Chapter 678

live in peace.

In the living room, Sima Changming was fidgeting, feeling terrified.

Ye Zhenren had gone out to hunt down Wang Chen for some time, but he never came back.

This made Sima Changming feel very puzzled.

Daoist Jindan can easily take down the monks of Zifu with just a few fingers. How could it take so long?

Sima Changming instinctively felt something was wrong.

He really wanted to go out to understand the situation, but he was afraid of being punished by Ye Zhenren, so he fell into a dilemma.

The head of the supervisory office could only comfort himself, it is impossible for Ye Zhenren to be unable to deal with Wang Chen, and he is probably captured and tortured now.

Thinking about him made me feel relieved again, but I also felt a little uncomfortable - I still couldn't trust him.

Shaking his head, Sima Changming picked up his teacup and took a sip of spiritual tea.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Looking up, I saw a figure quietly appearing at the door!

Sima Changming suddenly turned pale with shock.


Before he could fully react, a thunderbolt with terrifying power suddenly struck down.

At the same time, Sima Changming's field of vision was occupied by the sudden appearance of the sword light.

His whole body suddenly fell into an ice cave!


[Tiangong +900]

Wang Chen called out the Immortal Cultivation panel again to check the data displayed on it.

It feels a little unreal.

[-] points of Heavenly Skill, this is a number that he never dared to think of before!

Tiangong can only be obtained by beheading monks, so it is much more difficult to obtain than human virtue.

And Wang Chen is not the kind of bloodthirsty person, and it is even more impossible to kill innocent people indiscriminately for the sake of heaven.

So the data has not risen much.

All four of his basic attributes have been added four times, and the heavenly skills needed to continue adding points have reached five figures.

Wang Chen thought that it was impossible for him to accumulate so much heavenly skill before he was promoted to Jindan.

Unexpectedly, he won the "Double Ten Thousand" achievement in one fell swoop today!

Without any hesitation or hesitation, Wang Chen poured [-] heavenly kung fu on the root bone and the comprehension respectively.

His root bone instantly increased from 10 points to 11 points.

Comprehension increased to 10 points.

At the moment when the point was added, the spiritual light flickered in Wang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, the joints of his whole body made fine vibrations, his blood was churning and his spirit was soaring, as if his whole body had gone through a process of rebirth.

Transformation from the inside out!
This feeling is mysterious and mysterious, but Wang Chen is very clear that his cultivation talent and aptitude have been raised by another level.

The Golden Core Avenue has been completely laid out in front of him, without any obstacles!

Needless to say, the benefits brought about by the improvement of root bones and understanding, Wang Chen wanted to burn a ton of paper money for the self-sacrificing Ye Zhenren, thanking this Jindan Daxiu for his generosity.

In addition to Tiangong, Wang Chen has gained more from Ye Zhenren.

He released the cauldron of birth and creation, and summoned the spirit of the weapon.

Xiao Ding quickly poked his head out of the Bao Ding: "Master?"

Wang Chen asked, "How about that golden pill?"

Xiao Ding shook his head, and said triumphantly: "It's being suppressed by Xiao Ding!"

Daoist's golden core has high spirituality, and it has condensed powerful power, that is, the personality of Shengshengcaohuading is high enough, otherwise it can't be easily suppressed.

Wang Chen rubbed his chin, thinking about how to deal with this golden elixir best.

Gold elixir is of course a good thing, as long as the spirituality in it is erased, it can be used to refine elixirs, magic weapons and even talismans.

Demon cultivators and evil cultivators can even use other people's golden cores to improve their cultivation.

But these practices are strictly prohibited by the Zongmen sect, and everyone will be punished if they find out!
Even if Wang Chen wanted to sell it, it would be difficult to find a suitable and reliable buyer.

The Four Seas Chamber of Commerce and Wanbao Pavilion will definitely not accept it!

Could it be that it can only be stored in the Sumeru Ring at the bottom of the box, and it can be taken out for observation and appreciation in a few years?

This was obviously not what Wang Chen wanted.

"Master, what are you going to do with this golden elixir?"

Xiao Ding's inquiry not only interrupted Wang Chen's thoughts, but also broke through his inner thoughts.

Wang Chen's heart moved, and he asked back: "Do you have any good suggestions?"

Although Xiao Ding looks like a child, the years it has experienced are much longer than Wang Chen's life.

As the controller of Shengshengcaohuading, Wang Chen felt that this guy would definitely come up with a good idea.

Xiao Ding replied without thinking: "Refining Wai Dan!"

The so-called outer pill refers to the golden pill that is not condensed by itself, which is used as a foreign object and external force.

To put it bluntly, refining the outer alchemy is to refine the golden alchemy of monks or monsters into powerful magic weapons!

But there is a problem here, it is no problem for the human monks to use the monster race gold elixir to refine the outer elixir.

But the human race's own golden core can't do it!

If Wang Chen swaggered through the market with Ye Zhenren's golden elixir, or used it as a trump card in battle, and was discovered by others, then he would have no chance of getting lucky unless he went to the wild as a casual cultivator.

Weighing the pros and cons, Wang Chen expressed his concerns.

"It's simple."

Xiao Ding said confidently: "Didn't the master get a demon spirit bead last time? Xiao Ding can smelt the demon spirit bead into a golden core, so even the true king of Huashen won't be able to see the origin!"

How can you still do this?
Without hesitation, Wang Chen took out the Yao Lingzhu: "Then I will leave it to you."

Although the outer alchemy is not as good as a real person's golden alchemy, it also has infinite magical effects. It is enough to crush your peers, and it can be used to save lives at critical moments.

Wang Chen once read all kinds of Waidan in a Taoist book, and knew that this thing can be used as a trump card.

Once the refinement is successful, if you meet the Jindan Daoist in the future, you will have a little more ability to protect yourself.

Wang Chen's previous killing of Ye Zhenren was the result of the superposition of various factors, not to say that he was really capable of leapfrogging challenges.

With the help of Wai Dan, it would have been much easier for Wang Chen to attack and kill Sima Changming just now.

It will not almost let the other party escape.

This Sima Changming's cultivation at the peak of the Zifu was severely injured by Wang Chen without any precautions, and he still had the ability to resist and escape, and his strength was top-notch in the Zifu rank.

It's just that when he meets a "freak" like Wang Chen, he's out of luck!
"Relax, sir."

Xiao Ding happily took the Yao Lingzhu, patted his chest and said, "Xiao Ding promises to refine a perfect outer pill for you!"

Saying that, it will retract into the cauldron of life and creation.

"and many more."

Wang Chen stopped and said, "And this thing..."

He took out Ye Zhenren's talisman - the copper bell.

After Ye Zhenren fell, the bronze bell lost control and was completely suppressed by the Taixuan mirage dragon true shape diagram, and finally fell into Wang Chen's hands.

It's just that Ye Zhenren's imprint on it was too deep, and Wang Chen didn't have the ability to refine it for his own use.

So let's see if Xiao Ding can use it back, so as not to waste everything.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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