
Su Ziling stomped her feet hard, her pursed mouth could hang a storage bag.

Wang Chen couldn't help but laugh.

A teenage girl has always been generous and mature in front of outsiders, and only when she gets along with him will she reveal her youthful side.

What made Su Ziling so angry was a newly opened ice cream shop!
This ice cream shop is less than two hundred steps away from Wang Chen's small shop. The store is bigger and more elegantly decorated, and it sells ice cream of all kinds and flavors.

Not only copied Wang Chen's ideas, but also brought forth new ones.

The most important thing is that the cheapest ice cream in their family is only twenty pieces of ice cream, which has hit the bottom of the price all at once.

It also instantly crushed Wang Chen's own business.

Rijindoujin's business collapsed within a few days, and it would be a lie to say that Wang Chen was not depressed.

But what can be done?

He has no reason, let alone the strength to stop other people's competition.

For small things like sorbet, once the big businessmen get involved, it shouldn't be too easy to crush the small shops.

The cost advantage lies here!

"It's so unfair."

Su Ziling also knew that being angry was useless, but she couldn't help feeling wronged.

Previously, Wang Chen opened the business to sell magic weapons at a discount, but he was warned by the old head of the house after only selling for one day, telling him not to do so.

But now people are blatantly grabbing business at low prices, but this old guy doesn't see him coming out to speak.

May I ask what is fair?

Wang Chen was speechless and could only touch her hair to express his comfort.

In any world, there is no real fairness.

If he wants to be fair, he must first have a powerful force to protect his own interests. If he is not a small purple manor monk, but a powerful Hedao True Venerable or a Mahayana saint, who would dare to snatch his business?
Tired of life!

So Wang Chen is depressed but not irritable, because futile anger is just a sign of incompetence.

Moreover, he not only made a fortune from the ice cream, but also sold almost all the magic weapons and spiritual weapons in stock through the endless stream of customers, and made up all the previous losses.

What Wang Chen is thinking now is to find another way, and then dig out new ways of making money.

As for the ice cream business, whoever likes to do it can do it!

After Wang Chen's reassurance, Su Ziling finally calmed down, and said with a bitter face: "Master, what should we do with so many freezers in our house?"

Because the sorbet business was booming earlier, under her strong suggestion, Wang Chen made another dozen freezers.

Fill up the workshops inside.

These freezers have built-in frost circles, powered by spirit stones, and have the effect of long-term ice production.

It is a medium-sized magic weapon, and the investment cost is also quite a lot.

It would be a waste now, Su Ziling felt distressed thinking about it, feeling that she had made a mistake.

Wang Chen smiled and said: "It's easy, just sell it, that's right!"

His eyes lit up: "We can sell freezers!"

Wang Chen remembered the allusion of the gold digger in his previous life!

There are already many competitors in the ice cream business, but no one sells freezers at present. He can completely pre-make a large batch according to the model of the refrigerator in his previous life, and sell them to the "middle class" in Qianxing Xiancheng.

Sorbet is selling well, so there must be people who want to make it at home, and they can eat it anytime they want, especially families with children.

Wang Chen can sell refrigerators, and then provide the formula and technology for making sorbet for free.

This will not only make a fortune in Lingshi, but also discourage those imitators—every household has a refrigerator, so how many people will go to the store to buy it?
No matter how low the cost of ice cream in the store is, it will be expensive if the rent and labor are included.

Let you compete with brother for business!

Wang Chen was secretly ruthless.

With a decision, he immediately took action.

The original freezers were all dismantled, and the important parts were taken out for later use, and then Wang Chen drew the blueprints according to the style of the refrigerators in his previous life.

Double door, triple door, double door...

Then, apart from the most important core components, he entrusted several workshops to make all the refrigerator shell linings, and storage ice trays.

The craftsmen in the world of cultivating immortals are very capable, and they can be called high-end humanoid machine tools in many aspects. An order request like Wang Chen's is simply a piece of cake.

In order to increase the selling point, Wang Chen also customized different casing colors for these refrigerators.

Pearl White, Bright Moon Silver, Dawn Gold, Sky Blue, Polar Night Black, Scarlet Flame Red...

Finally, paste the metal LOGO designed by myself, and the beeps are full in an instant.

After taking back all the refrigerator casings, Wang Chen assembled the most important compressor——the part of the frost magic weapon.

A refrigerator with fairyland characteristics is freshly baked!
In order to make enough money for the first pot of money, Wang Chen was also cruel this time, and the number of customizations was very large, and then he has been refining the parts of the frost magic weapon day and night for the past few days.

His nine-direction weapon refining technique has reached the level of a master. Using treasures like the Shengshengcaohuading Ding to refine magic weapons is like killing a chicken with a bull's knife, and it is naturally invincible.

The success rate is 100%, and the finished products are perfect. While achieving extremely high quality, the cost is also kept to a very low level.

After everything was prepared, Wang Chen asked Su Ziling to put out the refrigerator the next morning.

Five styles and seven colors are lined up inside and outside the store, which is very eye-catching!

Immediately, someone came up curiously and asked, "Shopkeeper Wang, what are you selling?"

Su Ziling replied with a smile: "This is a refrigerator, a magic weapon for making sorbet and ice cream. The store has new products on the market. Buying a refrigerator will give you a complete set of recipes for making pastries, as well as three boxes of ingredients!"

"It turned out to be a magic weapon for making sorbet!"

The visitor suddenly realized: "You don't sell ice cream anymore?"

Su Ziling curled her lips: "We can't sell them, so we have to take out the things at the bottom of the box and sell them."

The other party laughed: "The little girl is a bit interesting, so how do you sell this ice in the refrigerator?"

Su Ziling quickly pointed to a refrigerator next to it and said, "This Haoyue silver side-by-side refrigerator only sells [-] spirit stones, and it only needs one spirit stone a day to keep it running."

"Uncle, would you like to buy one? You can't lose money by buying five hundred spirit stones, and you can't be fooled by buying them, but you can buy a refrigerator that can eat ice cream at any time!"

Her speaking skills were taught by Wang Chen.

The other party really showed a look of emotion.

The price of goods in Qianxing Immortal City is very high, five hundred spirits is really not a big amount, the most important thing is the ultra-low consumption of one spirit stone a day is really exciting.

The man couldn't help asking: "A piece of spirit stone? Is it real or not?"

"of course it's true."

At this time, Wang Chen said: "If the daily consumption exceeds one spirit stone, you can get it back and return the full price!"
The first one is sent.

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