Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 695 An Unusual Task

Chapter 695 An Unusual Task

Patrol and arrest Si Ya, Zhenxie Department.

In the hall, Guan Shengping sat on a high chair, carefully flipping through the file in his hand.

A white-faced, beardless middle-aged monk stood by.

The huge room was eerily quiet.

After a long time, Guan Shengping put down the thick file, his eyes flickered, and thousands of thoughts flashed in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Different from many golden elixir real people who practiced secretly in the cave, what he practiced was the way of entering the world. From the beginning of Qi training to the condensing of golden elixir, he had been practicing in the yamen.

It has been 20 years since I served as the head of the Zhenxie Department!

Guan Shengping suddenly asked: "How is that junior?"

The middle-aged monk next to him immediately bowed and replied: "I have been accumulating immortal honors, and all the tasks have been completed."

Guan Shengping chuckled: "Not bad."

He was talking about Wang Chen.

In fact, Wang Chen was a little wrong. Guan Shengping was different from Ye Zhenren. He came from a great family of immortals, and his vision and vision were far beyond the latter's comparison.

It's just that this Jindan Daxiu discovered Wang Chen and regarded him as a talent that could be included under his command, so he took some targeted actions.

Boil the eagle.

In Guan Shengping's view, his "test" to Wang Chen was actually to give Wang Chen a chance.

A chance to move up!

But before that, he had to wear off Wang Chen's arrogance and make the latter docile and willing to use it for himself.

Haven't given in yet?
Thinking of Wang Chen not taking the initiative to bow his head after meeting for the first time, Guan Shengping felt that he was too soft-hearted, which gave this junior the illusion that he could get through it.

He thought for a while and said, "Young people need more experience, so add some burden."

The middle-aged monk bowed again: "Yes."

Guan Shengping waved his hand, and the middle-aged monk quietly exited the hall.

The room fell silent again.

The next morning, Wang Chen received another talisman letter from the Zhenxie Department.

He has a new mission!

But this time the mission was obviously unusual.

The Zhenxie Department actually asked Wang Chen to hunt down a high-ranking evil cultivator in the Zifu!

This is very wrong.

You must know that although the Zhenxie Department has the title of "Suppressing Evil", it is the job of the arresting department to deal with evil cultivators. The Zhenxie Department entrusts Wang Chen with such a task, which is obviously suspected of overreaching.

However, this talisman clearly stated that this evil cultivator was originally a policeman of the Zhenxie Department, but was unfortunately infected by evil forces during a mission, and finally fell into the path of evil spirits.

The Zhenxie Department's pursuit of him is a matter of cleaning up the sect, and it is also an internal matter, so naturally it cannot use the arrest department's hands.

In addition, the Zhenxie Department marked a very high reward for this task, and Xian Xun was three times that of ordinary tasks!
But Wang Chen felt that there was a strong sense of threat hidden in it.

Someone is getting impatient!
Although according to the regulations, he can appeal to the superior, expressing his inability to complete such a task, requesting a replacement or providing more help-such as a dedicated hunting team.

However, Wang Chen knew very well that his appeal was impossible to pass.

He tried it.

In exchange for a severe warning from above!

If you don't do it, you have to do it, there is no room for negotiation, otherwise you will be punished with disobedience!

No way, Wang Chen could only go to Zhenxie Department to get a talisman, and left Yongle Immortal City to hunt down this evil cultivator.

The Haotian Realm is vast and boundless, and chasing a defected cultivator is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. The talisman received by Wang Chen seals a wisp of the opponent's soul, which can provide him with the "location and navigation" function.

But too far away is not enough.

So Wang Chen had to be fast.

He drove the Longyuan sword all the way with lightning speed, flying thousands of miles away in one breath.

According to the guidance of the soul talisman, he finally locked the target's location.

On top of a lone peak!
When Wang Chen Yujian volleyed close to this mountain peak, he saw a gray-robed monk standing alone on the rock, with black air all over his body.

With a distance of several tens of feet, Wang Chen shouted in a deep voice: "Liang Cen, if something happened to you, just arrest him!"

The gray-robed monk turned around when he heard the sound, and looked at Wang Chen in the air indifferently: "Is there no one in the Suppressing Evil Department now? Have you sent out the bronze medal junior like you?"

Although this Liang Cen has entered the path of evil spirits, he obviously has not completely lost his rationality and humanity.

In fact, such evil cultivators are the most terrifying!
"If I take you down, I will be promoted to the Silver Medal."

Wang Chen replied calmly: "For my future, can't you make a sacrifice?"

Liang Cen stared at him blankly, as if his brain was a little out of order.

After a while, he replied: "Want to take me down? You deserve it too!"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly flew into the air, and the magic robe on his body spread in all directions in an instant, and a large amount of black smoke billowed out, completely covering it.

In just a few breaths, this evil cultivator turned into a huge crow and flew towards Wang Chen.

Black smoke billows, evil power spreads!

Wang Chen grasped the sword formula with his hand, and the Longyuan sword that protected him turned into a dazzling light, and greeted Liang Cen like lightning!
The two sides approached instantly.

Hearing a muffled sound, the giant crow transformed by Liang Cen suddenly exploded, turning into thousands of little black crows and scattered.

Longyuan Sword's surprise attack completely failed!

The next moment, black crows flew over Wang Chen, forming a huge net and falling towards him.

Every black crow was full of evil spirits, and it was impossible to tell which one was Liang Cen's real body!
Wang Chen immediately dodges to avoid falling into this crow's net.

call out!call out!call out!
Hundreds of black crows vibrate their wings at the same time, inspiring countless flying feathers to chase after Wang Chen!
Half the sky is covered.

At the same time, a sharp black claw appeared out of thin air, and it grabbed Wang Chen silently and swiftly.

Wang Chen was distracted, on the one hand retreating and dodging continuously, on the other hand manipulating the Longyuan sword to block the black claw.

Not only that, he also developed his own powerful spiritual consciousness.

Detect every crow in the sky.

Wang Chen knew very well that if he couldn't find Liang Cen's real body, then no matter how many black crows he killed, it would be meaningless, because the black mist rose in the sky, and more black crows would condense and fly out of it.

The source is endless!


The Longyuan sword collided violently with the black claw, and with the grinding sound, a claw was forcibly cut off by the magical flying sword.

However, the other three claws suddenly shrank, and they held the Longyuan sword firmly!
The evil power contained in the black claw surged out, trying to pollute Wang Chen's natal flying sword.


Under such circumstances, there was no way for Wang Chen to retreat, so he immediately cast out the Black Flame Flying Crow, submerged himself in the rapidly expanding body of the crow, and took the initiative to meet the dense crowd of crows.

The black crow collided with the fire crow that was integrated with Wang Chen exploded instantly, turning into clouds of black smoke and dissipating.

Potential like a broken bamboo!
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(End of this chapter)

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