Chapter 713 Decisive
Indecisiveness leads to disaster!
From Concubine Yu's visit, to Wang Chen's decision to leave, and then to his sale of his house, it only took half a day.

The next morning, Wang Chen left Yongle Immortal City.

He didn't have much nostalgia for the city.

And Wang Chen, who has a fairy book, can settle in any fairy city in the Kyushu Fairy League, so as long as he has a spirit stone in his pocket, he will definitely not become a rootless casual cultivator.

So he went very decisively!
But what Wang Chen didn't expect was that just after he flew a hundred miles away, several "tails" suddenly appeared behind him.

The opponents were all flying magic weapons, and all the monks from the Zifu followed closely like maggots attached to their bones.

This is by no means well-intentioned!

Seeing this, Wang Chen immediately changed direction, and speeded up to fly into the air.

As a result, the four Purple Mansions in the back chased after him.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of the other party and others, Wang Chen immediately hovered in the air, turned to face the pursuer and shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone chased Wang here, what do you mean?"

"Ha ha!"

One of the monks said with a smile: "I heard that you have made a fortune recently, and my brothers and I are very tight. I want to ask you to borrow some spirit stones to turn around. Please help me."

The words are nice to hear, but the meaning is clear that they want to rob money!

Wang Chen was clear in his heart that the shopkeeper of the dental shop must have leaked the news, which caused him to be targeted.

Or the shopkeeper of the dental shop is the main messenger.

The feet and teeth of the car and boat shop should be killed if they are innocent. The ancients never deceived me!
Wang Chen took a deep breath and said, "That's fine."

The monk was stunned for a moment.

He had expected various reactions from Wang Chen, but he didn't expect Wang Chen to be so cowardly and actually agree.

This Zi Fu felt a little more contemptuous in his heart, and approached Wang Chen, while smiling and said: "In this case, please hand over all the storage bags on your body, Fellow Daoist."

He felt that he was sure of winning, but he was not negligent, and surrounded Wang Chen in a tacit understanding with his three companions.

As the leading brother of this hunting operation, he has maintained spiritual communication with the three of them.

In order to prevent Wang Chen from going all out, the four Zifu simultaneously aroused a coercive aura and locked him firmly!
The powerful mana surged back and forth, forming an invisible storm.

Wang Chen is at the center of this storm!

However, he didn't seem to be aware of anything, and calmly let his opponents set up their positions to complete the layout.

When the distance between the two sides was shortened to only a hundred steps, Wang Chen raised his hand calmly.


A stern light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and the sound of his words shook the world.

And the moment Wang Chen raised his hand, the four purple mansions surrounding him felt creepy at the same time.

They regard themselves as hunters, coming to hunt Wang Chen, the fat prey.

Seeing that Wang Chen has fallen into the net, but at this moment, the four of them feel that they are more like ignorant prey!


The leading monk has the highest realm and the strongest perception of danger.

Realizing that the situation was wrong, he immediately yelled, and at the same time inspired a high-grade spiritual weapon that he carried with him.

The next moment, a mighty mighty force suddenly approached and exerted on each of them.

The four Purple Mansions all bent down and bowed their heads, their bodies shining brightly.

The life-protecting artifacts and talismans they equipped were all automatically triggered!

But even so, the four still felt that the end was imminent.


The elder brother who took the lead opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and let out a heart-piercing scream.

In fact, he wasn't injured at all, but he was intimidated by the coercion of the Jindan level, and he suffered a heavy blow in terms of spirit, and his mind almost collapsed on the spot.

This Zifu never expected that the target of his and other people's attack was actually a Jindan Daoist!
At this moment, he hated the person who provided the news to the extreme.

If he knew that Wang Chen was a golden elixir, even if a knife was put on his neck, he wouldn't chase him out to do it.

Self-inflicted can't live!

The elder brother who took the lead shouted in horror: "Senior, this is a mistake..."

He couldn't say the following words, because Wang Chen's coercive force had already broken through the resistance of his body armor and exerted all-round oppression on him.

Under such deterrence, [-]% of the mana can only be exerted at most [-] to [-]%!

And the other three Zi Fu were all dumbfounded.

Even the courage to fight is lost.

In fact, Wang Chen is not a real person of Jindan, he just relied on the power of the peak Zifu to stimulate the Waidan that had been raised for three years to create a fake Jindan aura.

There is still an essential difference with the real golden core coercion!
If the four Zifu are fearless and unite as one, they will still be able to fight Wang Chen.

It's a pity that their mentality collapsed at this moment, and they began to retreat one after another.

There is no possibility of unity.

And this also gave Wang Chen the best chance to break through!
The next moment, the rolling thunder sound swept away in all directions, and an incomparably bright sword light lit up the sky.

In the past three years, Wang Chen has not only raised his realm to the peak of the Zifu, but also refined the Wai Dan and the Flying Sword Festival to the same level.

A head shot up into the sky!

But this is just the beginning. The Long Yuan Sword, which has been cultivated for three years, moves back and forth under Wang Chen's control.

Wang Chen has been silent for three years, all the grievances and obsessions in his heart are completely vented in this series of sword qi, and they are imposed on the other three Zifu.

In an instant, blood rained in the sky, and soon the mutilated limbs and heads fell to the ground with crackles.

This desolate area is uninhabited, and there are not many flowers and plants!
It only took less than ten breaths, and the four Zifu hated Wang Chen's flying sword.

Their cultivation base is not weak, and they also carry various spiritual weapons and charms, and all of them have a lot of combat experience.

However, even such an elite Zifu team could not last ten breaths under the attack of the same Zifu Wang Chen. No one would believe it if they said it!
After beheading the last opponent, Wang Chen confiscated their storage bags and spiritual weapons into Xumijie.

Then put on more than a dozen talismans, and burn the rotting corpse clean with a fire.

After clearing his hands, when Wang Chen exhaled the Immortal Cultivation Panel again, he suddenly found that his Heavenly Skill Points had exceeded ten thousand!
Nothing to say, Wang Chen directly added 1 point to the soul attribute, making his own attribute reach 26 points.

Still a little low!

Wang Chen rubbed his chin, thinking greedily.

Then he continued on to his destination.

This time Wang Chen sacrificed the Longyuan Sword and flew thousands of miles in one breath!
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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