Wang Chen only stayed in Feixian City for two hours.

Although the name of the city under Yulong Mountain sounds nice, it gives him a very bad feeling.

Noisy, impetuous, complicated, dirty!
Being in it is like falling into the mud, and the Dao heart will be affected.

Therefore, after gaining a basic understanding of the situation in Feixian City, he withdrew decisively.

After leaving the city, Wang Chen swept westward all the way.

Find a suitable foothold.

There are quite a few houses near Feixian City, most of which are hidden in the dense forest, and it is difficult to see the whole picture.

Obviously, like Wang Chen, some monks don't like the environment in the city, so they choose to settle outside.

Feixian City has no city walls, and there is no sect or family management. Anyone with the ability can find a piece of open land to build a house to live in.

So the size of the city continued to expand, messy like a slum.

Wang Chen flew forty or fifty miles in one breath, and then chose a remote and hidden location, planning to build a shelter.

As a result, he accidentally discovered an abandoned cave.

The entrance of this cave is covered by a large area of ​​plants, which is easily overlooked by people.

When Wang Chen first discovered it, he thought it was a cave. After cleaning out the vines at the entrance of the cave, he found that it was artificially opened, and it was quite spacious.

Moreover, the living room, bedroom, kitchen and meditation room are divided inside.

It's just that the ground is covered with thick dust, and the walls of the cave are covered with cobwebs. After he went in, he even frightened a few bats into the air.

If you want to live in people, you must carry out a comprehensive cleaning.

But there are ready-made bargains to pick up, Wang Chen doesn't have the slightest dislike.

He first hung two obsidian lamps on the cave wall, and then performed a cleansing technique to clean the dirt inside.

A large pile of garbage was carried by mana and flew out of the cave, and was thrown into the nearby woods.

With only half a stick of incense, Wang Chen cleaned up the inside and outside of this cave!

His cleaning technique has increased by more than ten experience points.

Then Wang Chen took out furniture such as tables and chairs from the storage bag, and quickly arranged them in a decent manner.

But his work is not over.

Wang Chen unleashed his Fenglei sword and sliced ​​off a large thick rock from the cave wall.

It was processed into a stone gate to block the entrance of the cave.

That night, Wang Chen lived in this cave.

Waking up early the next morning, he started digging the tunnel.

It wasn't Wang Chen's hand addiction, but the area around Feixian City was not safe. Monster beasts often came down from Yulong Mountain to attack monks who were alone or living alone.

This is why the environment in Feixian City is so bad, most monks are still willing to squeeze in it.

The monks in Feixian City often go to the mountains to hunt monsters as prey.

In turn, the monsters in Yulong Mountain also regard monks as delicious food!

Some monsters are ferocious and greedy, possessing intelligence no less than that of humans, and they can be regarded as the great enemy of monks.

For his own safety, Wang Chen dug three secret chambers and five tunnels of different lengths under the cave.

The longest secret passage, the exit is ten miles away!

Although the amount of the project was quite large, relying on the cultivation base of the Zifu, Wang Chen only took five days.

Finally, Wang Chen set up a set of arrays in the secret room on the lowest floor.

This set of spirit-gathering arrays for high-level Qi training was obtained by exchanging honor points when he was in the Yunyang School.

Although the spirit-gathering array of high-level Qi training does not match Wang Chen's current cultivation level.

But it's better than nothing.

In the following days, Wang Chen spent most of his time practicing in the secret room of the cave mansion.

Then go to Feixian City every now and then.

On the one hand, it is to inquire about news.

On the other hand, it is to purchase some necessary materials, such as the three-eyed python and the cloud-walking tiger used to make the dragon and tiger soup.

There are a lot of war repairers in Feixian City, and they usually rely on hunting monsters to make a living or exchange resources.

And there are so many varieties and numbers of monsters in Jade Dragon Mountain. The three-eyed python and cloud-treading tiger are rare in Wanxiu City. Wang Chen can often buy fresh flesh and blood essence in Feixian City.

In addition, there are many spiritual medicines and spiritual materials, and it is very easy to gather the ingredients for the Dragon and Tiger Zhuangpo Soup.

The few spirit stones left by Wang Chen were spent like this!

So he went back to his old business and started trading talismans again.

Wang Chen deliberately "investigated" the market for this purpose, and found that the most popular talismans in Feixian City are amulets.

This is actually very easy to understand.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains depends on water to drink water. Most of the monks in Feixian City live on Yulong Mountain. Hunting, gathering herbs, and mining in the mountains are their main sources of income.

It's just that if you walk a lot on the mountain road, you will always encounter powerful and ferocious monsters.

Naturally, the sales of the amulets are exceptionally good.

After all, spirit stones can't be earned indefinitely, and you only have one life, and a talisman at a critical moment can save your life.

No monk will be stingy about investing in this aspect.

Of course, as the demand grows, the business competition will naturally be fierce.

So Wang Chen threw out Wang Zha.

He selected the best talisman paper and talisman ink, and used the strength of the Dzogchen-level talisman technique to refine amulets and armored horse talismans.

The armored horse talisman used to escape is also selling well in Feixian City.

Wang Chen bundled the refined two kinds of talismans for sale, and a set of two was priced at ten spirit stones!

Such a price is much higher than other people's homes, and almost no one cared about it at the beginning.

But there are countless monks in Feixian City, and there are many who know the goods.

Just like the situation in Wanxiu City back then, with the first person to eat crabs, Wang Chen's talismans quickly opened up sales, and gained an excellent reputation among customers.

Later, as long as he set up a street stall in Fangshi, the sets for sale were sold out quickly.

Wang Chen's dry storage bag swelled up again.

And he didn't hold back the spirit stones he earned, most of them were used to buy the spirit materials he needed.

After taking a can of dragon and tiger Zhuangpo soup a day, Wang Chen's progress in practicing Tianlong King Kong Dharma has been greatly improved, and he is very close to the fifth level of King Kong's unbreakable state.

In addition to the Tianlong King Kong Dharma, Wang Chen also did not leave behind his major innate five elements.

As for the Hole Truth Technique, Hidden God Technique, Heavy Light Shield Armor and Skimming Technique that he has mastered, he insisted on earning experience points.

The days passed day by day like this, without encountering any twists and turns during the period, and Wang Chen was so calm that he was surprised.

However, an accident, no accident appeared!

Just after the beginning of winter, there was a heavy snowfall in the area where Feixian City was located, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

The snow fell for three days and three nights, and the vast land and rolling mountains were covered with thick snow.

Many monsters have entered a state of hibernation, but there are also a large number of monsters who have begun to go down the mountain in search of food.

The conflict between monks and monsters suddenly became violent! ——
The first one is sent.

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