Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 670 1 mountain cannot tolerate 2 tigers

Brush brush!
Long Yuan's flying sword slashed close to the ground, and the cold and stern sword energy was invincible, cutting off the vines that came out of the cracks in the ground.

These black vines are as thick as a child's arm, not only covered with sharp thorns, but also extremely tough.

However, none of them could withstand the power of Wang Chen's flying swords, and dark red slurry resembling fresh blood spewed out from the cuts of the stubbles, whipping indiscriminately and retracting into the ground.


Wang Chen, who had inspired the Tianlong King Kong Dharma to the extreme, leaned over and waved his palms, and slapped the ground below him heavily.

Accompanied by a muffled sound, the place where he was standing was suddenly dented, stirring up countless clouds of dust.

Ten percent of the strength of the vajra palm blasted into the ground, creating a small earthquake in an instant, crushing the vines that had just retracted into the ground.

The next moment, Wang Chen stood up and looked sharply at the raised mound not far away.

"Come out!"

As soon as his words fell, the mound burst open, and a giant with a head full of pimples jumped out.

"Little monk, we meet again!"

The giant showed a hideous and ugly smile at Wang Chen, roaring like thunder and deafening!
Holding the sword in his hand, Wang Chen said coldly: "I remember we have an agreement."

The other party was the demon spirit giant he had met before. At that time, both parties had their own scruples, so they reached an agreement that the well water would not violate the river water.

However, just now, this giant demon spirit attacked Wang Chen!
And with the appearance of the demon spirit giant, those three-eyed monsters screamed and fled in all directions as if the doomsday had come.

Leave the battlefield to Wang Chen and the demon giant.


The giant demon spirit tilted his head and said with a sinister smile, "Why don't I remember?"

Wang Chen sighed: "I knew it."

The evil is unbelievable.

This sentence can be regarded as the truth in the world of cultivating immortals, because demons and spirits have no propriety, justice and shame at all, and all morals and trustworthiness are nothing to them, and they are still justified when they go back and forth!
In the past, Wang Chen read a lot of books and read many stories about monsters and unbelievers.

So he didn't trust the other party from the beginning.

Not surprised now.

"I do remember..."

The giant demon spirit stared at Wang Chen, with greed in his scarlet eyes: "You once said that you would send me into reincarnation!"

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, it has long wanted to kill Wang Chen!
Compared with when the two sides met for the first time, the body of this demon spirit has become larger, and its mouth, nose, eyes, ears and five sense organs are all present, showing stronger humanoid characteristics.

Most importantly, it exudes an invisible terror.

Quietly enveloped Wang Chen in it!

Wang Chen looked directly at the giant demon spirit, and replied word by word: "I can still send you into reincarnation now!"

At this moment, Wang Chen already felt the terrible coercion from his opponent.

This demon spirit is far stronger than before.

The original monster spirit giant had already reached the peak level of the "resentment" level, and now it has undoubtedly entered the "fierce" level.

It is precisely because of the breakthrough of the great realm that it appeared in front of Wang Chen so unscrupulously.

And regard Wang Chen as prey!
For demon spirits and evil spirits, monks with strong qi and blood, pure mana, and steadfast mind and soul are the best nourishment.

As long as Wang Chen is devoured, this monster spirit giant can completely stabilize its own strength.

The greedy color in its eyes became more and more intense, and the aura it emitted fluctuated violently!


The giant demon spirit laughed wildly, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Wang Chen from the air: "Die to me!"

Its power has sealed off the entire space and blocked all of Wang Chen's escape routes, and he is confident that he can capture Wang Chen in one fell swoop.

Maliciousness overflowed like a tide, and it rushed towards Wang Chen in an instant.

Wang Chen suddenly felt that his breathing became difficult, the movement of Qi, blood and mana in his body became difficult, and his whole body seemed to be bound tightly by countless bridles.

This is the power of the fierce level!
However, in the face of an extremely powerful opponent, Wang Chen didn't feel the slightest turmoil in his heart.

At the moment when the giant demon spirit made his move, he also activated the Heavenly Law Punishing Evil Net solidified on his right arm.

This is exactly Wang Chen's confidence to face a fierce demon spirit!

The Tianluo Punishment Net spread out in an instant, completely ignoring the coercion from the demon spirit giant, and shrouded in the giant palm stretched out by the latter.

At this moment, the demon spirit giant, who had the chance to win, seemed to have discovered something extremely terrifying, his eyes suddenly showed horror, and he instinctively wanted to withdraw his palm.

But it moved a little slower.

The fully opened Tianluo Punishment Net suddenly covered it!


The giant demon spirit suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, with a hint of panic in his voice.

Its reaction was actually not very slow. The moment it realized the horror of the Xiexie Net, it immediately made a dodging movement, and its body swelled and twisted, and its skin showed a hardening effect similar to a rock armor.

But no matter how the demon spirit giant reacted, it just couldn't avoid the net of Tianluo Zhuxie, and even seemed to ram into the net deliberately.

The quilt is tightly covered!

The dense net ropes contracted the moment they touched the giant's skin, immediately strangling it tightly.

If you look closely at this time and magnify it dozens of times, you can find that each of the net ropes has produced countless auras that are thinner than hair, penetrating the giant's hard skin and penetrating into its body.

The evil power in the giant demon spirit's body was simultaneously sucked by billions of Qi lights!

The demon giant was frightened and frightened to the extreme. It struggled desperately to get rid of the shackles of the evil net. The muscles in its arms, thighs, and limbs were bulging, and it was strangled into a strange shape.

At the other end, Wang Chen, who holds a long rope to control the Xiexie Net, is also facing an unprecedented test.

Although the Tianluo Zhuxie Net absorbed and eliminated most of the demon spirit giant's resistance, part of it still passed into his hands.

If Wang Chen couldn't control himself and dropped the long rope in his hand, then the power of the Tianluo Zhuxie Net would dissipate, and the demon spirit giant would easily break free.

He will face annihilation!

Therefore, Wang Chen exerted all his strength, condensed courage, magic power and soul power, and wrestled with the demon giant through the evil net.

It can be said that without the Tianluo Zhuxie Net, Wang Chen would not be an opponent of the demon spirit who was promoted to the fierce level.

But now he is firmly in control of the most powerful enemy!

In just a short moment, the howling of the demon spirit giant changed from fright and anger to fear and despair.

The evil power in its body is like a long river bursting its banks, completely uncontrollably sucked away by the evil net, causing its own resistance to continuously weaken.

A vicious circle has formed!
The demon spirit giant realized that he had made a big mistake and seriously underestimated Wang Chen's strength.

It endured the pain of being knocked to the bone and sucked the marrow, and wailed: "Let me go, I am willing to serve you as my master and become your eternal slave, never betraying me!"

However, Wang Chen turned a deaf ear and was completely indifferent!
The first one is sent.

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