As the saying goes, fire cannot be contained in paper, even though Qiu Haoran issued a ban at the time, not all the managers below are with him, and the leak is actually expected.

But in this way, there are a lot of variables in the Qiu family's recruitment of Wang Chen.

For a golden elixir seed, it is impossible for other people to be indifferent, and among the 57 purple mansions in Wanxiu City, there are more than one or two families that are comparable to or even stronger than the Qiu family.

People can offer better conditions!

The possibility of being cut off, with Qiu Haoran's firm will, he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

After thinking for a while, he took out a blank letter crane.

After a while, Qiu Haoran released the letter crane.

Not long after, Wang Chen, who had just arrived in front of the Universal Chamber of Commerce, received a letter from Qiu Haoran.

After reading the contents of the letter, he stroked his chin thoughtfully.

This Zifu of the Qiu family has stepped up again!
As long as Wang Chen joins the Qiu family, in addition to cultivating the cave, he can also get a house in the city and a shop in a prosperous street.

The houses and shops in Wanxiu City are very expensive. Even if you don't do business yourself, you can live comfortably in this casual repair city with rent.

And most importantly, Qiu Haoran promised to open up the exercises passed down from generation to generation for Wang Chen after he joined the clan!

In other words, as long as Wang Chen nods, everything is at your fingertips!
Then what is it that makes Qiu Haoran so impatient?

Wang Chen thought for a while, pinched He Xin with his fingers and shook lightly, and the paper instantly turned into flying ash.

He will not and cannot go to the Qiu family.

As the saying goes, relying on everyone to run, it is better to believe in your own ability and confidence than to find a backer!
When Wang Chen stepped into the Universal Chamber of Commerce again, Guanshi Jin hurried over.

This high-status steward in the Chamber of Commerce gave Wang Chen a big gift when he saw Wang Chen: "Junior Jin Wuming, I have met senior!"

It turned out that when Wang Chen was still a Qi training monk, he had a discussion with Wang Chen in the same generation.

Now that Wang Chen has advanced to the Purple Mansion, Guanshi Jin must be honored as "senior", and he can no longer be careless.

This has nothing to do with Wang Chen's age. His cultivation base has reached this stage, so any qi cultivator must respect him when he sees him, otherwise he will be labeled as disrespectful to his predecessors.

At the same time, Jin Guanshi's heart is indeed surging.

Fifteen days ago, Wang Chen took from him two Poqiao Pills that he had ordered half a year ago.

After half a month, Wang Chen successfully broke through the Zifu from Qi training, such a talent is simply one in a million.

Moreover, observing Wang Chen's spirit and appearance, it was almost perfect!
"Congratulations, senior, the Purple Mansion has passed, and the Golden Elixir can be expected!"

"Thank you."

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Boss Jin, I'm here this time to buy a few sets of exercises and spells."

Manager Jin immediately asked someone to bring the catalog of exercises.

A list of exercises is more than half a foot thick!
Fortunately, Wang Chen had already possessed the ability of photographic memory. He kept the content in his heart, and then selected a few exercises that he needed.

After some careful thinking, Wang Chen selected five exercises that he needed most.

The most important of these is naturally "Innate Five Elements Gong".

In addition, there are Hole True Art, Hidden God Art, Heavy Light Shield Armor and Sky Sweeping Art!

Hole True Art is an advanced version of Spiritual Eye Art, Hidden Spirit Art is an upgrade of Breath Containment Art, and as for Heavy Light Shield, it is no surprise that it is an advanced version of Spiritual Light Shield.

As for the skimming technique, it is a must-have skill for cultivators in the Zifu!
However, when Wang Chen selected these exercises, he made an inquiry with Guanshi Jin.

The result surprised Wang Chen.

Just for the "Innate Five Elements Skills", he had to pay a sky-high price of [-] spirit stones.

And several other spells are all added together.

Seventeen thousand spirit stones are also needed!

I can't say it!

Wang Chen knew that the exercises at the Zifu level were much more expensive than those at the Qi training level, but he didn't expect it to be so much more expensive!
He couldn't help asking, "Can it be cheaper?"

Jin Guanshi replied with a smile: "It is enough for you to give fifty thousand spirits!"

Fifty thousand spirits, the current Wang Chen definitely can't get it out.

But there was still a Poor Aperture Pill in his hand that he didn't use up.

So Wang Chen proposed to exchange five for one, that is to say, exchange all five exercises with one pill!
"No, no, then we are at a loss!"

Manager Jin shook his head like a rattle, refusing to agree to his conditions.

There is no way, Wang Chen just needs to continue bargaining with the other party.

In the end, he exchanged one Poor Aperture Pill and three thousand spirit stones for five Jade Slips of Cultivation Techniques.

Knowledge is priceless, but this exercise is simply sky-high!

At this moment, Wang Chen felt the helplessness of a helpless Zifu casual cultivator.

Originally, it would take a lot of resources to break through and open the house, and after advanced, you would have to buy expensive exercises.

This spirit stone didn't fall from the sky, so it's not easy to earn it!
After some operations, his storage bags were all emptied.

Despite this, Wang Chen's determination has not changed at all! ——
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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