Chapter 641


The shopkeeper of Wanbao Pavilion smiled and explained: "Guest officer, the Tianxianglou rouge with eyebrows that you want to buy is in short supply, and there is no excess stock in this pavilion at present, so I need to make a reservation."

There is no Tianxiang Building in Yongle Xiancheng. In fact, "Tianxiang Building" is equivalent to a brand name of Wang Chen's previous life.

Wang Chen came to Wanbao Pavilion because he couldn't find it elsewhere.

But now, looking at the expression of the shopkeeper of Wanbao Pavilion, he suspects that this is an extravagant card!

"No extra?"

Wang Chen heard the meaning in the other party's words: "So there is still stock?"

"That was booked by someone else."

The shopkeeper's smile became more and more amiable: "If you want to take it first, you need to add spirit stones."

Wang Chen couldn't help asking: "How much?"

"The original price of a box of Tianxianglou Daimei Rouge is ninety cents."

I only heard the other party reply: "If you want to get the goods in advance, you have to pay an additional [-] Zhongling."


Wang Chen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: "Zhongling?"

A box of rouge actually sells for ninety spirits, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of spirits.

As a jailer in the Prison Division, Wang Chen's salary is quite high in Yongle Immortal City, but he needs nearly two months' salary to afford such a box of rouge.

Not to mention the price increase of the twenty spirits.

This is to eat people!

Wang Chen wanted to turn around and leave.

But at the moment when he turned around, he suddenly remembered what Concubine Yu said to him last.

"Brother Wang, you are a good person. When I leave, I will definitely find you a Taoist partner in the sect who has not lost her vitality."

Ignore the good guy card.

Ignore the Taoist companions who have not lost their vitality.

What does this enchantress of the Hehuan sect mean by "going out"?
Does she still have a chance to get out of the dungeon alive?

Regarding the things Yufei did in the prison, unless the head of the prison chief was kicked by a donkey, it was absolutely impossible to release such a weird person.

Here comes the question, what does the jailer want from her?
Why can a hairpin that Concubine Yu took out break the defense of Cao Dianprison, who is as hard-hearted as a rock?
Wang Chen's thoughts turned, he turned around again, and slapped a letter of Lingshi on the counter: "One hundred Zhongling, give it to me now if you sell it, or forget it if you don't sell it."

The shopkeeper of Wanbao Pavilion showed a embarrassed look, as if he was weighing and considering.

It wasn't until Wang Chen became impatient that he said, "Deal!"

In this way, Wang Chen exchanged a hundred Zhongling for a box of Tianxianglou Daimei Rouge, which weighs only a few taels.

This amount is still counted with the rouge box!
When he returned to District Nine the next day, Wang Chen gave this box of eyebrow rouge to Concubine Yu.

He complained: "Don't let me bring the goods next time, even if you are my family, I can't stand it!"

Concubine Yu laughed so hard that her branches trembled—even though Wang Chen couldn't see it.

After laughing, she said: "My family knows that Brother Wang is a good person, and my family will not let good people suffer."

Wang Chen shook his head: "Forget it."

He was wondering if his head had been kicked by a donkey, and he actually took out a hundred Chinese spirits to buy rouge for the witch.

"Sing me a song for my little brother."

Concubine Yu, who got the rouge, was obviously in a good mood, and said: "The singing skills of my family are among the best in the sect."

Before Wang Chen could respond, a ray of fairy sound flew out of the prison and penetrated into his ears.

Wang Chen's mind was swayed.

It was very strange that he couldn't understand what this Acacia Sect nun was singing at all, it seemed to be in another language, but the singing voice of the other party contained an indescribable charm, soothing the soul, clearing the soul, and making people relax involuntarily.

After a song, Wang Chen seemed to wake up from a dream.

"Good singing."

He couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"As long as the little brother likes it."

Concubine Yu smiled and said, "My family hasn't sung for a long time, you should go quickly, don't delay the time of inspection."

At this time, Wang Chen suddenly realized that he had spent too long communicating with Concubine Yu!
Leave immediately.

This made Wang Chen a little vigilant.

Therefore, in the next few days, Wang Chen came and went in a hurry, and stopped talking to this female cultivator of the Hehuan Sect.

so as not to cause new incidents.

However, as the saying goes, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. That day, Wang Chen was called into the room as soon as he arrived at the Supervisory Hall.

"Wang Chen, someone reported that you had a close relationship with prisoners."

The one who questioned Wang Chen was a middle-aged monk with a sinister face. He looked at Wang Chen as if he was looking at a dead person: "And he even brought things to the prisoners in private. Are you guilty?"

Who reported it?

Wang Chen's thoughts changed: "Xiaxiu did bring a box of rouge to Concubine Xiuyu, the daughter of the Hehuan Sect, but this matter was approved by Cao Dianju, and Xiaxiu has never done anything else."

"Cao Dian is on a business trip."

The middle-aged monk was expressionless: "Whether what you said is true remains to be verified, but it is also true that you have had close contacts with prisoners. If you are a first-time offender, you will not be held accountable for the time being. But your inspection route has to be changed."

There was a trace of unsearchable pity in his eyes, as if he saw the prey falling into the trap.

Wang Chen saluted and said, "Follow the order."

This middle-aged monk is also a pawn in the Ninth District, and his name is Wu Yi. Although his status is not as good as Cao Dian's prison, the difference is not too big.

When Cao Dian went out, he acted as the prison guard.

In short, he is not someone Wang Chen can afford!

Wang Chen's original inspection route was replaced like this.

The new route is longer and has to pass through several places with very high concentrations of evil spirits.

There are special marks on the map!
This made Wang Chen faintly feel something was wrong.

The pawn Wu Yi was obviously suspected of deliberately targeting him.

The problem is that Wang Chen has never offended this one!

His doubts were quickly answered.

As soon as Wang Chen started to inspect the new prison line, he was stopped by a tall and strong monk.

The latter looked smug, and said in a low voice: "Wang Chen, do you now know the consequences of offending our brothers?"

It turned out to be this guy—Tiger Seven!
Wang Chen never expected that after more than half a month, the other party was still plotting against him.

It's really hard to guard against a villain!

Seeing that Wang Chen didn't speak, Hu Qi became even more rampant: "It's too late for you to regret it now, as long as you take out Forty Zhongling and two bottles of Tongmai Quxie Pill every month..."

Wang Chen was too lazy to listen to the other party's nonsense, so he went around before Hu Qi finished speaking.

Hu Qi flew into a rage immediately, and threatened Wang Chen's back with his fists clenched: "Very well, I'll see what kind of end you will end up with, and then someone else will come to beg me, kneeling on the ground and calling grandpa won't hurt!" use."

Wang Chen didn't answer, just raised his hand and raised his middle finger.

Make sure Tiger Seven can see it.

Although Hu Qi didn't understand the meaning of Wang Chen's gesture, he felt the contempt and insult from Wang Chen's gesture.

He couldn't help but clenched his fists, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

This grudge is big!
The second is sent.

PS: I suddenly found out that this book has the first leader. I would like to thank the friends who "passed by" for their generous rewards. I will remember it first, and I will add more thanks in the future. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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