Chapter 676
This is absolutely impossible!

Ye Zhenren's heart is really galloping like a thousand horses at this time, his scalp is numb and his soul is trembling.

He practiced Qi to open his mansion, and then he condensed the golden core. It took nearly a hundred years before and after. Wait for Xiu.

Which of course also includes physical training.

In the system of monks, the status of physical training is actually quite low.

A lot of physical training is based on martial arts, and after practicing Qi and Dharma, they still follow the way of melee fighting.

In the stage of Qi training, physical training still has a considerable advantage. Once he breaks through and masters the art of flying in the sky, then the weakness of physical training will be exposed immediately.

The Dharma Talisman Tool and the sword cultivators can completely distance themselves and lift up the body cultivators to fight!

In addition, the upper limit of physical cultivation is far lower than that of Dharma cultivation. Although there is a way to become holy in the flesh, there are very few successful ones throughout the ages.

In Ye Zhenren's heart, he also looked down on Ti Xiu.

But now he didn't dare to underestimate Wang Chen, and even felt a great threat.

If it was under normal circumstances, Wang Chen would show the power of Jindan physical cultivation, no matter how surprised Ye Zhenren would be, he would not be afraid.

Because Wang Chen's cultivation level is really far behind him.

The problem is that the area where the two are currently located is the core area of ​​Shayan, and the evil spirit in the surrounding space is so strong that it quickly condenses into substance, completely repelling the aura of heaven and earth.

Ye Zhenren is also a law cultivator. Even if he can cast his best spells here, the power is not even one-tenth, and a large part of the mana is allocated to resist the erosion of evil forces.

Wang Chen, who forced him to fight in close combat, was extremely threatening!
Ye Zhenren already understood why Wang Chen tried his best to escape into the evil eye, because he wanted to lead himself into a desperate situation.

The realm of absolute law!

After figuring out the key, Ye Zhenren's thoughts turned, and he immediately fled behind, not wanting to entangle with Wang Chen anymore.

At the same time, he was distracted by recalling the bronze bell.

With the protection of this natal magic weapon, no matter how strong Wang Chen's close combat ability is, he can't help him.

Ye Zhenren can calmly retreat to a safe area, and then argue with Wang Chen!

However, although his idea is very good, it depends on whether Wang Chen agrees or not.

It took Wang Chen a lot of effort to introduce this great enemy into the battlefield that suits him best, so how could he give Ye Zhenren a chance to retreat safely!


Sensing that his opponent was about to retreat, Wang Chen immediately shouted heavily.

The Taixuan mirage dragon true figure that had been contending with the bronze bell suddenly flourished, spread out in the air in a mighty manner, rolled up infinite spiritual light and went straight to the sky.

Instantly enveloped Ye Zhenren's natal magic weapon!
With Wang Chen's current cultivation strength, it would be foolish to want to incorporate this magic bronze bell into the painting.

But what Wang Chen wants is just to entangle the opponent's talisman.

The bronze bell was rushed by the precious light of the Taixuan mirage dragon's true shape figure, and immediately spun rapidly in the air, automatically emitting spiritual light to counteract it, and could not respond to Ye Zhenren's call.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Chen caught up with his opponent like a maggot attached to the bone, and the Tianlong Vajra Palms blasted out alternately.

He knew very well that his time was extremely limited.

The true shape of the Taixuan mirage dragon temporarily trapped in the bronze bell, the mirage contained in it is rapidly consuming.


Ye Zhenren never expected that Wang Chen not only restrained his talisman, but also adopted the tactics of stalking, so he simply didn't pay attention to him, the Jindan Daoist.

Frightened and angry, he mobilized his mana to fight Wang Chen recklessly.

In fact, Ye Zhenren was also forced to do nothing, let alone casting spells under such circumstances, even if he took out other magic weapons in the Sumeru Ring, he couldn't do it.

Wang Chen slapped one palm after another, the power of the palm was astonishing, and the powerful energy was like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Ye Zhenren didn't dare to give him a hard blow.

boom! boom! boom!
The palm-to-palm clash sounded like thunder, Ye Zhenren received three palms forcefully, and took three consecutive steps back.

There was a trace of shock and anger in his eyes.

As a Dharma cultivator, his physique is a weak point, but Ye Zhenren's body has been refined for many years, and his body has already been refined to be stronger than gold and iron.

He used the power of the golden core to fight Wang Chen head-on, and it stands to reason that he should have the upper hand.

The results were evenly divided!

Ye Zhenren knew the reason very well. While backing away, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a bright sword light.

He attacked Wang Chen's face with lightning speed.

This is a sword pill hidden in Ye Zhenren's body. Although it is not a magic weapon of life, it is also very sharp, and it is used as a hidden dark hand.

Wang Chen was already very proud of being able to force his dark hand out!
But the Jindan real person's counterattack was fierce, but Wang Chen was prepared for it, and he also spat out his sword light to fight back.

It was Longyuan Flying Sword!

With one step, his figure suddenly flashed in front of Ye Zhenren, and he clapped his palms together.

This blow gathered [-]% of Wang Chen's strength, and inspired the mighty power of King Kong's immortality.

His palms instantly turned into gold, and Dawei Tianlong Faxiang appeared behind him at the same time, his palms were silent but as fast as lightning, and they were extremely powerful after the wind and thunder.

Ye Zhenren instinctively waved his palms to meet the attack, but he used one palm to two palms.


The two sides collided again, and there was a crisp cracking sound.

Ye Zhenren's figure flew backwards like a kite with a broken string, and his right palm was twisted and bent, which was no longer in a normal shape.

"Damn the junior!"

The Jindan real person's nose, eyes, and ears were all oozing with blood, and his ferocious face was full of madness.

He had never suffered such a big loss in his life, his eyes were red after he settled down, and he wished he could swallow Wang Chen alive.


The next moment, Ye Zhenren raised his head and roared angrily, spraying out a golden pill from his mouth.

Surprisingly, it is the golden core condensed by his lifelong cultivation.

As soon as the golden elixir came out, it shone brightly in all directions, and the evil forces around it immediately scattered and receded.

Ye Zhenren worked hard to deplete his cultivation base, and also created a space for himself to cast spells.

His golden core is the strongest weapon!

And at the same time that Ye Zhenren was forced to spit out the pill, Wang Chen followed closely. Seeing that his opponent was going to fight for his life, he immediately sacrificed the Shengsheng Fortune Cauldron and the Shangqing Qiankun Mirror!
As soon as the two treasures came out, Bao Guang flew into the air and instantly fixed Ye Zhenren's golden core.

Although the Shengsheng Caihua Ding and the Shangqing Qiankun Mirror are not offensive weapons, they are high enough in grade to be used as magic weapons to deter and counter the enemy.

how can that be! ?
Ye Zhenren couldn't believe his eyes.

As a low-level cultivator in the Purple Mansion, Wang Chen has a magic weapon which is already very remarkable.

But he actually took out four treasures of magic level in a row.

The most incredible thing is that Wang Chen can still control it!

It must be known that as a basic golden core, he dare not say that he can stably control four magic weapons at the same time.

Two or three pieces are extremely difficult.

The moment he lost his mind, Wang Chen approached again like a ghost.

A punch hit Ye Zhenren's chest! ——
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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