Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 627 Temporary Compromise


Before the green-clothed monk and the older monk could make a move, Wang Chen held up the picture of the true shape of the Taixuan mirage dragon, and said in a serious tone: "If you don't want your little sister to become evil, then stop it!" !"

The monk in green shirt had just unleashed a golden mace, and was about to hit Wang Chen.

As a result, he stopped abruptly when he heard the words, and almost vomited blood!
He firmly grasped the magic weapon in his hand, and asked with hatred, "What do you want?"

Wang Chen smiled slightly.

Although the other party spoke harshly, this tone was already a sign of weakness.

It means that what he just caught is an ace!
Is this a licking dog?

Must be!
Wang Chen's heart was clear, and his face immediately darkened: "What do I want? I want to ask, what do you want to do!"

"I have never had any grievances or enmities with you, but you want to arrest me as a material for a test talisman. May I ask why you have such a big face to say what I want?"

The monk in blue was choked half to death, his eyes were red with anger.

The older monk next to him was obviously much more mature and stable, and he acted more calmly: "This fellow Taoist, it was our fault earlier, and we are willing to apologize."

"But if you think that you can make us submit by grabbing the little girl, and you can do whatever you want, then you are very wrong!"

He stared at Wang Chen, and said word by word: "We Luo's children will not accept any threats!"

"very good."

Wang Chen suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky and struck the monk in white!

Although this blow was blocked by the ancient clock sacrificed by the elder monk earlier, the frightened monk in white trembled all over, shrinking back in fright.

All his courage and fighting spirit were shattered by Wang Chen's palm.

There is great terror between life and death, and the more arrogant and domineering characters are often the most afraid of death!

The old monk was furious, and instinctively wanted to show Wang Chen some color, but he saw the true shape of the Taixuan mirage dragon that Wang Chen held up high.

He swallowed a mouthful of old blood, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, how can you let my little sister go?"

The older monk has already understood that Wang Chen is a tough bone, and he is very strong, so the methods he is good at cannot be used.

In desperation, he could only lower his figure and negotiate with Wang Chen in a more pragmatic manner.

"Leave your storage bags..."

Seeing that the faces of the two of them had changed, Wang Chen continued calmly: "You guys definitely don't want to, then make an oath and promise that you will never trouble me again, and I will let your little sister go." .”

If possible, Wang Chen really wanted to kill all these guys.

But he is well aware that this is unrealistic.

The other party and others are not weak, and the equipment is not bad. Children of the fairy clan who have experienced outside like them often have the cards to save their lives.

Although Wang Chen had the upper hand at this time, he completely caught the opponent off guard.

If it was a head-to-head contest, even if Wang Chen could win, he would have to pay a very heavy price!

Therefore, weighing the pros and cons, he did not push the opponent to a dead end.

Heart demon swears!

The elder monk and the blue-shirted monk couldn't help but look at each other.

Because cause and effect are involved, monks do not easily make oaths, let alone such heavy oaths as the Heart Demon Oath.

Once you make an oath, even if you don't break the oath, it may affect your luck!
However, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Unless the two ignore the safety of the woman in the yellow skirt, they can only accept Wang Chen's suggestion and make a vow never to trouble him.

"it is good!"

The elder monk was also a decisive person, he only hesitated for a moment: "We swear."

"He has to stand too."

Wang Chen pointed to the monk in white who was still vomiting blood.

The older monk said blankly: "No problem."

He also said: "Then you have to make an oath, and you can't go back on your word."

"It's not necessary."

Wang Chen said lightly: "I have never broken any promise in my life!"

The older monk secretly hated him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After he knelt down, he kowtowed again, even though he hated Wang Chen to the extreme, he didn't show any emotion.

So the three cultivators from the Zifu swore a heart demon oath in front of Wang Chen.

After they finished standing, Wang Chen nodded, and shook his hands to unfold the true shape of the Taixuan mirage dragon.

The woman in the yellow skirt was released.

In fact, if it is not released, the Taixuan mirage dragon's true shape map will not be able to last for too long.

Although the cultivation level of the woman in the yellow skirt is the weakest, she is also a master of the Zifu. Whether it is captured or sealed, it needs to consume a lot of mirage.

That is to say, during this period of time, enough mirage has been absorbed, otherwise he really can't hold the opponent!
The woman in the yellow skirt rolled twice on the ground, jumped up suddenly, and screamed, "Second Brother, Seventh Brother!"

The green-clothed cultivator hurried forward, wanted to hold her hand but held back: "Little sister, it's okay."

The next moment, the woman in the yellow skirt threw herself into the arms of the older monk.

The corners of the monk's eyes twitched, revealing a smile uglier than crying.

Wang Chen watched and felt that the other party's relationship was a bit messy.

But it is not uncommon for monks of the same clan to become Taoist couples. Wang Chen didn't bother to care about their grievances and was ready to leave immediately.

"Hold on."

The old monk suddenly said, "May I ask your honorable name?"

Wang Chen couldn't help laughing: "What do you mean?"

Both sides have completely torn their skins, how can I tell the other party's real name and surname!
This Luo's Zifu didn't look like he was in arrears with his IQ.

The older monk let go of the woman in the yellow dress in his arms, stared at Wang Chen and said, "With your strength, it's a pity to be a casual cultivator in the wilderness. How about joining our Luo family?"

"I can guarantee you a fairy status!"

"Second brother!"

The woman in the yellow skirt and the monk in the blue shirt were dumbfounded.

Just now they beat life and death, but now they want to recruit the enemy into their own family, the two of them couldn't change their minds.

The elder monk smiled and said: "Don't worry, if you join the Luo family, you will be of the same family, and the grievances between us will naturally be wiped out. As long as you sincerely serve our Luo family, then..."


Wang Chen couldn't be bothered to continue listening, so he walked away immediately.

The other party is undoubtedly a character, capable of bending and stretching the city, and his speech and behavior are quite heroic.

But even if he really wanted to recruit Wang Chen, it was impossible for Wang Chen to agree.

On the contrary, if we meet again next time, if there is a chance, Wang Chen will definitely get back today's place.

Temporary compromise, just for better revenge!
Moreover, Wang Chen didn't think that after the other party and others made the oath of demons, they really wouldn't trouble him again.

Whether it is an oath or any other oath, there are ways to crack or circumvent it.

He flew all the way, leaving Bailong Daze behind.
The second is sent.

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