Chapter 689 The Mansion
"Shang Xiu, this is the last house I can see today."

The sun was scorching hot, Xiao Song wiped the sweat from his forehead, only to feel dry mouth.

Although he is a monk who has achieved success in Qi training, he has not yet reached the point where he is invulnerable to cold and heat. He has run around half of the fairy city with the guests beside him, and he feels physically and mentally exhausted at this moment.

However, as a new dentist in the dental practice, Xiao Song gritted his teeth and insisted on winning the business.

"If the master is not satisfied, the little one will find you some more suitable ones tomorrow!"

Not satisfied?
In fact, Wang Chen was quite satisfied with the house he had just seen.

Although the area is small, there are courtyards and quiet rooms, and the location of the single-family house is quite good, and the aura is quite abundant.

The problem is that such an apartment is expensive to rent.

Wang Chen, who was so expensive that he once owned tens of millions of spirit stones, also felt pain in his flesh. After calculating his daily expenses, he still didn't make up his mind to fight it out.

In addition, the landlord is not easy to talk about, he is not willing to lose a single spirit stone, and even puts on the attitude of "my house does not worry about renting", condescendingly despising Wang Chen, a "poor beep" who "want to rent a good house but has no spirit stone". .

This is very frustrating.

What is helpless is that the good houses in Yongle Fairy City really do not worry about renting, the rent is so expensive!
"Thanks a lot."

But Wang Chen has no objection to the dentist who worked so hard to accompany him to look for a house.

There was even a hint of apology.

"If it's really not there, then forget it."

As he said that, Wang Chen stuffed a few pieces of spirit stones to Xiao Song: "You will accept this hard work."

Holding the spirit stone in his hand, Xiao Song was stunned for a moment, then looked left and right, and took Wang Chen aside.

He lowered his voice and said: "Shangxiu, my uncle has a house that is similar to this house, but it has not been rented out, and the rent is very cheap."

Wang Chen understood as soon as he heard it: "What's the problem?"

Xiao Song smiled wryly, "That's a tricky house."

"The haunted house?"

It was the first time Wang Chen heard this term.

Xiao Song had to explain.

The so-called spooky house refers to a courtyard house where weird things often happen, and usually no one wants to live in it.

Ganqing is a haunted house!
Wang Chen was even more puzzled: "Since something strange happened, why didn't you report it to the police officer for arrest?"

The Evil Suppressing Department he just joined does this job!
What a coincidence.

However, Xiao Song's answer made Wang Chen dumbfounded.

It turned out that unless it caused a death or affected the safety of the neighbors, it would be necessary to pay a high fee to report such a situation to the police department and then send someone to deal with it.

The patrol department is the big yamen of Xiancheng. Are the police officers who are in public office ordinary people who can come and go as soon as they are called?

Xiao Song's uncle was firstly reluctant to part with the fee, and secondly worried that the police might not be able to solve the problem even if the police came.

But if someone is invited, the spirit stone still has to be taken out!

"No way?"

Wang Chen felt incredible—it was a mere spooky house, even the police officers who patrolled and arrested it couldn’t solve it?
This is not the technological world of his previous life. There is a blind spot for metaphysics, and he uses talismans to save his life when he casts spells. Could it be that the unclean things can't be cleaned up?
It's possible!

In fact, similar treacherous houses are not isolated cases, Xiao Song knows of more than a dozen of them.

These treacherous houses are basically vacant or abandoned. There are also people who do not believe in evil or rely on self-cultivation to move in, and move out soon, keeping secrets about what happened during their residence.

As a matter of fact, the inspectors of the Si Ya have also investigated some treacherous houses, but basically nothing has been done.

A haunted house is not a haunted house, it only scares people and doesn't kill people!
After learning about the situation, Wang Chen simply took Yaren to a nearby teahouse to rest, drink a pot of spiritual tea and inquire about more information to decide whether to see the house.

In order to do Wang Chen's business, Xiao Song knew everything and said everything.

It turned out that this house was used by his uncle as an outhouse.

The other party is a good Jifang singer, because she is charming and considerate, so she won the favor of Uncle Xiao Song, so much so that she neglected her regular wife.

But his Taoist partner was not a good one, and his natal family was quite powerful, so he immediately gathered a group of helpers to raid the outer house.

They grabbed the singer, sealed the latter's mana, stripped her clothes and threw them on the street, whipped and humiliated her, and didn't stop until the police came to interfere.

The singer didn't die at the time, but she hanged herself at home after being rescued.

Later, a lot of strange things happened in this house.

Some people said that there was an evil spirit, but neither exorcising the evil nor transcending it had any effect.

Xiao Song's uncle lost all face, and this kind of thing happened again, it is really heartwarming to the extreme.

He originally wanted to sell this house, but the incident was too much and everyone knew about it. Who would pay a high price to buy an unlucky and treacherous house!
Uncle Xiao Song didn't want to sell it at a low price, so he entrusted Xiao Song to rent it out.

This man's calculation is very good, if someone rents it, and there is nothing wrong with living in it for a few years, it will naturally get rid of the name of treacherous house.

It is easy to sell at normal price again.

As a result, things backfired, and two renters who were greedy for cheap were scared away!
"So you want to rent it to me?"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Do you think I've been taken advantage of?"

"Small dare not!"

Xiao Song hastily explained: "The small one just feels that his cultivation is extraordinary, maybe he has the ability to eliminate evil spirits and suppress evil, and he is not afraid of that spooky house, so..."

Of course he had selfish intentions in promoting this treacherous house to Wang Chen, but he didn't dare to deceive Wang Chen in any way.

"Let's go."

Wang Chen dropped a few spirit stones, got up and said, "Let's go and have a look."

The other party has good eyesight, and what he is least afraid of is evil and weird things. If the house is suitable, it is not impossible to just buy it!

Uncle Xiao Song's house is not far away, and the location is better than the one Wang Chen had seen before.

It's just because the house has been unoccupied for a long time, and it's still cold when you enter it on a hot day, filled with an uncomfortable smell, and the yard is full of fallen leaves, and the room is full of dust.

Xiao Song was embarrassed: "Shang Xiu..."

Wang Chen raised his hand to interrupt him, and asked bluntly, "Ask your uncle, is this house for sale?"

At the normal price, he couldn't afford this house at all.

But if it is a treacherous house, then there is really a possibility of getting it.

Wang Chen planned to try.

After receiving Xiao Song's talisman letter, his uncle who is also the landlord hurried over.

This high-ranking cultivator in Zifu looks elegant, looks personable, and looks quite out of the world.

It's a pity that he knows people and faces but doesn't know his heart. His character is really not very good.

But Wang Chen is not a judge in the moral court, and he has no intention of judging the other party's fault.

He really wanted to buy the house.

The problem was that the other party's asking price was high from the very beginning, which made Wang Chen suspect that he had entered the wrong land! ——
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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