Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 693 The First Mission

Chapter 693 The First Mission

If Wang Chen was a policeman who patrolled the yamen, he would take the three corpses back and conduct a comprehensive and detailed inspection from head to toe to determine the cause of death of these miners.

If it doesn't look like it was victimized by evil spirits, it must be evil spirits.

Some people deliberately leave traces of evil and evil on the corpse in order to cover up their crimes.

Such examples abound.

But Wang Chen doesn't need to do this, he has his own screening method.

Keen intuition, coupled with Tianluo Zhuxie's net.

This treasure that restrains evil spirits is now attached to Wang Chen's body in the form of a heavenly robe, protecting him from the evil forces of Yin and evil, and at the same time giving him super insight and perception of evil forces .

In Wang Chen's view, the three miners were indeed killed by evil spirits.

His gaze turned to the depths of the mine.

There was no lighting from obsidian lamps, and it was as dark as a ferocious beast that wanted to devour people!

Danger often lurks in dark places.

"You go back."

Wang Chen stood up and said to the owner of the mine: "Leave this to me."


The owner of the mine hurriedly replied: "Then please!"

"and many more."

Seeing the other party running away, Wang Chen stopped him aloud: "Take the body away, it's best to hand it over to the family."

After the head of the mine put the body into a storage bag and took it away, Wang Chen immediately headed deep into the mine.

Follow the remaining evil breath!
Intuition told Wang Chen that the target he was looking for was in it.

The deep and dark abandoned mine did not pose any obstacles to Wang Chen's actions. He was like a small fish jumping into the sea, flexibly searching in the winding tunnel.

Follow your keen intuition!
The deeper you go into the mine, the darker the surrounding space becomes, and you can't see your fingers in the blink of an eye.

Wang Chen stopped suddenly.

It wasn't that he was scared and dared not move forward, but that the evil aura suddenly became stronger here!

The next moment, a dreamlike whisper sounded in Wang Chen's ears.

With an indescribable bewitching meaning.

However, Wang Chen had long given up on this kind of trick. No matter how powerful the bewitching ability of this evil creature lurking in the depths of the mine was ten times, it would not be able to shake his strong will.

Xie Chong exposed himself instead!
Wang Chen pinched the formula with his hands, and a flaming fire crow instantly appeared in front of him.

The bright fire dispelled all the cold and bad luck, and also illuminated the way forward for a practitioner!

Wang Chen saw a figure floating quietly in the air twenty steps ahead.


No matter what this evil creature was, Wang Chen directly sacrificed the Heavenly Luo Execution Network.

A dark golden light flashed across his body in an instant, and the next moment a large net appeared out of thin air, enveloping the opponent with lightning speed.

When Wang Chen wears the Tianluo Punishing Evil Net in the form of Tianluo vestment, it does not show its real shape or its precious light, and only when it touches the evil power will there be a slight reaction.

And when this treasure is fully unfolded, unless the target's power level is much higher than Wang Chen's, there is only a possibility of being caught in the net.

As the target of the attack, the evil creature originally wanted to run or dodge.

But for some reason, it suddenly found itself unable to move, being bound by an invisible force.

Then get caught!


Xie Chong struggled desperately while letting out a sharp and hoarse scream.

However, this is its last swan song!
In the case of a large-scale cold wave, the Tianluo Punishment Net quickly shrank, ruthlessly drawing the original power of evil spirits.

This evil spirit struggled desperately, and the result was the same as those of the same kind that fell into the evil net in the past. They couldn't break free from the cage, and they could only use this method to suppress, reason, and clean up...

In the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, the captured evil spirit has already curled up into a ball, dying and about to collapse.

At this moment, Wang Chen suddenly retracted the long rope, and at the same time let go of the suppression of the evil spirits in the net.

The evil creature "rolled" out.

In an instant, a bronze talisman soared into the sky, emitting a pale golden light under the stimulation of mana, completely covering the evil below.

Xie Chong was taken away by the talisman without any resistance!


Wang Chen felt a little uncomfortable holding the talisman that had just flown back—the process was a little faster.

He looked around and played more than a dozen death talismans in a row.

Come and sue the innocent miners who died here!
After making sure that there was no more evil in this mine, Wang Chen returned to the ground.

The head of the mine was standing guard at the entrance of the cave. When he saw Wang Chen coming out safe and sound, his tense nerves immediately relaxed, and he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "My lord, has that evil spirit been caught?"

Wang Chen nodded: "En."

This monster has now been included in his work permit - the copper badge, and will be kept in the report to earn Xian Xun.

The owner of the mine was immediately overjoyed: "Thank you, sir, for your hard work!"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "It's a small matter."

Really small things.

The level of strength of this evil spirit that causes chaos and harm is actually not very high, it is probably between the white resentment and the black resentment, and Wang Chen can take it down even without using the Tianluo Punishment Net.

Once the Xiexie Net is released, it must be resolved in seconds!
Wang Chen returned to patrol the Siyamen to hand in the task.

After Wang Chen submitted his badge, a chief of the Zhenxie Department summoned him.

The principal, surnamed Guan, has a burly figure with piercing eyes, a tall and strong physique, and a muscular appearance that looks like a body repairer, exuding a very domineering aura.

His attitude towards Wang Chen was quite kind. After asking Wang Chen about the process of arresting the evil spirit, he smiled and said, "Good job."

After a pause, the officer continued: "Your task was arranged by me. Originally, the newcomer's first mission was to be completed with the group and the team, but you are different from other newcomers..."

He looked at Wang Chen with meaningful eyes: "To be able to stay alive after guarding Beishayan for more than half a year, the ability to deal with evil spirits must be not small!"

Wang Chen understood.

Ganqing's first mission is a test arranged by the other party, no wonder there are so many unreasonable things.

Wang Chen smiled wryly and said, "You are absurd."

"It's a fluke to be able to come back alive from Beishayan. Now that I think about it, my subordinates still have lingering fears!"

Should be low-key or have to be low-key, should be modest, must be humble, Wang Chen doesn't want to be targeted by Jindan real person again.

He just wanted to practice well without being disturbed.

"You don't have to be humble."

Master Guan waved his hand and said, "I know you must have unique means to deal with evil spirits, but this is your ability, and I or other people in the evil suppression department will not covet your ability to plot against you."

He is very sincere: "But I hope that you can take on more important responsibilities!"

Before Wang Chen could answer, the chief said again: "I won't force you either, you should think about it after you go back, and you can come to me anytime when you think about it!"
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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