Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 685 Out of the Sea of ​​Misery

Chapter 685 Out of the Sea of ​​Misery
From the beginning to the end, Wang Chen didn't know what was outside the door.

It is estimated that it is either a demon spirit or an evil spirit, at least at the "fierce" level, and it is very likely that it has reached the "severe" level.

He has been stationed in the North Shayan for nearly a year, sweeping and clearing out the aliens from the outer to the inner ring area, and has never encountered such a terrifying existence.

If it happened, Wang Chen might be cold!

And this also reminded him that the evil eye area is not as simple as imagined, and the hidden dangers are unpredictable.

Be more cautious in the future!
What Wang Chen didn't expect was that Shachao disappeared the next day, and someone came from above again.

It was Chang Sun Yong who came!
"Congratulations, you can go back."

The demon prisoner said to Wang Chen with a smile: "Your mission of guarding is over."

Wang Chen was quite surprised.

He thought he would stay here for another year or two, and he was mentally prepared.

As a result, you can go back now!

Wang Chen couldn't help asking, "Where are you going back?"

"Of course it's back to the Prison Officer."

Changsun Yong explained: "The higher-ups have already known about your situation, and there will be corresponding compensation and rewards. It is estimated that your duties will also change. In short, it must be a good thing!"

He smiled and said, "Why, are you reluctant?"

"No no no!"

Wang Chen quickly denied: "Xiu Xiu was just a little surprised."

Even if he was really reluctant, he couldn't admit it, otherwise it would be too easy to attract suspicion.

Who would be reluctant to leave Shayan!
In fact, the current Wang Chen doesn't want to stay here any longer.

Even if the human virtue points are collected quickly.

"You are lucky."

Changsun Yong said meaningfully: "The newcomer, Zhenren Wang, read the file, and it can be regarded as setting things right."

Wang Chen's heart skipped a beat: "Thank you Prison!"

Although Chang Sun Yong didn't say anything, Wang Chen couldn't hear the meaning hidden in the other party's words.

This time I can get out of the sea of ​​suffering, and I will be compensated and rewarded. This jailer must have done something.

Even if he is going along with the flow to earn favors, he still has to be grateful!

Wang Chen immediately took out a pure yin qi bead from the storage bag, and offered it with both hands: "A little kindness, please accept it."


Chang Sun Yong didn't pay attention at first, and even wanted to make fun of it, but he glanced at the yin qi in Wang Chen's hand, and his eyes lit up: "You're lucky."

Although the value of the Yin Qi Pearl is very high, it is not a rare thing for him, a half-step Golden Core cultivator.

But such a high-quality Yin Qi bead is another matter!
Seeing Wang Chen's reluctance to give up his love, the prisoner laughed dumbly: "Forget it, you can keep it for yourself."

He relied on his status and didn't want to take away people's love.

As a result, Wang Chen directly stuffed the beads of Yin Qi into the sleeve of Chang Sun Yong's robe: "If the prison does not accept it, the heart of the lower cultivator will not be at ease."

To be honest, compared with Sima Changming, Ye Zhenren and others, Changsun Yong can be regarded as a noble character.

Wang Chen gave this yin qi bead willingly.

"Never mind."

Changsun Yong didn't push back and forth, but thought for a while and said, "If Wang Zhenren asks again, I will help you with a few words."

Cannibalism is soft-spoken, and the most important thing is that he likes Wang Chen and doesn't mind helping others to the end.

Wang Chen thanks again.

Chang Sun Yong probably felt that this was not enough to repay the favor of this yin qi bead, so he revealed some inside information to Wang Chen.

For example, Sima Changming and Ye Zhenren, who made things difficult for Wang Chen at the beginning, have already fallen, and the reason is unknown, but Wang Zhenren, who succeeded Ye Zhenren, was the former's enemy, so a comprehensive investigation was carried out after taking over.

In the end, it was found out that Wang Chen was sent to Beishayan without reason.

Of course, Chang Sun Yong spoke for Wang Chen, otherwise things would not be so easy.

In short, this time Wang Chen was out of the sea of ​​suffering.

When the prisoner left, he told Wang Chen that he might get the Yongle Immortal Status in advance!

The next day, the monk who replaced Wang Chen came to Anran Residence.

The other party completed the handover with Wang Chen with a bitter face.

Wang Chen couldn't help but want to shed tears of sympathy for him as if he was bereaved.

Without the Immortal Body of King Kong, without the Heavenly Luo Punishment Net, for ordinary Zifu monks, this place is really hell!

But sympathy belongs to sympathy, Wang Chen ran faster than anyone else.

After more than half a year, Wang Chen returned to the fairy city on the ground, and Wang Chen felt as if he had passed away.

Not to mention cultivating, even a magic cultivator has seven emotions and six desires, and Mahayana saints can't really kill emotions and desires. No matter how lonely Wang Chen can endure loneliness, he can't abandon the bustling and noisy forever.

When he returned to the Prison Division, he was received by a principal.

Changsun Yong didn't fool Wang Chen, the higher-ups found out his situation and came up with a compensation and reward plan.

First of all, Wang Chen obtained Yongle Xianji two years in advance and became a real member of Xiancheng.

From now on, he is no longer a casual cultivator like a lonely ghost, his identity has been recognized by the Kyushu Immortal Alliance in the Haotian Realm, and he can freely enter and exit all immortal cities in the Immortal Alliance.

Secondly, the Director of Prisons rewarded Wang Chen with five hundred immortal honors and a set of cultivation resources, and gave him the qualification to enter the Treasure Pavilion.

Xianxun is actually Wang Chen's former meritorious service in the sect. It is also calculated with points, which can be exchanged for exercises, magic tools, pills, talismans, and cultivation resources.

The place to exchange is Tianshu Pavilion!

In the end, the prison secretary gave Wang Chen a one-month vacation.

Although he obtained the Immortal Status, he is still a member of the Department of Prisons, and he will continue to work for the Department of Prisons until he completes the Dao Deed.

As for the new work arrangement, Wang Chen has to wait for the notice from the prison department.

But what is certain is that he will not be allowed to guard Shayan again.

Even demon cave.

In short, this time Wang Chen was truly freed from the sea of ​​suffering, so that the clouds will open and the moon will shine!

After receiving the reward and compensation, Wang Chen came to the Treasure Pavilion immediately.

Zangbao Pavilion is located in the center of Yongle Immortal City. It is a magnificent twelve-story building that can be called a landmark.

And next to the Treasure Pavilion is the Tianshu Pavilion, which represents the power core of Yongle Immortal City!
After showing the identity plate to the guard and passing the verification, Wang Chen stepped into the Treasure Pavilion for the first time.

The internal layout of the Zangbao Pavilion is very similar to the Wanbao Pavilion, and it was built with reference to the latter in all likelihood, but it is not a pretty lady who is in charge of receiving Wang Chen, but a middle-aged monk with a dead face.

Wang Chen asked bluntly: "Is there any way to sacrifice and use the outer alchemy that can be exchanged?"

He obtained the outer alchemy refined by the small cauldron, but suffered from no way to control it, and kept it in the Sumeru Precepts to eat ashes.


The middle-aged monk flipped through the tome: "Xuanzhen Waidanshu requires 650 cents in exchange."

650 cents?

Wang Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

As a member of the Prison Division, he can get immortal honors for his job itself, plus the five hundred immortal honors he got as a reward, it is enough to exchange for this external alchemy.

The second update is sent, please support the monthly ticket, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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