Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 719 Change the world

The wilderness is vast and the vegetation is lonely.

At sunset and dusk, a fat gopher cautiously drilled out of its burrow, sniffing the air with its nose to see if there was a threat around it.

Suddenly it found something, and immediately retracted its head vigilantly.

However, the next moment, the thick layer of soil suddenly raised high, arching the hole where the gopher was hiding.

The gopher who had lost its shelter could not help screaming in horror, jumped three feet high, and fled quickly after landing.

At this moment, a figure jumped out from the ground.

It was Wang Chen!

After digging in the dark underground for five days, Wang Chen, who had just returned to the ground at this moment, looked somewhat embarrassed. The clothes he was wearing were covered with dried mud, and his whole body was ashamed.

He looked around vigilantly, and was greatly relieved to make sure that no one else was around.

It's finally safe!
Wang Chen probably will never forget the previous experience of surviving a near-death.

Although he is now at the peak of Zifu, he is only one step away from Congealing Pill, as long as he gathers the last two treasures, he can reach a higher level.

But Wang Chen still felt how weak he was in this world!

Just walking on the road, he was caught by someone, and then he was banned and thrown into the battlefield as cannon fodder.

This time Wang Chen escaped by chance.

What about next time we meet again?

No one can guarantee that he can have such luck every time!

The desire to become stronger once again filled Wang Chen's heart.

He calmed down, and then took out the map of Kyushu from the Sumeru Ring to determine his location.

With the help of this spiritual weapon, Wang Chen found himself in the northwest of Yongle Fairy City.

The distance is about 150 miles.

In the past five days, he has been digging an average of thirty miles a day, breaking the previous record.

In fact, as early as two days ago, Wang Chen could not perceive the movement from the ground.

It is speculated that they are far away from the battlefield, or the battle of Xiancheng is over.

But he dared not take the risk, so he kept digging.

The past experience made Wang Chen understand that in the face of danger, there is nothing wrong with being cautious!

He put away the map, put on clean clothes, and changed his appearance.

Transformed into an ordinary elementary-level Zifu casual cultivator.

Although he didn't know the current situation in Yongle Immortal City, Wang Chen didn't want to care at all. Whether Yishanzong won or not had nothing to do with him.

Even though Wang Chen got Yongle fairyland, he didn't have much sense of belonging to this fairy city.

Wang Chen's destination is still the Thousand Stars Immortal City.

It's just that this time he learned the previous lesson and didn't fly away with the sword.

Yu Jian's speed is very fast, but it is too easy to be spotted. If there are still flying ships of the Yishan Sect in the nearby area, that would be too bad!

A fall into a pit and a wisdom gained, Wang Chen would rather measure the land with his feet this time than repeat the same mistakes.

However, unexpected occurrences are always unpredictable!
He had just run a hundred miles when he was stopped by a group of monks.

The opponent was not from the Yishan Sect, the five-member team consisted of both Qi training and Zi Fu, all of them had fierce eyes.

At first glance, it was the kind of robber composed of casual cultivators and criminal cultivators!

"Hand over the storage bag, and spare you!"

The leader of the robber was a middle-level purple mansion, his aura was between the fifth and sixth floors, his face was dark and thin, his eyes were fierce, and he looked like he wanted to swallow Wang Chen alive.

The other four people dispersed tacitly and surrounded Wang Chen.

Wang Chen silently raised his right hand.


The legal domain close to the golden core level suddenly spread out, covering all the surrounding people.

The middle-level Zifu suddenly felt struck by lightning, dumbfounded and dead.

He hurriedly took two steps back and howled, "Misunderstanding, this is..."

However, Wang Chen's coercion has come!

After ten breaths, there were four more corpses on the ground.

The middle-level Zifu is not dead.

It's not that the robber leader is very powerful, but that Wang Chen deliberately asked him to be a living mouth for questioning.

"Really, it's just a misunderstanding!"

The robber leader's mind had already collapsed, and he knelt on the ground trembling: "The real person is above, and I am willing to be a cow and a horse to atone for my sins. I just ask you to put down Xiu and make a living."

He obviously mistook Wang Chen for Jindan Daoist, and the sadness in his heart cannot be described in words.

The robbery hit the real person's head, so it should be a disaster!

Wang Chen was noncommittal about the robber leader's begging for mercy, and asked directly: "Do you know what's going on in Yongle Immortal City now?"

"Eternal Le Immortal City?"

The leader of the robbers was stunned for a moment. He carefully looked at Wang Chen's face, and then replied: "Now there is no Yongle Immortal City."

The former Yongle Immortal City is now the Changing King Banner at the head of the city, and it has changed to a new world!
Five days ago, Yishanzong suddenly launched a large-scale attack on Yongle Immortal City, and used Fusang wood, one of the ancient sacred trees, to deal with Dragon Turtle Bixi.

After three days and three nights of fierce fighting, Bixi broke through the protective formation of Yongle Immortal City and suppressed Long Gui.

In this battle of the Immortal City, Yongle lost two true immortals, and Yishanzong also lost a Nascent Soul, which can be described as tragic.

As for the Jindan and Zifu under Yuanying, few people know how many died.

The bandit leader was hundreds of miles away at that time, and he saw blood clouds churning in the direction of Yongle Immortal City, and his resentment was soaring!

He didn't dare to approach the past.

He didn't know that Yongle Immortal City was captured by Yishan Sect until yesterday, and it was renamed Fangshan Immortal City.

Three days later, the transfer ceremony will be held!

Now the relevant news has spread all over the world, and the casual cultivators nearby all know the situation.

It is said that the Yishan Sect has spread the word that it will open the mountain gate to recruit talented people. As long as they have the cultivation base of the Zifu or outstanding roots, they can apply for the Fangshan Immortal Status, and even join the sect!
The original Yongle Immortal City was composed of several immortal cultivating families. Now these families have died, fled, and surrendered. The new Fangshan Immortal City is dominated by the Yishan Sect family.

Yishanzong also planned to improve the status of Fangshan Xiancheng after completely subduing Longgui.

Promoted from Xuan level to Earth level!

This is by no means an easy matter, it involves all aspects, and the first criterion for a prefecture-level fairy city is to have Huashen Zhenjun personally sit in the town.

But for the vast number of casual cultivators, this is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to advance.

The leader of the robbers also wanted to obtain the immortal status of Fangshan Immortal City, but he was always shy, so he called a few bitter brothers to do a few votes, and finally went to apprentice in a glorious way.

Unexpectedly, the first step of such a perfect plan was broken by the uncooperative Wang Chen!

"I see."

Wang Chen nodded, knowing the difficulty of the other party.

In order to make his life more secure and stable, Wang Chen cut off his head with a sword.

Now it's completely quiet!
The second is sent.

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