Chapter 680
In the quiet room.

A simple and simple mirror is suspended in the air soundlessly, and Wang Chen's face is reflected in the spotless mirror.

He reached out and touched his face, the touch was warm and delicate, no different from real skin.

Although Wang Chen's appearance didn't change in any way at this time, he was actually wearing a Thousand Machine Transformation mask.

Wang Chen has not used this treasure for a long time.

Now is the time for it to shine again!

When Wang Chen injected mana into the mask, there was a slight change in him in the mirror.

He was still him, but his face and expression began to become haggard and gloomy, his eyes dimmed and his lips turned white, and even Yintang faintly revealed black air, giving people the feeling that his name will not last long!
After a short while, although the nose was still the same nose and the eyes were the same eyes, Wang Chen seemed to be a different person.

No spirit at all!
But Wang Chen was very satisfied with it.

The dangerous experience of being targeted by a Jindan real person earlier made Wang Chen realize that his past self had inadvertently revealed some secrets.

Other cultivators from the Purple Mansion fell into the Demon Cave and the Yin Sha Land, and they all struggled to survive.

However, he was no different, and even cultivated more diligently.

It is quite normal for such a situation to fall into the eyes of caring people!

Wang Chen didn't want to provoke the coveting of another Jindan real person.

It was a fluke to kill Ye Zhenren, he couldn't bet that his luck was always good.

Therefore, it is imperative to keep a low profile and bide our time!
So Qianjichang came in handy.

With Wang Chen's current cultivation strength, even if he wears this mask at twelve o'clock every day, the mana consumed is nothing at all.

In addition, the Dzogchen-level hidden spirit technique can also help Wang Chen hide his true cultivation.

It was not necessary before, but now you must be cautious!
And it turns out that what he did was absolutely correct.

Wang Chen came back from his inspection that day, and once again found that someone had come to Anran Juli.

It was someone he knew.

One of the three prisons in the Demon Cave, the eldest son Yong of the Zifu's peak cultivation!
Wang Chen didn't dare to be negligent, and hurried forward to pay respects: "I am a disciple of Wang Chen, and I have seen my eldest grandson in prison."

"No need to be polite."

Chang Sun Yong raised his hand and said, "Sit down, I'm here to ask you something."

He looked at Wang Chen with a look of pity in his eyes.

Because Wang Chen's situation looks quite bad.

Guarding the Shayan is the most unlucky task for a jailer, and Wang Chen has been stationed in Beishayan for more than half a year without a rotation, which is really too bad.

It is not easy to live until now, and the situation is impossible to get better!

Changsun Yong is not a bad person, and he knows something inside, so he feels a little sympathetic.

But the jailer remained calm on the surface, and asked in a deep voice, "Wang Chen, have you seen Sima Changming recently?"

"Master Sima?"

Wang Chen was stunned, swallowed his saliva and replied: "Xiaxiu met three months ago. Logically speaking, Master Sima should have come back a few days ago, but Xiaxiu hasn't seen him yet."

The guards guarding Shayan cannot be taken lightly, and the salaries and necessary supplies are sent by special personnel.

And this work is generally done by the head of the Supervisory Hall. In addition to bringing supplies, there is also the main responsibility of supervision.

After all, if something goes wrong with Shayan, it will affect the safety of the entire dungeon and even Yongle Immortal City.

Of course Wang Chen was lying here.

But his performance is impeccable, and his acting skills can win an Oscar winner.

The most important thing is that Wang Chen believes that Sima Changming and Ye Zhenren's plot against him is unlikely to be known to a third party.

It would be extremely embarrassing to tarnish one's reputation for the dignified Jindan real person to covet the opportunity of Xiaoxiu, the younger generation.

As expected, Chang Sun Yong had no doubts, frowned and nodded slightly.

Watching his words and expressions, Wang Chen carefully asked, "Prisoner Changsun, may I ask if something happened to Mr. Sima?"

Chang Sun Yong waved his hand: "This is not something you should care about."

Wang Chen smiled wryly and said, "But I've already finished my elixir."

The evil spirit in the monster cave is very heavy, not to mention the area where the evil eye exists. The guards need to take Tongmai Quxie Pill every day to resist the invasion of evil spirit.

In addition, there are talismans for body protection.

In fact, Wang Chen didn't need to take Tongmai Quxie Pill at all, but if he didn't say it, it would be abnormal!


Chang Sun Yong was a little embarrassed: "This seat is not prepared this time, so I will send someone to bring it to you when I go back."

He came to Beishayan only to investigate the disappearance of Sima Changming, and he didn't think about paying Wang Chen's salary and supplies, so he suddenly felt that he had treated him a little badly.

After thinking about it, the jailer lowered his voice and said, "You can stay here at ease, and you should be able to go back after a while."

It was Sima Changming who was secretly embarrassing Wang Chen at the beginning, and the backer of this principal was Ye Zhenren.

Now both of them are missing, neither alive nor dead, and it is said that the soul lamps are all extinguished.

Naturally, it would be impossible to embarrass Wang Chen in the future.

Changsun Yong's conscience was not lost, seeing Wang Chen's miserable life, he couldn't help but give him a little hope.

Wang Chen's eyes lit up immediately: "Really?"

Changsun Yong was displeased: "How can I deceive you!"

Wang Chen was terrified: "The lower cultivator made a slip of the tongue, and I ask the jailer to forgive me. It's really..."

He let out a long sigh.

Chang Sun Yong was not really angry either, seeing this, he said: "Don't be disheartened, in fact, it is not a bad thing for young people to sharpen their skills, this seat is very optimistic about you!"

Wang Chen saluted gratefully: "Thank you for your kindness!"


Changsun Yong got up and said: "I am busy with business, so I won't stay here for long. You should take good care of Shayan, and don't miss the business, otherwise I will not be able to speak for you."

The environment of the evil eye is extremely harsh, and there is no spiritual energy in the world. The higher the cultivation level, the more disgusted this place is.

Although An Ran can isolate the evil spirit, it is not a comfortable place.

It's normal for Chang Sun Yong not to want to stay longer.

After sending off the prisoner respectfully, Wang Chen closed the door and thought.

In fact, he has fully adapted to the life here now. Relying on the Tianluo Punishment Net, he almost wiped out the evil spirits in the central and outer ring areas of the evil eye, and accumulated a large amount of human virtue points.

There is no influence on the practice, and there is no one to disturb it. It feels quite good to be alone.

Once back to the Demon Cave, there is no such freedom.

But it is impossible for Wang Chen to refuse Changsun Yong's kindness.

That's totally out of the ordinary.

After much deliberation, Wang Chen decided to take one step at a time and play by ear.

The next day, he got his salary and supplies.

And it is sufficient.

In the days that followed, Wang Chen stepped up his efforts to "spawn monsters".

In order to gain more humanity, he began to go deep into the core area of ​​Shayan to hunt down stronger evil spirits! ——
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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