"It's my fault!"

After listening to Wang Chen's narration, Zhang Mushan patted his head violently, and said angrily, "I should have told you a long time ago."

The rice wine shop's forced purchase of Lingdao is a clear rule inside and outside Feixu Valley.

As the monk with the highest realm in Feixu Valley, Mu Zhenren controls the fate of thousands of casual cultivators in Feixu Camp.

And the will of this Jindan real person is realized through the boss below.

This kind of forced buying and selling is actually taxation in disguise.

It's not just for Wang Chen.

But all monks who open up wasteland and farm in Feixu Valley will inevitably be exploited!
Wang Chen was speechless.

Unexpectedly, I went round and round, went from the lower realm to the upper realm through untold hardships, and ended up becoming a leek harvested by the superiors——Feixuying is essentially not much different from the Yunyang faction back then.

"But Qian Wancheng has gone too far!"

Zhang Mushan said bitterly: "In a situation like yours, it's okay to keep one-third of the harvest for yourself."

However, Qian Wancheng only left one thousand catties of spiritual rice for Wang Chen.

This is really rice. After husking, it only weighs seven to eight hundred catties, which is not enough for Wang Chen to eat by himself.

Wang Chen reclaimed about [-] acres of spiritual fields outside Feixu Valley. The output of green rice is high, and he has enough meat and fertilizer. It is estimated that the yield per mu should be four to five hundred catties.

The total output is at least 1 jin.

Not even a tenth of a thousand catties!
"Li Chengdong and Qian Wancheng have a good relationship, and they are still brother-in-law."

Zhang Mushan said with a sullen face: "Last time Li Chengdong suffered a big stumble, Qian Wancheng most likely used you to beat me, and along the way enriched himself!"

"The other 1 catties of spirit grains, he will not pay you spirit stones."

Wang Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes: "It's for nothing?"

"Give it to Bai Tiao."

Zhang Mushan said with a sneer, "Then you can take the white strips to his shop to buy them, but the discounts on the white strips are very steep. If you can buy back something worth a thousand spirits, it's not bad."

If Qian Wancheng was still standing in front of him now, Wang Chen would definitely punch him in the head!
The market price of Japonica rice is about one jin per ling, and more than 1 jin is 1 ling.

After being given a [-]% discount by Qian Wancheng, you can only get back a thousand spirits?

Wang Chen's anger suddenly rose from his heart, and the evil turned to his gallbladder!
"It's my fault."

Zhang Mushan emphasized again, and said guiltily: "Brother Wang, I will find a way to make it up for you."

He solemnly reminded: "Just bear with it for now, Qian Wancheng is very insidious and difficult to deal with."

The most important thing is that this guy is backed by Master Jindan, and Wang Chen has just obtained his dismissal. If there is a conflict with Qian Wancheng, it would be too worthless to provoke Mu Zhenren.

When one day Wang Chen condenses the golden core, or becomes a fairy, it will not be too late to take revenge!

For Zhang Mushan's kind persuasion, Wang Chen accepted seriously on the surface, but the fire in his heart was not extinguished at all.

He can do it.

But never be a dog!
Zhang Mushan didn't know what was going on in Wang Chen's mind, thinking that the latter had listened.

After a few words of relief, he left in peace.

On the second day, Qian Wancheng brought people there as promised.

In fact, the green japonica rice at this time is not yet fully mature, although it can be eaten normally, the taste will be a bit worse.

But the shopkeeper of the wine and rice shop didn't care at all, and ordered a group of people to harvest more than 20 mu of land like locusts.

In the end, Wang Chen was left with only two acres of unharvested rice.

"This is the receipt of grain."

Qian Wancheng took out a large stack of notes to Wang Chen, and said arrogantly: "In the future, you can exchange Lingmi Lingjiu in my store, but you need to purchase a hundred Lingshi's wine rice to use one piece."

There are at least a hundred of these white notes in his hand!

Wang Chen took it expressionlessly.

"Count you acquainted!"

Qian Wancheng sneered and said, "Be smarter in the future, don't do wrong things with the wrong people, life will get better naturally."

After speaking, he walked away.

Before leaving, the shopkeeper of the wine and rice shop took a look at the two acres of spiritual fields that had not been harvested.

Showed a look of regret.

Wang Chen watched a group of wolves walk away.

He clasped his palms together, and the white stripe in his hand instantly disappeared!
In the following days, Wang Chen first harvested the fully mature two acres of spiritual fields.

More than 900 catties of rice were harvested.

He burned all the rice stalks clean, and then sprinkled winter amaranth seeds.

Winter amaranth is a kind of grass suitable for growth in autumn and winter. Its vitality is very tenacious, it can grow well without care, and it can increase the fertility of the land.

In addition to absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, spiritual rice and spiritual grains cannot be separated from the nourishment of the land, so fattening and fattening are very important, otherwise the land will be consumed too much, which will inevitably affect the yield.

After completing these tasks, the weather turned cold and it was winter.

In winter, the monsters in the mountains either hide in hidden caves to hibernate, or reduce their range of activities.

Hunting becomes difficult and dangerous.

In addition, there was no need to prepare meat fat in winter, so Wang Chen no longer went to Dongli Mountain to hunt.

With more time, he flew to Sugu more often.

Sometimes Wang Chen went to chat with Zhang Mushan, and he would also go to the only restaurant in the valley to warm up a pot of spiritual wine, and he could stay for half a day with a plate of jerky.

He doesn't communicate with others, and basically sits in a corner and listens to other monks chatting.

Time flies and another month passes.

Feixu Valley is located in the northwest of Yongzhou, one of Kyushu. There are four distinct seasons here, hot in summer and extremely cold in winter. As the New Year approaches, the cold current from the north arrives as scheduled.

A heavy snowfall has kicked off the severe winter!

In Feixu Valley, Zhang Mushan's home, in the living room, a copper hot pot was bubbling and steaming.

Zhang Mushan took the meat slices that his wife had just cut and brought up, and poured them all into the bottom of the boiling pot, and soon there was a strong smell of meat in the air.

"Hurry up and eat!"

He urged Wang Chen who was sitting opposite: "What are you doing in a daze?"

Wang Chen smiled, picked up some cooked meat slices with a spoon, put them into a bowl, and then mixed them with Zhang's wife's homemade sauce.

The taste is really good.

Wang Chen ate half a catty in one go.

But Zhang Mushan was thoughtful: "Brother Wang, I feel that something is wrong with you recently?"

He couldn't tell what was wrong with Wang Chen, he just felt something strange.

Wang Chen laughed dumbly: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Mushan hesitated for a moment, shook his head and didn't ask any more questions, and asked Wang Chen to eat more while laying out vegetables.

After eating this sumptuous hot pot meal, Wang Chen politely declined Zhang Mushan's invitation to stay, and braved the wind and snow to return home alone.

Zhang Mushan watched his figure disappear into the boundless wind and snow, and suddenly saw a dragon soaring into the sky.

The Zifu cultivator was stunned.

He looked carefully, but found nothing.
The first one is sent.

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