Chapter 724 Su Ziling

Wang Chen is not a bad person.

But since traveling to the present, he has experienced two worlds, no matter how difficult and rough, he has always adhered to his three views and beliefs.

There are many things that Wang Chen will not deliberately do.

But if he encounters it, he will not turn a blind eye and stand by indifferently within his ability.

Three thousand spirit stones only.

Just do good deeds for yourself and increase your luck!
After paying three thousand spirit stones to the middle-aged monk, Wang Chen got a Taoist contract in the nature of prostitution.

With this Dao Deed, Ziling will belong to Wang Chen from now on, and all his wealth and life will be in Wang Chen's hands.

She has nothing to do with her gambling father!

And through this Taoist deed, Wang Chen knew that the girl's surname was Su, and she was only 17 years old this year.

During the entire process of the "transaction", Su Ziling, as the party concerned, did not say a word, nor did she show any resistance, and signed the contract of sale numbly.

And the three thousand spirit stones that her father just acquired were snatched by the people from the nearby gambling shop before they were warmed up.

"Leave me some, just five hundred."

The middle-aged monk begged with a shy face while smiling, "Give me some, three hundred is fine!"


The people in the gambling shop were not polite to him at all, and drove him out directly: "The remaining spirit stones must be paid off at the end of the month, otherwise you will know the consequences!"

Gambling dogs who went bankrupt and sold their sons and daughters no longer have much value in the eyes of gambling houses.


The middle-aged monk who was kicked out suddenly changed his expression the moment the door closed, he spat on the ground bitterly, and said disdainfully: "What's the matter? Demolished!"

The next moment, he said to Su Ziling who hadn't left yet: "Daughter, don't blame dad for being cruel. Dad is doing it for your own good. After following this master, you will have a good life in the future. Don't forget It's..."

Wang Chen stepped in front of Su Ziling and stared at him coldly.

His current cultivation level can be regarded as a half-step Golden Core, once the coercion was revealed, the middle-aged monk couldn't bear it, and immediately shut his mouth in horror and took three steps back.

Then get away!

What a joy.

Wang Chen shook his head, turned around and handed the Taoist deed to the girl: "Here is this for you, live well."

He helped the other party only because of the kindness in his heart, not because he needed a servant.

Naturally, there is no need to keep this deed in hand.

Su Ziling suddenly raised her head and looked at Wang Chen in disbelief, with big drops of crystal tears overflowing from her eyes.

Wang Chen smiled: "You are free."

However, the girl did not accept the Taoist deed, she just knelt down on the ground, and respectfully kowtowed three times to Wang Chen: "Shangxiu, the little girl Su Ziling is sincere and willing to work for you for the rest of her life as a slave and a servant girl." No complaints."

"If you break this oath, you will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Her tone was sonorous, with unshakable determination.

Wang Chen was shocked when he heard the words, and felt that there was some kind of mysterious connection and bond with the girl in front of him.

It was as if some existence in the dark had witnessed her oath!

Wang Chen took a deep breath and reached out to help the girl up: "In that case, you can follow me for now."

He doesn't even know what his future is, so how can he give the other party a lifetime promise?
Thinking about letting Su Ziling leave like this, the latter would have no place to live, no source of income, plus the existence of the gambling dog father, the fate would probably be very miserable.

Simply good people to the end.

Su Ziling got up and wiped away her tears, showing a bright smile: "Thank you, master."

"Just call me Lord."

Wang Chen suddenly found that the girl in front of him had a charming smile, and her delicate facial features had added a bit of aura, but her whole temperament was different.

It's just that the scars on her face have seriously affected her appearance.

Wang Chen's mood improved accordingly: "Let's go."

He took Su Ziling away from Yingxian Town and came to another small town on the other side of the river.

Rented a suite at an inn there.

On both sides of the river under the Immortal City, Yingxian Town is the busiest and most prosperous, so the hotels and inns in the town are full of business, and it is difficult to rent a suitable room.

But after crossing the river, the situation is different.

Wang Chen had walked around the area before, so he had an understanding of the situation here.

After settling down, he just had to wait for news from the Household Registration Department.

During the waiting period, Su Ziling, who followed Wang Chen, quickly entered the role of a maid. She served Wang Chen tea and water, made beds, and took care of all the chores every day.

As a result, Wang Chen gradually got used to the life of opening his mouth with clothes and hands, and felt that he couldn't do without her more and more.

That day Wang Chen came back from outside and called Su Ziling over.

He handed over a jade talisman and said, "Put a drop of blood on it."

Although Su Ziling didn't know why, she pricked her index finger without hesitation, dripping blood on the jade talisman.

The bright red blood was instantly absorbed by the jade talisman, which then revealed a faint light.

After a while, the light faded away, and a simple seal character emerged—up.

Wang Chen couldn't help being surprised.

This jade talisman is specially used to detect root bones. Since he recognized Su Ziling as a maid, he also hopes that the latter can keep up with his footsteps and improve in practice.

But Wang Chen didn't expect that Su Ziling actually possessed superior roots.

Although there are almost no mortals in the Haotian Realm, and all human races are born with cultivation roots, there are still very few superior roots.

The problem is that Su Ziling has a superior root bone, and now he has only cultivated to the seventh level of qi.

You know she is 17 years old!

But considering her background, this is very normal again.

There are countless beings in the world, and there are countless geniuses who have been delayed throughout the ages. I don't know how many people are like Su Ziling!

Of course, this is a good thing for Wang Chen, after all, it is not too late to find out.

At the same time, he measured that Su Ziling's five elements are related to water, so he had a plan in mind.

Then Wang Chen took out another jade bottle, and poured out a strangely fragrant pill from it to Su Ziling.

Su Ziling took it with both hands in doubt: "My lord, is this?"

Wang Chen said softly: "This is Fuyan Pill, it should be able to eliminate the scars on your face."

There is no girl who does not love beauty, he believed that Su Ziling would not like the scars on his face, so this time he went out and bought a Fuyan Pill.

This complexion pill belongs to the second-order elixir, which can be taken by Qi training or Zifu monks to restore the damaged appearance.

Of course, this kind of elixir was very valuable, and one piece cost Wang Chen five thousand spirit stones.

It was a little surprise for her.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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