Chapter 703
When Hu Jiao uncorked the gourd, Wang Chen could smell the aroma of wine.

Obviously, what this Yaozu took out was not ordinary spiritual wine.

Since the other party took the initiative, Wang Chen was not polite and took the purple gourd.

But he didn't drink mouth to mouth, but took out two wine glasses from Xumijie and filled them up respectively, and then returned the gourd to Hu Jiao.

The latter blushed again.

Wang Chen pretended not to see it, picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

His eyes lit up immediately: "Good wine!"

This wine has an amber color, and the liquid is concentrated into a gelatinous state. The instant it enters the mouth, it turns into a line of fire that goes straight into the stomach, making the whole person very warm and comfortable.

The spiritual power contained in it made Wang Chen feel a little drunk!
Really good wine!
"This is Spirit Monkey Millennium Drunk."

Hu Jiao explained: "It is brewed from all kinds of fruits collected by monkeys in the mountains. Ordinary people will be drunk for thousands of years after drinking a cup."

Being drunk for a thousand years is of course an exaggeration, but it is enough to show how extraordinary this wine is.

Wang Chen nodded and was about to speak when suddenly there were loud voices and hurried footsteps outside.

He and Hu Jiao looked at each other with a more dignified expression.

A moment later, a group of monks broke into the old house.

Seeing Wang Chen and Hu Jiao, they were also taken aback. The leading monk sized him up with scrutiny, and then he said with a smile: "We plan to rest here for a night, and the two fellow Taoists don't mind. Bar?"

The words meant to ask, but there was a non-negotiable taste in his tone.

Hu Jiao bowed his head and turned a deaf ear, Wang Chen said flatly: "There is no owner here, you can do what you want."

There are a total of seven people on the other side, all of them are Zifu monks, ranging from beginners to advanced ones, and from the perspective of attire, they include combat repairs, law repairs, alchemy repairs, and talisman repairs. It is estimated that there are also instrument repairs and medical repairs.

A pretty standard adventure team.

And in Wang Chen's perception, these monks were all lingering with thick or weak blood evil spirit!
Quite a hassle.

Wang Chen didn't want to cause trouble, nor did he have any intention of conflicting with the other party and others, so he gave Hu Jiao a wink.

Hu Jiao understood - change the place.

The area of ​​the deserted village is not small, and there are more than one dilapidated stone houses that can be lived in. There is no need to mix with a group of unknown monks.

Change the place, everyone is at ease.

However, what people didn't expect was that when Wang Chen and Hu Jiao got up and were about to leave, a monk in the opposing team stared at the cup of spirit monkey thousand year drunk.

This glass of spiritual wine was poured by Wang Chen for Hu Jiao, who hadn't drunk it yet.

"What wine is so fragrant?"

The man licked his lips, then stretched out his hand to ingest it brazenly, without even asking: "Let me taste it!"

As a result, he caught a blank.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Hu Jiao put the glass of spiritual wine into the storage bag in an instant.

The cultivator suddenly felt that he had lost his face, and immediately scowled at Hu Jiao, "What's the matter with drinking a glass of wine? Don't be ashamed!"

Cultivators like them usually live a life of licking blood with knives, putting their heads on their belts and going deep into the mountains to take risks, and their tempers are often very irritable and greedy.

The most important thing is that they are a team of seven, Wang Chen and Hu Jiao are only two, and everyone met in the wilderness, and the most vicious side of their temperament was immediately revealed.

Most importantly, Wang Chen and Hu Jiao look like two little fat sheep who have not experienced much in the world!


The previous cultivator who was negotiating with Wang Chen stopped for a while, then raised his chin and said to Wang Chen: "You two, hand over the storage bag for me to check, I suspect that you are wanted criminals!"

Wang Chen smiled.

This kind of trick of framing and looking for trouble is too clumsy, but the other party still puts on a serious look.

It's also really funny!
Chi Chi Chi!
As soon as the monk's words fell, Hu Jiao suddenly turned around, and his robes flew up, bursting into a ball of dazzling aura.

Thousands of silver hairs as thin as a cow's hair shot out towards the other party and the others in an instant.

Cover all seven monks!
This Hu Jiao's attack was too fast, without any warning in advance, and the distance between the two sides was very close, so none of the seven monks could escape.

But all of them were equipped or carried spiritual weapons and talismans for body protection, which were automatically activated the moment they were shot by the silver hair, and they finally escaped a catastrophe.

"How brave!"

The cultivators who reacted were furious, and shouted loudly: "Looking for death!"

In the past, they were the ones who took the initiative to pre-empt strikes, but they didn't expect to be attacked first this time, and they all became angry from embarrassment.

The seven monks spread out to the left and right in a tacit understanding, or they pinched the magic formula with their hands, or took out the magic talisman.

A battle formation is formed between breaths!

The more people there are, the stronger the battle formation will be. Once the strength of the seven people is united, they can fight Jindan Zhenren with one or two tricks.

The problem is, how could Wang Chen give them a chance.

Although these monks are all human races, but the other party is clearly looking for trouble, even murder and robbery, so Wang Chen doesn't mind joining forces with a monster race at all.

With a flash of his figure, he shrunk to an inch and flew in front of the monk who was closest to him.

A palm patted the opponent's chest.

The cultivator had just sacrificed a defensive spiritual weapon, and when he saw that Wang Chen used hand-to-hand combat against him, he couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile.

No matter how hard Wang Chen's fleshy palm is, is it harder than the black gold spiritual shield in his hand?

Wang Chen slapped the center of the shield with his palm.

The shield-wielding cultivator felt a surge of power that could not be resisted, even the spirit shield in his hand could not resist, and he flew backwards involuntarily.

Although he was protected by the spirit weapon, he didn't suffer much injuries, but he was kicked out of his team abruptly.

There is a big gap in the battle formation just formed!

Wang Chen kept walking, and suddenly walked around to the side of another monk, clenched his palms into fists and slammed out.

The monk's reaction was not slow, and he stabbed Wang Chen's fist with a gleaming dagger.

He is a battle cultivator himself, with many battles and rich experience. Wang Chen took him as a breakthrough point, obviously choosing the wrong target.

This monk thought so himself, the problem was that Wang Chen's strength far exceeded his judgment!

Before the dagger hit his fist, Wang Chen opened his mouth and spit out a sharp sword light.

The distance between the two sides was extremely close, and Wang Chen's last move was unexpected, and the sword glow turned into a sword pill pierced the monk's face in an instant.

Pierced through his body armor!

The cultivator let out a miserable scream, and staggered back in extreme embarrassment.

His left eye was dripping with blood, it was actually stabbed by Jianwan!

And Wang Chen followed closely like a maggot attached to the bone, and slapped his chest with his palm.

The violent mana surged out, smashing the cultivator's protective armor with a single palm.

The part of the palm immediately sank! ——
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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