Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 715 Battle of Immortal City

Chapter 715 Battle of Immortal City

Must find a way to get out!

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Wang Chen's mind, each of which was thinking about getting out of the current predicament.

Regardless of past life or present life, Wang Chen is not the kind of person who complains when encountering difficulties.

At the same time, he will not be rash and impulsive!

Imprisoned in the airship in front of him, Wang Chen has no possibility of escaping.

But once Yishanzong formally launched an attack on Yongle Immortal City, it was impossible for him to stay here any longer.

The battlefield is Wang Chen's only chance to escape!
The problem is that the ebony hairpin on his head is very evil, and he doesn't want to test how strong the Yishanzong's restraint method is.

Without solving this fundamental problem, all that is empty talk.

The black light that appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness made Wang Chen extremely afraid.


With a thought in his mind, the Immemorial Dao Monument, which had been standing still in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, suddenly shook.

But at the next moment, Wang Chen suppressed the movement of the Taikoo monument without thinking.

Now is not a good time!

He calmed down, let all the troubled thoughts out of his head, and silently adjusted his breath to make his soul clear.

As time went on, more and more monks were brought into the room.

Everyone had to huddle together, and the originally depressive atmosphere became tense and irritable.

If it wasn't for everyone's power being suppressed, coupled with the restraint of the sea of ​​consciousness, I'm afraid some people with violent tempers would have had an outburst.

Fortunately, after the number of rooms reached the limit, the monks of Yishanzong did not bring anyone over.

Even so, it was impossible for Wang Chen to accumulate strength in a safe and secure manner.

He also had to face a group of monks whom he had never met before.

Everyone stared wide-eyed, looked at each other in blank dismay, and suddenly felt that they were the same people who had fallen in the end of the world.

What is this called!
A female nun's will was not strong enough, sobbing softly at first, and then crying louder and louder.

Her crying inevitably affected other monks around.

Some people clenched their fists subconsciously, showing angry and unwilling expressions.

Some have ashen faces, as if resigned to their fate.


The weeping female cultivator suddenly screamed, covered her head with her hands and rolled to the ground, crying incessantly: "Forgive me, I know I was wrong, I won't dare again..."

Apparently, the Yishanzong cultivator who was in charge of guarding had launched a restraint, which caused her great pain.

The female cultivator howled on the ground for a full cup of tea before finally slumping on the ground limply, sweating profusely as if she had been fished out of the water, her face was as pale as paper and without a trace of blood.

Anyone who sees her like this can't help feeling sorry for her!
The monks of Yishanzong killed chickens and terrorized monkeys, which really scared a group of monks into silence, all of them looked like quails.

After another hour or two, the hull of the spaceship shook suddenly, and the bottom seemed to hit something, making a dull impact sound.

Many monks caught off guard fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed.

However, they had no time to tidy up, because the captured monks, including Wang Chen, were driven out of the room and finally left the spaceship.

What appeared before Wang Chen's eyes was a vast and boundless wilderness, but a large part of the grassland was destroyed and leveled, exposing the yellow-brown soil layer.

The base camp of Yishan Sect is located here!

As far as the eye can see, there are wooden houses, stone houses and tents, and there are countless monks coming in and out.

Wang Chen and others were first brought into a big tent, and then divided into different groups according to their status, gender and cultivation level.

Wang Chen is young and is a "high-level" Zifu, so he was incorporated into a team of forward battalions.

He actually received a set of standard equipment and a batch of supplies.

Equipment is mainly armor, armor, helmets, breastplates, arm guards, leg guards and the like can often play a huge role in protection at critical moments.

But Wang Chen didn't realize that such a magic weapon suitable for practicing qi level could hurt the opponent's arrogant soldiers in actual combat!

And from his point of view, this set of magic weapon and armor was cut corners. It looked very beautiful in appearance, but in fact it was useless. At most, it could be used to distinguish between enemy and friend.

As for supplies such as pills and talismans, they are even more general.

It fits their status as cannon fodder.

What Wang Chen didn't expect was that in the following days, the area he was in turned out to be the base for Yishanzong to attack Yongle Immortal City.

Then, together with other monks, he received guidance training from a general of the Displacement Mountain Sect.

The days suddenly become "full".

Warlords are the best in battle repair, and those who can hold this position must be good at commanding operations.

The Yishan sect needs cannon fodder, but it certainly doesn't need the kind of guy who is not capable enough but likes to cheat his teammates. What this general teaches everyone is the most basic way of battle.

After some rigorous training, Wang Chen's cultivation level took another small step forward.

Since Wang Chen was wearing Qianjibian all the time, no one noticed his abnormalities.

After more than half a month passed like this, Wang Chen's team was officially incorporated into the forward battalion.

Wang Chen knew very well—the war was about to begin.

He is looking forward to this day.

In the early morning, the dew from last night was still hanging on the blades of grass, and the mighty horn sounded throughout the camp, urging everyone to gather.

Wang Chen immediately woke up from the "collective dormitory" and hurried to the performance field.

At this time, thousands of monks have gathered in the performance field!

Soon a Jindan Daoist came to the altar, without saying any nonsense, directly announced that the war against Yongle Immortal City had officially begun.

Immediately afterwards, spaceships soared into the sky and headed towards Yongle Immortal City.

Wang Chen was on one of the assault ships.

The assault ship is the smallest airship, it is shaped like a jujube core, and its flying speed is extremely fast, and the pointed part is blessed with special runes, which can be used to destroy the defensive circle of Yongle Immortal City.

Wang Chen and 49 other monks curled up inside, packed like sardine cans.

Fortunately, we are not weak, so we endured silently.

Cannon fodder, where is the qualification to bargain!

After a period of flight, the airship stopped moving forward.

The next moment, a light mirror appeared in the crowded cabin, showing the scene outside.

Wang Chen saw Yongle Immortal City occupying the center of the screen at a glance!

Going around and coming back?
For such a result, Wang Chen didn't know what to say, he could only blame himself for his bad luck.

In fact, Yongle Immortal City is not much better, and the defensive magic circle has already been activated at this moment.

Like an enemy!

Wang Chen focused on the other spaceships.

The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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