Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 736 3 Yu Wang's Family

Which branch of the Wang family?
This question made Wang Chen stunned, and almost blurted out: "My servant, Earth Realm, Wang Chen!"

He thought for a while, then asked, "Your Excellency?"

The aura of this old monk is of a high-level Zifu. From the looks of his clothes and manners, he is obviously from a wealthy family, not an ordinary person.

Wang Chen didn't know the purpose of his visit, so he asked very cautiously.

"Feel sorry."

The old monk smiled and said: "I forgot to introduce myself, the old Wang Xinchen is the housekeeper of the Wang family in Sanyu, and today I am here to visit the shopkeeper Wang as entrusted by the Lord."

Sanyu Wang's family!

Wang Chen faintly understood.

Thousand Stars Immortal City is composed of thousands of merchants. Although thousands of merchants control this big city in name, in fact, many small and medium families in it are attached to the big merchants, forming a hilltop power.

These forces are big and small, strong and weak, and they work in tandem with each other to check and balance each other, forming a delicate balance.

Sanyu Wang's family is one of the forces, and its strength is at the upper middle level.

This is also very strong.

When Wang Chen first rented this storefront, someone had asked him about his background.

Guess whether Wang Chen is a collateral descendant of Sanyu Wang's family.

There are many collateral branches of the big family, and it is not uncommon for the children of the family to come out to do business and support the family.

It's okay to fail, if you achieve remarkable success, you will definitely be accepted into the main line!

But Wang Chen has nothing to do with the half-broken spirit of Sanyu Wang's family.


Wang Chen nodded and said: "I come from Yongle Immortal City. Because Yongle was defeated by Yishan Sect, I moved to Qianxing Immortal City. Wang was born in a humble family, so I really don't dare to climb up to Sanyu Wang's family."

If it were the kind of scumbag, maybe they would make up a history for themselves to get close to the big tree of Sanyu Wang's family.

Wang Chen didn't bother to do it at all, and he didn't think the old monk in front of him was easy to deceive.

Wang Xinchen smiled: "I see."

Wang Chen asked again: "May I ask your honor to ask Your Excellency to come here, why?"

Wang Xinchen did not answer directly, but asked, "Shopkeeper Wang, do you know the origin of my Sanyu Wang family?"

Wang Chen was stunned: "I don't know."

How did he know that the ancestral origin of Sanyu Wang's family was the beginning of genealogy tracing!
Wang Xinchen said in a deep voice, "Our Wang family comes from the lower realm."

According to Wang Xinchen, the ancestors of the Wang family in Haotian Realm can be traced back ten thousand years ago.

The ancestor raised his family from the lower realm, and then spread out in the Haotian Realm. The ethnic group continued to spread, and now there are branches and collaterals in many fairy cities, and the number of clan members is countless.

Therefore, anyone whose surname is Wang, unless an outsider changes their surname, must have a trace of the blood of the ancestors of the Wang family!
It can be deduced from this that Wang Chen is also a member of the Wang family.

After listening to Wang Xinchen's words, Wang Chen couldn't laugh or cry—he had traveled through time.


Wang Chen suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding. He himself was a soul traveler, and the original owner was a native of the fairy world!

Wang Chen tentatively asked, "May I ask which lower realm Wang Zu came from?"

This is not a secret, Wang Xinchen replied without thinking: "Shanhaijie!"

Mountain and sea world!
Wang Chen was speechless.

What a coincidence.

In all the heavens and ten thousand realms, the ancestor of the Wang family came from the mountain and sea realm, and he was also smuggled up from the mountain and sea realm. Maybe he really has a blood relationship with the original owner.

Wang Xinchen observed the words and expressions, and smiled slightly: "Actually, there is a way to test the blood in the clan."

Wang Chen couldn't help but asked: "Wang Steward, didn't you come to want me to recognize my ancestors?"

That would be ridiculous.

Even if the original owner has a relationship with the ancestor of the Wang family, but the two worlds are separated by thousands of years, this blood has already been extremely thin.

Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan is too far-fetched!
Wang Xinchen looked around.

The two guards Zhanxiu immediately retreated outside the shop door and closed the door.

Only then did Wang Xinchen speak: "Shopkeeper Wang, if you were a child of my Wang family, what happened today would not have happened to you, do you believe it?"

Wang Chen's heart is clear!

What the other party said was obviously about ice cream and refrigerators, and it was definitely not just talking about it.

There is no real fairness in this world, and one's own interests can only be maintained by strength. He is a little monk with no power, no power and no background. If the things he invented are imitated and plagiarized, he has no ability to seek justice.

But if Wang Chen was a child of Sanyu Wang's family, the situation would be quite different.

He can completely defend his rights through Sanyu Wang's family.

Sanyu Wang's family is a big family of big merchants. If their own interests were damaged and they were indifferent, they would have no place to stand in Qianxing Immortal City long ago, and would be wiped out by others.

Wang Chen believes that there must be a set of rules among the big clans and big merchants that are different from those of the lower classes, and rely on this set of rules to maintain the stability and prosperity of Qianxing Xiancheng.

Things like ice cream and refrigerators are impossible for others to take for nothing for profit.


Although he recognized it in his heart, Wang Chen remained calm on the surface, and said with a smile: "I'm just a small person, and there is no way to compare with Sanyu Wang's family."

Wang Xinchen stared at Wang Chen, as if a flower had grown from the latter's face.

Very rare look.

He has already talked about this, and he really understands it all too well.

However, not only did Wang Chen not show any intention of getting close, but instead he showed that he had no intention of getting involved with Sanyu Wang's family.

This is very different from Wang Xinchen's original expectation.

In the opinion of the old housekeeper, Wang Chen suffered several losses in a row, so he must be depressed and resentful. At this time, the Wang family took the initiative to accept him, so he should be overjoyed and bow down!
Is it up for grabs?

Wang Xinchen frowned, and said, "I can't write two characters Wang in one stroke, shopkeeper Wang, have you thought it through?"

Wang Chen regretted: "I really dare not climb high."

If it is really said, the benefits of him taking refuge in Sanyu Wang's family are completely visible.

As the saying goes, leaning against a big tree is good for enjoying the shade. With the golden signboard of Sanyu Wang's family, Wang Chen is no longer a little monk who is bullied. If other families want to steal his things, they must think twice.

The thing is, there's no such thing as a free lunch!

He relied on Sanyu Wang's family, so Sanyu Wang's family wanted nothing from him, only providing protection without benefits?

Dream it, there is everything in the dream!
Wang Chen is no longer a naive child, he dare not expect such a good thing!

In addition and the most important thing, he is now making a good profit by opening a small shop to earn spirit stones, so he can make his own decisions and be at ease.

Why bother to find an ancestor for yourself!
Moreover, there was a lot of gossip in the gate of the mansion, and Wang Chen also suspected that the master represented by the old housekeeper was not the helm of the Wang family in Sanyu.

Because with his current status, he might not fall into the eyes of the head of the Wang family.

Wang Chen estimated that the other party was probably from a certain branch of the Wang family!
The first one is sent.

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