Chapter 683 Jade Slip
Every once in a while, the evil eye will emit a large amount of high-concentration evil spirit, and it will last for many days.

It's called evil tide.

But the evil tide is not a female cultivator who has not slain the red dragon. The time of appearance is not fixed, and there is no rule at all.

Fortunately, there were warning signs before the outbreak.

Sensing that the evil tide was about to appear, Wang Chen immediately withdrew to the center of Anran.

Then turn on the defensive circle to its strongest state.

It didn't take long for the violent wind to flood the safe house.

At the beginning of the construction of Anran Residence, the impact of the evil tide was taken into consideration, so not only was the location carefully selected, but also various targeted defense measures were taken.

So it's pretty safe inside.

It's just that during this period of time, Wang Chen could only stay in the house and was not allowed to go out for half a step.

He also has time to sit down and do things that have nothing to do with cultivation.

Like reading a book.

Set up a small red clay stove, light a few pieces of gold-thread anthracite, put a purple clay pot to boil spiritual spring water, and sit at a small table while Wang Chen reads the notes of his predecessors while drinking tea.

This "predecessor" refers to Ye Zhenren.

The volume of notes in his hand was obtained from Ye Zhenren's Sumeru Ring.

It records the golden core's cultivation and training career.

Ye Zhenren's real name is Ye Shunping, and he was born as a casual cultivator. His life experience was quite ups and downs. After countless hardships, he condensed the golden core and entered Yongle Immortal City to cultivate.

It's just that due to his talent, he has no hope of conceiving a baby at the eighth rank, and he has no background, so the dignified person can only sit in Yongle Dungeon to accumulate meritorious deeds and exchange them for the resources needed for cultivation.

This Jindan is obviously not a serious person, and has always had the habit of writing a diary. Wang Chen read his notes carefully, only to feel that the lines are full of resentment.

The way of heaven is unfair, the way of humanity is unfair, and the way of the world is difficult to understand. In short, it is full of negative energy!

This may be the reason why Ye Shunping coveted Wang Chen's opportunity and did not hesitate to deal with Wang Chen himself.

The mind and pattern are not high.

Most of the contents in the notes are boring, and the text is also very trivial. This Jindan real person obviously regards it as a trash can for emotions.

But after reading, Wang Chen also sorted out a lot of things that are useful to him.

For example, Ye Shunping condensed the whole process of refining the golden elixir.

He started accumulating resources for condensing alchemy when he entered the high-level of the Zifu, and it took him 30 years to accumulate enough, and then succeeded in attacking the golden alchemy.

The hardships involved, you can't say every word of blood and tears, but you can fully see how difficult it is.

No matter how high the talent is, the condensed golden core needs supporting resources.

This resource mainly refers to various treasures of heaven and earth, and has a direct impact on the quality of the condensed pill.

Ye Shunping was born as a casual cultivator, and he was not extremely qualified. He had already tried his best to reach the peak of the Zifu, and the resources he had accumulated for congealing alchemy could only barely meet his needs.

Therefore, in the end, Dan became the eighth grade.

Probably because there was a lot of resentment in his heart. When describing this journey in his notes, Ye Shunping and Ye Zhenren's handwriting was a little different from normal.

Looks emotionally unstable.

This caused Ye Shunping to search for wealth and resources in a retaliatory manner after he succeeded in congealing pills. On the one hand, he devoted himself to his talisman, and on the other hand, he made up for his greatest regret.

In the end, he bitterly hated pressing the gold thread every year, and Wang Chen took advantage of everything!
And these contents also reminded Wang Chen

His cultivation progress is very fast, far exceeding the level of ordinary monks, and not much better than those with a deep background.

If you don't start accumulating condensed pill resources now, then it may take several years to collect them when you reach the peak of the Purple Mansion.

Because some of the natural materials and earth treasures needed for condensing pills can't be bought at will, some need to spend a lot of money to book, some depend on luck, and some have to compete with others.

Wang Chen is also a casual cultivator, without the support of his family or sect, even if he has no shortage of spirit stones, it is very difficult to gather these natural and earthly treasures, especially high-quality resources.

Some natural treasures are priceless!

Although Wang Chen can open and hang, but if he wants to achieve the third-rank golden elixir, this huge investment is absolutely indispensable!
In his notes, Ye Shunping listed his natural materials and earthly treasures for condensing alchemy. Wang Chen roughly estimated that the number was quite astonishing, and according to his own needs, it is estimated that it would be normal to double it several times or even ten times.

Congealing pills is so difficult, so what about conceiving babies and transforming gods in the future?

Wang Chen shook his head, not thinking too much about things that were too far away.

He put down the notes he had finished reading, and took out the jade slips of exercises that also belonged to Ye Shunping.

In fact, this Jade Slip of Cultivation Technique is not Ye Shunping's own, but an opportunity he got by exploring a cave of his predecessors when he was in Zifu.

It was a Jindan Cave Mansion, the owner failed to conceive a baby and sat down, leaving behind a lot of treasures.

Among them is this jade slip.

At that time, Ye Shunping was exploring with a team. After Depot, his teammates turned against each other. After a tragic infighting, he saved the biggest opportunity of his cultivation career.

Ye Shunping's ability to successfully condense pills once with a not particularly high talent has a lot to do with this opportunity.

Even the embryo of his natal magic weapon came from this Jindan cave.

A total of nine powerful spells are sealed in this jade slip.

All spells of the Golden Core level!
What's interesting is that Ye Shunping got this treasure when he was in the purple mansion stage, but he couldn't practice any of the spells until he had completed his congealing skills.

Because this jade slip is very special, it has requirements for the holder's cultivation base and roots, otherwise the seal cannot be opened.

Ye Zhenren's cultivation level is enough, but he has not reached the fundamental level, so he can only stare blankly!
In other words, the current Wang Chen has no way to practice.

But this jade slip has a special function, that is to test the root bone!

Wang Chen forced a drop of blood from his fingertip, and dripped it on the jade slip.

Yu Jian quickly absorbed his blood, and soon emitted a faint light.

A true seal rune emerged on the surface.

A "up" word.

Wang Chen's current roots are already at the top level!

As far as he knows, there is "Shang Shang" above "Shang", but the superior root bone is already the real seed of Nascent Soul.

As far as this demanding jade slip is concerned, the first-class root bone is completely enough.

It's a pity that Wang Chen's cultivation is still a lot worse.

Therefore, he could only do the same as Ye Shunping, and put the jade slips of exercises at the bottom of the box.

blah blah blah!

Just as Wang Chen put the jade slip back into the Sumeru Ring, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Wang Chen suddenly turned his head and looked towards the door.

At this time, the wind is raging outside, who came to An Ranju to knock on the door?

He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

blah blah blah!
However, the same voice sounded again, and it was so clear that there was absolutely no possibility of mishearing it.

Wang Chen was startled, and immediately grabbed the Tianluo Zhuxie Net.


He asked in a deep voice.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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