Chapter 663 Bullying

live in peace.

An Ranju is a safe house for the monks guarding evil eyes. In fact, it also has a formal name called Qiankun Building, but the specifications are much higher.

Only after returning to this small safe house can Wang Chen truly relax.

An Ranju is not only a residence for monks, but also a large-scale high-level magic weapon with very strong defense.

It can protect the safety of the guarding monks to the greatest extent. It is equivalent to the evil spirits below the Li level at the Nascent Soul level that cannot be broken, and the evil spirits of the Li level can resist the full attack for a period of time.

There was enough time for the monks in the house to teleport and escape.

Therefore, unless you encounter a higher level of evil spirits or evil spirits, as long as you stay in the safe place, you will be safe.

In fact, the evil spirits that appear in the Shayan's affected area are basically swimmers and grievances, with occasional fierce ones, and the evils usually only entrenched in their lairs, and it is impossible to wander here.

Otherwise, if a cultivator from the Zifu like Wang Chen was sent to guard Xie Chong, it would be a deliberate death.

So the most dangerous thing for Wang Chen is the vicious evil spirit that will suddenly appear at an unknown time.

As for the swim class and the resentment class, Wang Chen will not be afraid unless there are thousands of them attacking together!

The first thing he did when he returned to Anranju was to transfer the situation obtained from today's patrol and investigation into a letter of talisman, and then ignited the spiritual fire.

When this special talisman paper was refined, it was a set of two, each of which was held by different people. As long as one party wrote the text and burned it with a spell, the other party would be able to know the contents of the letter.

The object of Wang Chen's report is of course the high-level figures in the Department of Prisons.

As for who the other party is and what they want to do, Wang Chen doesn't care at all about it—he just needs to take care of himself.

After sending out the "work report", Wang Chen came to the quiet room to start his daily practice while it was still early.

The scope of Shayan's influence belongs to the forbidden area of ​​practice. Practicing orthodox exercises here is simply asking for a dead end. Not only is there no possibility of success, but it is easy to go crazy and fall into evil ways.

Although Anranju can sense the evil energy and evil thoughts from the outside world, the hut itself does not produce the aura of heaven and earth. Therefore, although the living environment is good, it cannot meet the daily practice needs of monks.

Of course, the great casting master who refined this large magic weapon would not overlook such problems, so a transformation circle was set up inside, which can extract and transform the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone and spiritual materials to create a suitable environment.

Of course, the spirit stones and spirit materials have to be produced by yourself!
It should be said that this is not a cost-effective thing, even at a loss of blood.

Things that were originally free had to be paid out of their own pockets, and I couldn't even think about it!

And Wang Chen certainly wouldn't just let it go. After locking the door at home, he sat in the meditation room and began to extract the spiritual power contained in the Tianluo Punishment Net.

Wang Chen dared to assert that the best transformation circle could not compare to the function of this treasure!

Sitting on the futon, Wang Chen turned his heart to the sky, mobilized the magic power in his dantian, absorbed the spiritual power contained in the evil net into his body, and soon fell into the best cultivation state of forgetting both things and me.

I don't know how long it took, until his energy was perfected and his state returned to its peak, before he stopped practicing luck.

Innate Five Elements skill increased by 1 experience point.

This bit of experience is not easy to come by. You must know that during this period of time, Wang Chen has been hanging around at the bottom of the Immortal City, working hard to get his first registration.

In the following days, Wang Chen went out early and returned early every day, spending more time on cultivation.

Try to hit the eighth floor of the Purple Mansion!

And he became more and more familiar with the situation around the area where Shayan existed, and he walked as far as ten miles away before returning.

But the evil eye in the center, Wang Chen, never approached half a step, and usually stayed outside the range of the safety circle.

As he got familiar with and adapted to the environment, Wang Chen felt that it didn't matter much that he was guarding here all the time. Although he was alone, he didn't need to play tricks of intrigue!

Of course, Wang Chen didn't tell anyone else about this idea.

Time flies fast, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Relying on the Tianlong Punishing Evil Network, Wang Chen went around guerrilla and wiped out a large number of evil spirits.

Basically, they are complaining.

Wang Chen, who was transferred back to the Yongle Dungeon, first went to the city to take a hot bath, and felt that his whole body became much lighter, and he walked with the wind.

What he never expected was that when he went to Dianmao early the next morning, the people from the Supervisory Hall called him into the small room again.

"You did a great job."

The chief who assigned him to guard the Shayan said: "The higher-ups decided to let you guard the North Shayan again."

Wang Chen suspected that his ears had misheard: "Xiaxiu just came back from Xishayan!
The donkeys of the production team can't be used like this!

"That's right."

The principal smiled and said: "The thing is like this, the higher-ups only let you continue to hold this important position because you are quite accomplished in this area."

According to the principal, the monk who was in charge of guarding Beishayan two days ago had an accident.

The other party was very secretive and unwilling to reveal the specifics, but emphasized that the problem had been resolved, but there was no suitable new guard for the time being, so Wang Chen was chosen again.

Able people should do more work!
After listening to the other party's words, Wang Chen was amused: "Isn't it a rotation to guard Shayan? Can't you just assign one?"

Find him if something goes wrong, and give him the benefit of a broken spirit?

It's not obvious that he is easy to bully!
It would be strange for Wang Chen to accept the empty words. Anyway, he does not lack the resources for cultivation now.

"The situation here is a bit complicated..."

The head of the Supervisory Hall has a very thick skin, even if someone exposes him, he still doesn't change his face and continues to talk.

In short, things are like this, and it is imperative to assign to Wang Chen again.

Right now, there is a shortage of manpower in the Department of Imprisonment, and the number of jailers in Yongle Dungeon has almost dropped to an all-time low.

The situation is pretty bad.

An "experienced" jailer like Wang Chen was more or less assigned some extra tasks.

But Wang Chen did not believe such rhetoric.

He was assigned to guard Shayan again. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no trick in it!

With such thoughts in mind, Wang Chen's attitude was very firm.

If the task is forcibly assigned to him, then he will request to appeal to the jailer for arbitration!

Although the jailer is a low-level person, if he encounters injustice, he has a channel to appeal to the higher authorities.

It's just that under normal circumstances, no one wants to go this way.

That comes at a high price.

Even if he wins, there will be a lot of trouble.

But Wang Chen couldn't take it anymore!
Seeing Wang Chen's extremely tough attitude, the head of the supervisory hall couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Had to resort to a killer.

The above will give Wang Chen additional rewards and compensation!

Now Wang Chen finally became interested: "What rewards and compensation?"
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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