A majestic castle rose from the ground in Feixu Valley.

This castle was built on the ruins of the original Feixu camp, but its style is completely different!

The outer wall of the castle is made of green granite stones that are one foot square, and each cornerstone is carefully polished into a square, and then the surface is smeared with special glue to stick it together, and finally spells are applied to solidify it.

And all the green stones are all artificially mined from the deep mountains hundreds of miles away.

The miners and stonemasons were the casual cultivators of the Feixu camp who had been reduced to slavery.

They were all enslaved and banned, and they took on the hardest work, and they were squeezed to the limit.

As for the family members of these casual cultivators, they do the work of servants.

It was a small sect of cultivating immortals who bought them from the giant elephant and demon and built a castle in Feixu Valley.

God shines on the door.

For some unknown reason, this sect came here to buy slave repairs and start construction, and put on a long-term business posture. In fact, it has completely replaced the original Feixu camp.

Poor casual cultivators in the Feixu camp, but they have to mine stones in the dark mine.

Zhang Mushan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and ended up wiping a hand of lime.

He licked his chapped lips, his throat felt like it was on fire, with a scorching pain!
The cultivator of the Zifu secretly glanced at the supervisor standing not far away, urged the mana in his Dantian, which was about to be exhausted, into the mining knife in his hand, and tried his best to cut through the rock mass in front of him, digging out the complete stone.

The hardness of Qinggang stone is very high, especially this kind of stone hidden deep in the mountain, it is an excellent raw material for building city walls and towers.

However, the mining of Qinggang stone is also very difficult, and spells such as turning fossils into mud cannot be used to speed up the speed and efficiency.

It can only be cut by hand digging.

Zhang Mushan has been working hard in this mine for two months.

As a slave cultivator, Zhang Mushan did not receive any preferential treatment because of his status in the Purple Mansion. On the contrary, he had to complete many more tasks every day than a Qi training monk.

If he can't finish it, not only will Zhang Mushan himself be punished, but his wife and two children will have nothing to eat!
Zhang Mushan has no choice but to treat himself as a cattle, horse and livestock, and work hard every day to "support his family".

This may be the reason why this sect of cultivating immortals bought him together with his wife and children.

In fact Zhang Mushan is not an isolated case, there are quite a few casual cultivators who are in the same situation as him, everyone is suffering under the pressure of Shenzhaomen, but they can't bear the slightest desire to resist.

After two months, Zhang Mushan was extremely exhausted both physically and mentally.

But he knew very well that he couldn't fall down yet!

"Brother Zhang."

Suddenly, a thin voice entered Zhang Mushan's ears.

Zhang Mushan was shocked and couldn't believe his ears.

He was so familiar with this voice!
With great perseverance, Zhang Mushan didn't let himself show the slightest strangeness, and the work in his hands didn't stop.

So as not to provoke suspicion and beatings from the supervisor!

At the same time, he nodded slightly, indicating that he had heard Wang Chen's voice.

"Brother Zhang, I'm here to rescue you."

Zhang Mushan heard it right, it was Wang Chen who passed the message to him through sound transmission.

Two months ago, when Wang Chen discovered that the four members of Zhang Mushan's family were not taken away, but stayed in the ruined valley, he had been planning a rescue plan.

Wang Chen first lurked and observed carefully, and after mastering Zhang Mushan's daily activities, he tried to get in touch with him to facilitate his next move.

Because Shenzhao's gatekeeper Nuxiu watched very closely, and Feixu Valley built a large castle, Wang Chen couldn't find a suitable opportunity in it, so he chose to approach Zhang Mushan in the mine.

Wang Chen's method is actually very simple, that is, to dig a secret passage far away from the mine.

Step by step, a little closer to the goal.

It seems very simple to say, but in fact, if you want to achieve your goal without being discovered, you need rich experience, strong strength, and enough caution.

There is no shortage of these Wangchens.

It took him more than half a month to quietly open a secret passage connecting the mine!

However, after hearing Wang Chen's voice transmission, Zhang Mushan shook his head slightly.

He doesn't want Wang Chen to save himself!

Observing the supervisor's position from the corner of his eye, Zhang Mushan secretly freed his left hand, and quickly wrote a few words on the nearby rock wall with his fingers.

Wang Chen could send him a voice transmission, but Zhang Mushan didn't dare to respond in the same way.

Because he was imprinted with a slave mark and restricted, any slight movement would attract the supervisor's attention.

So it can only be used in this way.

Zhang Mushan himself was not afraid of death, but it would be different if his family and Wang Chen who wanted to save him were involved!

He believed that Wang Chen could see his movements.

Wang Chen did see it.

Zhang Mushan wrote three words: save the child.

Zhang Mushan knew very well that he had no chance to escape.

The slave mark and restriction in his body are like two sealed poisons, which will explode once they leave the restricted area.

Must die!

But his two daughters are different.

Immediately afterwards, while Zhang Mushan was struggling to mine the stone, he delivered a message to Wang Chen.

It's just that after walking at night for a long time, he finally encountered a ghost. Although he concealed it very well, the supervisor still noticed something strange.

"what are you doing?"

The burly supervisor immediately swung his whip and slapped Zhang Mushan's face fiercely: "If you want to die, just say so, don't play tricks with me, you can't afford it!"

Immediately, a deep bone scar appeared on Zhang Mushan's face, and bright red blood spurted out.

He couldn't help but snorted, lowered his head, and let the blood on his face drip onto the ground.

The supervisor whipped him twice before roaring angrily: "The stones mined today will be doubled, otherwise your family will not be able to have food!"

Zhang Mushan bent down deeply, like a down and out old dog.

His hair is already quite grizzled.

At this time, Wang Chen quietly exited the secret passageway where he was hiding, and completely sealed it off.

Zhang Mushan couldn't go and didn't want to go, this secret passage dug out so hard could no longer be used.

Just wanting to rescue Zhang Mushan's two daughters is also not an easy task.

The families of the monks of Feixu Camp were all concentrated in the newly built castle, and the adults and children were all separated.

Adults were all marked as slaves and banned, and children couldn't bear it, so they were raised in captivity and taken as hostages.

It is also closely guarded.

And there is a Jindan real person guarding the Shenzhaomen!
This means that Wang Chen is going to rescue the two children under the eyes of Daoist Jindan.

The difficulty can be imagined!

But this does not mean that Wang Chen has nothing to do.
The second is sent.

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