It's finally out!
The scorching sun shone on Wang Chen's face, making him squint his eyes subconsciously.

Not far ahead is the Yongle Immortal City standing on the giant back of the dragon turtle!

In fact, it took less than a day from the accident in the dungeon to the escape, but Wang Chen felt like he had gone through the cycle of life and death.

Earlier, he really thought that he might be trapped to death underground!
Fortunately, the damage inside the dungeon is not very serious, and it is still within the ability to reopen the blocked tunnel.

Especially after joining a self-rescue team, a group of prison guards from the Purple Mansion took turns to contribute. Although there were conflicts and disputes during the period, the final result was still good.

The most important thing is that in this incident, most of the cells were safe and sound.

At least no escaped prisoners were seen.

Otherwise the situation will be even more chaotic.

Since all the teleportation arrays were out of use, everyone escaped to the ground through secret passages.

After coming out, some people rejoiced, some laughed, some were relieved, and some had mixed feelings.

Wang Chen knew very well that this had only just begun!
At this time, a spaceship broke through the air and landed in the open space next to it.

On the surface of the hull, the emblem of the prison department is particularly eye-catching.

Just as Wang Chen guessed, he and all the jailers who escaped were first brought into Yongle Immortal City, and then they were under unified custody on the site of the Prison Division.

The treatment is almost the same as that of a prisoner!
But no one complains about it, because everyone knows their own urine.

If the jailers committed crimes, the jailer would never forgive them because of their own people, on the contrary, they would be more severe.

At this time, noisy protests are not only useless, but will actually get you into more and bigger troubles.

Therefore, everyone wisely kept silent and obediently cooperated with the investigation above.

In fact, if you just think about it with your ass, you will know that such a big incident happened in Yongle Dungeon, and the Prison Division was the first to bear the brunt of the responsibility. If you don't catch a few scapegoats, you will really overestimate the conscience of the higher authorities.

Wang Chen stayed in the Prison Division for three days.

No food or drink, crowded with many people, and more and more jailers were brought back later.

Fortunately, the Xumijie storage bag was not confiscated, everyone kept it separately, the situation is not too bad.

Group after group of jailers were brought up for questioning.

Went there and never came back.

There is no doubt that the entire Prison Department system will undergo a major cleansing.

In the process of "squatting in prison", Wang Chen heard a lot of news, true and false.

First of all, it is certain that the Yongle Dungeon was attacked by the enemy, and it is said that two Nascent Soul Immortals participated.

No matter how detailed the situation is, it is beyond the understanding of ordinary jailers.

This reminded Wang Chen of looking for the Yuanying of the Acacia Zong who was looking for Laomo Han, and he felt pain immediately.

If a woman becomes willful, she can really destroy the world!
But if it is said that the two Nascent Soul True Immortals did such a big thing just to rescue a demon cultivator who voluntarily went to prison, Wang Chen doesn't really believe it. He always feels that the water inside is too deep.

The second is that some prisoners escaped, but were quickly captured, and some were killed.

No one can tell exactly.

Groups of people were taken away, and then it was Wang Chen's turn.

In a secret room, Wang Chen accepted the questioning of two jail officials.

The attitude of the other party is still kind, and the questioning is more like a small talk than a severe interrogation.

Wang Chen noticed that on the table in front of the two of them was a small sculpture of a beast that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, or a tiger but not a tiger.

Wang Chen recognized that it was Bijiu.

Legend has it that Bijiu has 99 spiritual orifices in his body. He is born with intelligence, psychic energy, and can distinguish the authenticity of all things and hear lies.

Wang Chen guessed that this statue of Majesty is a special magic weapon, used to identify whether the person being questioned is telling the truth!

It was this discovery that greatly increased Wang Chen's vigilance.

Therefore, in the course of the following conversation, no matter what he said, he would go through it in his mind first, telling the truth but not all the truth, and only talking about things that did not involve his own secrets.

"Xiaxiu wishes to make an oath..."

Wang Chen said in a deep voice: "Xiangxiu has nothing to do with this matter, otherwise there will be thunder and thunder, and you will die!"

Of course he was telling the truth.

But Wang Chen would not tell the other party that he watched Lao Mo Han run away with the girls with his own eyes.

The two Prison Wardens looked at each other.

Hitting five thunders from the sky is a poisonous oath. Under normal circumstances, there will be cause and effect, and it is nothing more than a big or small problem.

Wang Chen was so swearing, with a hint of shame of being wronged in his calmness, which made both of them feel that it was completely unnecessary for them to come to him for questioning.

What Wang Chen said was basically the same as what they found in the investigation!

"You're still here for the next two days."

One of the pawns closed the file and said to Wang Chen, "After the investigation is clear, we will reschedule the work."

What else can Wang Chen say?
It can only express obedience to all the arrangements above.

As a result, after waiting for another three days, Wang Chen finally received an order against him.

Conscript him to guard the Demon Cave!
The Demon Cave is a very special place in the Yongle Dungeon. All the vicious monsters and devils are imprisoned or suppressed in it, and it is also the place where evil spirits are most likely to breed.

Due to the extremely harsh environment, few jailers are willing to take the initiative to ask Ying to guard there!

Who wants to jump into a cesspit?
Wang Chen knew very well that he was like a small fish in the moat. He was swimming well in the water, but he didn't expect that the house by the river caught fire and burned his head!

He doesn't have any background or connections in Yongle Immortal City, and his background is also very humble, and his age is just right.

As for the reason for distribution, it is simpler.

Who made Wang Chen usually get so close to that old man, who would be unlucky if he wasn't unlucky?

After the questioning, Wang Chen finally regained his freedom and was able to go shopping and play in the city!

But the prison department left him only two days!

Time passed quickly, and two days passed in a flash. Wang Chen, who received the notification letter, was taken back to his own area.

But he failed to return to District [-], instead, he sneaked deeper into the ground through another secret passage.

Until the Demon Cave!
The one who came forward to greet the two was a bearded man with a peak cultivation in Zifu, and he was only one step away from condensing the golden elixir.

"Your name is Wang Chen?"

The bearded man's name was Changsun Yong, he finished looking through Wang Chen's file, looked at Wang Chen and asked, "What did you do to get in?
Wang Chen smiled wryly and said, "I didn't do anything wrong, it's just bad luck."

"Everyone who comes here calls themselves wronged."

Chang Sun Yong curled his lips, then took out a nameplate and gave it to Wang Chen: "This is your identity card, and you will work hard here in the future, and you will have a chance to get your wish in the future!"

Wang Chen was also helpless.

Because the tone of the other party is too much like coaxing a child!
The second is sent.

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