Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 656 Downloaded a copy

Vajra Fist!
Wang Chen punched out, before the fist touched the skeleton, the powerful punch had already exploded, and instantly blasted the skeleton with complete skeleton into countless fragments.

Gray-white bone residues flew everywhere, only Wang Chen's ankles still had relatively complete white bone claws.

Then his right foot stomped heavily on the ground, and the bone claws fell apart.

【Humanity +75】

The next moment, rustling sounds came from all directions.

With Wang Chen as the center, bone claws drilled out of the surrounding ground, as if they were like thriving ginseng mushrooms, which looked extraordinarily creepy.

Immediately afterwards, the soil turned over and bulged high, and skeletons crawled out from the ground one after another.

A faint blue flame jumped from their black eye holes, silently rushing toward Wang Chen.

Some skeletons also hold bone sticks, bone spears and other weapons in their hands.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen smiled.

These skeletons are densely packed and there are a lot of them. It is very scary to look at the huge momentum, but in his eyes, they are just moving human morality experience bags one by one!
Although I have less experience, isn't Xiaolongbao a bun?

Wang Chen realized that it was not because of his bad luck that he was inexplicably taken into this wormhole space just now.

It was a chance!

You must know that it is very difficult for him to find a place to spawn monsters!
At this time, a large number of skeletons rushed over, trying to submerge him with the tactics of the sea of ​​bones.

However, what greeted them were fire crows that appeared out of thin air!
The flame-burning Fire Crow stretched its wings, drew bright trails in the air, and rushed towards the skeleton army with lightning speed.

Violent explosions came and went, and the flames flying all over the sky were mixed with fragments of bones, and the burning made a crackling sound, like firecrackers celebrating the New Year.

[Human Virtue +65], [Human Virtue +59], [Human Virtue +72]...

Wang Chen killed at least [-] or [-] skeletons with a black fire flying crow. Although a skeleton can only bring him double-digit points of human virtue, it can add up to a considerable number.

The key is to come easy and easy!

And forty or fifty skeletons are just an insignificant number to the skeleton army emerging from the wormhole cemetery, and more skeletons come forward one after another, as if controlled by an invisible force, rushing in batches To Wang Chen.

Wang Chen glanced away, tapped his left foot to gather mana, and was ready to fly into the air.

The condescending bombing effect is the best.

However, to Wang Chen's surprise, his skimming technique failed.

It can't be said to be a failure, but after it is displayed, it cannot fly into the sky normally.

It's not that Wang Chen's magic skills are not good, his sky-grazing technique has already been cultivated to the level of Dzogchen, and the time spent in the air is much stronger than that of monks of the same level, and there is absolutely no possibility of failure in casting spells.

The reason is that there seems to be a no-air restriction here. As soon as Wang Chen left the ground, he felt an invisible force pressing on him, making him feel as if he was in the mud, and his movements became sluggish.

Where else can I fly into the sky!

As a result, before he was three feet above the ground, he was pressed down abruptly.

Although a little surprised, Wang Chen didn't pay much attention to it. The moment his feet touched the ground, he suddenly pushed his palms forward.

Heavenly Dragon Vajra Palm!
The mighty palm force swept away all the skeletons blocking the front with overwhelming force.

These ignorant undead seemed to be involved in a terrifying storm, or fell into a stone mill wheel, were rolled up and torn to pieces, and then crushed into slag!

In Wang Chen's field of vision, the information prompts of gaining morality points formed a waterfall.

At this time, several skeletons finally managed to approach Wang Chen from behind, and waved their white bone claws or bone sticks to smash Wang Chen's head.

The white bone stick roared through the air, with great force and speed.

It's just that such an attack is simply ridiculous to Wang Chen. Before it touched his body, he was blocked by an invisible mana barrier, which smashed and ruptured one after another.

"Ray comes!"

Without turning his head back, Wang Chen pinched the magic formula with his hands to activate his mana.

Waves of blue-purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, drowning Wang Chen and all the skeletons within ten steps around him.


The effect of this trick to clear the field feels like the boss has returned to Novice Village.

Don't be too cool!
However this is just the beginning.

Wang Chen's spellcasting did not stop because of this, but continued, pushing the attracted thunder further away.

Ruthlessly sweeping away the skeleton army in the cemetery!

No skeleton can resist even a trace of thunder and lightning. As long as it is hit or even just brushed aside, it will instantly shatter and disintegrate, and fall to the ground with a splash.

Jiuxiao Shenlei is worthy of being a superior method of destroying evil, and it has super lethality against evil and evil.

Strictly speaking, Wang Chen's use of the Nine Heavens Thunder to deal with these low-level skeletons is obviously too powerful.

He also paid the price for this - the mana of his dantian was quickly consumed in large quantities.

It's just that such a price is unacceptable to other monks, but Wang Chen doesn't care at all.

How much mana he consumes is replenished from the Tianluo Zhuxie Net.

When he was in the Ninth District earlier, Wang Chen used the evil net to kill a large number of evil spirits, and accumulated a vast amount of heaven and earth spiritual power in it, but now he just takes a little out and squanders it.

Cool and it's over!
In fact, Wang Chen's "indulgence" is more or less cathartic.

After joining the Department of Prisons, he first went to District C[-] as a trainee jailer.

No mistakes, no faults until the expiration of the term, and was sent to the harsh environment of Jiujiu District.

Then there was a fight with the gods.

Before he even understood what was going on, he was sent to the demon cave by the disaster!
Wang Chen deeply felt the helplessness and sorrow of being a small person, even if he was extremely resolute, it was impossible for him not to have any emotional accumulation.

Not to mention his mere Purple Mansion, even a Mahayana sage can't really cut off emotion and desire.

Wang Chen's negative emotions were released at this time with the help of the blind skeletons!

Over and over again, Wang Chen continued to "clean" the entire cemetery with the Nine Heavens Thunder.

As soon as any skeleton appeared, it would be smashed to pieces by the thunderbolt!

What I want is this kind of invincible crushing pleasure.

In the end, before Wang Chen could feel refreshed enough, a force of Pei Mo Nengyu swept over in an instant and took him away directly.

After a whirlwind, Wang Chen found himself back in the previous passage.

As for the wormhole ahead, it has disappeared without a trace.

Can't find any trace of it ever existed!

Wang Chen wondered if the experience just now was an illusion, but when he breathed out the Immortal Cultivation Panel and saw the sharp increase in human virtue points, he knew that he hadn't had an illusion.

He felt like he just downloaded a dungeon.

Primary wormhole copy!
The first one is sent.

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