Chapter 711
The next night, Wang Chen went to the Crescent Tower for a banquet.

The idea of ​​solving the problem maker is tempting, but it is also a choice of last resort.

If he can spend some spirit stones to solve the problem, Wang Chen is still willing to shed some blood.

So tonight he prepared a congratulatory gift for his new boss.

One hundred spirits.

Put these one hundred spirits into a small storage bag specially used for gift giving, and present them to He Haoming when they see him.

The newly-appointed director of the Library Pavilion did not hide his greed at all. He unceremoniously took it and weighed it, showing a smile that was not a smile: "Guan Wang is polite, sit down."

He Haoming obviously checked the situation in the storage bag, but he didn't show the slightest expression of satisfaction.

If it were someone else, it would be unavoidable to feel uneasy.

I don't know if it is less.

But Wang Chen felt that he had already given a lot!
In addition to the five stewards of Zangshu Pavilion including Wang Chen, there were also many He Haoming's family members and friends who attended the dinner.

Dozens of people gathered together, but it was very lively.

The atmosphere is still pretty good.

However, what Wang Chen didn't expect was that the first thing He Haoming did as a new official the next day was to call him over.

"Steward Wang."

He Haoming sat on the high chair, with a faint smile on his face: "I heard that you used to be the arrester of the Zhenxie Division, and you were transferred to the Library Pavilion to recuperate because of work injuries and damage to Daoji?"

Good guy, you're going to expose people's scars as soon as you open your mouth!

Wang Chen really got to know this fairy boy, and immediately replied calmly: "Yes."

He Haoming showed sympathy: "Then your Daoji has recovered now?"

Wang Chen shook his head: "No."

In fact, not only did his Dao foundation not suffer the slightest damage, but on the contrary, it became more stable and solid in the past three years.

At the beginning of last year, Wang Chen's cultivation level broke through the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion.

Now it is the peak of Zifu!

But under the cover of the Thousand Machine Transformation Mask and the Consummation Level Hidden God Art, no one knew this.

Outsiders' impression of Wang Chen is always that little man who was born as a casual cultivator, had bad luck, and a bleak path.

If it weren't for Guan Shengping, Guan Zhenren's care, he wouldn't be able to sit in the position of manager of Cangshu Pavilion!

The problem is the current Guan Zhenren, do you still remember Wang Chen?
He Haoming was not surprised, blinked his eyes and said: "As far as I know, your root talent is quite good, it's a pity that such a thing happened."

He looked very sorry for Wang Chen.

Wang Chen only felt that the taste was not right: "Maybe it is destined to be doomed."

"My generation of monks is doing something against the sky to change fate!"

He Haoming said seriously: "Wang Guanshi, you must not give up on yourself, I can find a way to help you get a return to heaven pill!"

Back to Heaven Pill?
Wang Chen was stunned for a moment.

Huitian Pill is a top-tier third-tier elixir. Apart from the precious materials, its refining is also very difficult.

This kind of elixir that can make up for Daoji is extremely powerful, and Jindan real people may not be able to guarantee it.

He Haoming actually said that he could get one back for Wang Chen, which is really outrageous!
He didn't speak, just wanted to read the following.

Seeing Wang Chen stunned, He Haoming waited for a while but did not see the latter reacting, so he reminded impatiently: "But you also know that the Return to Heaven Pill is very precious, and you may not be able to buy it with just the Lingshi."

Wang Chen smiled wryly: "I don't have many spirit stones left."

Wang Chen must still have Lingshi, and there are still quite a few of them.

But first of all, he doesn't need to return to heaven, and secondly, he smells a strong smell of "fudge"!
"Don't you have a house in the city?"

He Haoming saw it poorly: "This matter is very simple. You transfer the ownership of this house to me, and I will pay for the purchase of Tiandan and the management of the top and bottom."

"Compared with this house, your practice is the most important, right?"

In this way, Wang Chen fully understands that this guy is eyeing his own house!

Although Wang Chen didn't know how many spirit stones a piece of Huitian Pill was worth, he knew exactly how many spirit stones the house he was currently living in could sell for.

This He Haoming clearly wants to leave his house with empty gloves and white teeth!

Grass is a plant!
"Thanks to the care of the master."

Wang Chen was too lazy to make false claims with the other party, and said bluntly: "Returning to Heaven Pill is too precious, my subordinates dare not ask for extravagance, the master's kindness can only be appreciated!"

He Haoming was speechless.

Wang Chen's attitude is very clear, he is definitely not the kind of person who can be easily fooled.

"OK then."

He Haoming could only say resentfully: "If you change your mind, you can come to me at any time."

"Thank you, sir."

Even if this matter comes to an end.

It's just that He Haoming didn't take advantage of it, and Wang Chen's troubles have just begun!
In the following days, Wang Chen's work suddenly became busy.

He Haoming's new official took office three fires, sitting in the main hall and giving orders, not only changed all the rules left by Cao Ke, but also made many things ingeniously.

Most importantly, Wang Chen was targeted by him!

Facts have proved that a person in a high position can think of thousands of ways to make things difficult for his subordinates.

The various methods played by He Haoming reminded Wang Chen of his boss in the work unit in his previous life. The two are almost the same in some respects, the one who can be trusted when he sees it!

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen resolutely submitted his resignation to the Secretary of General Affairs and resigned from his current position as the steward of Zangshu Pavilion.

In addition to the eight treasures of condensing alchemy, there are still two things that he didn't get together, he now has the basic conditions for condensing golden elixir, and if he continues to entangle with He Haoming, he will only waste the most precious time.

Now He Haoming is qualified to take care of Wang Chen, but as long as Wang Chen jumps out of the library, the former has nothing to do.

Once Wang Chen is promoted to Jindan Daoist, it will be a simple matter to find a later account!
Based on this idea, Wang Chen resolutely took the initiative to leave the comfort zone he created.

His resignation was quickly approved by the Secretary of General Affairs.

Although Zangshuge is a cold department in the cold yamen, it looks like a frivolous place on the surface. There are some people who want to take over the things that Wang Chen doesn't want to do.

There is absolutely no shortage of replacements!
Therefore, Wang Chen patted his butt with peace of mind, and left Zangshuge with his head held high, without taking a single ancient rare book with him.

Later he heard that He Haoming dropped three cups for this.

He also gave a comment of "I don't know flattery".

Wang Chen didn't care about this, he retreated again after returning home without a job.

Attack the most peak level of Zifu!
After half a month, Wang Chen quietly left the customs.

What he didn't expect was that a guest came to the house at this time.

A long time no see beauty!
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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