Chapter 748 The World in Bells ([-])

Chen Ergou fell to the ground suddenly, frightening all the teenagers.

Although they were stubborn and loved to bully others, they didn't want to beat Chen Ergou to death.

They are all in their teens, and they understand the importance of something.

The stout boy's face turned pale.

As a result, the next moment, Chen Ergou got up from the ground covering his head, with a rather ferocious expression on his face.

Seeing that Chen Ergou was safe and sound, the stout young man who was covered in cold sweat from being frightened just now became angry from embarrassment, and slapped him heavily on the face.

"Let you pretend to be dead!"

Before the thick boy's palm touched Chen Ergou's face, the latter firmly grabbed his wrist.


The stout boy couldn't help but let out a shrill scream, feeling that Chen Ergou's five fingers were like iron tongs, about to crush his wrist bones.

When did this Chen Ergou have so much strength?

The stout boy burst into tears in pain: "Let go, let me go!"


Chen Ergou suddenly pushed forward, and the stout boy staggered back involuntarily, just bumping into a companion.

Both of them turned into rolling gourds.

In fact, Chen Ergou is already very strong. After ten years of hard farm work, his father is also a hunter in the village. From time to time, he can eat wild animal meat to strengthen his body. Naturally, his physique is not bad.

It's just that in the past, his personality was introverted, even a little cowardly, and he didn't dare to resist when he was bullied by the other party.

And now Chen Ergou suddenly awakened.

His mind is filled with countless messy memories, it feels like he has an extra soul, and the conflict is extremely severe.

Characters are distorted.

There were several people on the side of the stout boy, but when he saw Chen Ergou suddenly displaying his supernatural power, he was completely different from usual, so he subconsciously felt fear.

So everyone ran away.

The stout boy who got up from the ground wanted to say a few cruel words, but when he saw Chen Ergou staring at him, his hair was terrified.

Also ran away in a hurry.


Chen Ergou settled down and spat on the ground bitterly.

At this moment, he had a splitting headache, and he didn't have the energy to think about the problem. He resisted the discomfort and lifted the bucket again.

Not to mention the pain in the head, even if the leg is broken, the land still needs to be watered.

Otherwise, the basic rations for next year may not be enough!
After working hard and going back and forth more than ten times, Chen Ergou finally watered all the three acres of his land.

Back home with heavy steps, he didn't even have the energy to make dinner, so he fell asleep on the wooden bed.

Chen Ergou is dreaming again.

This dream was strange, and he became another person in the dream, flying to the sky and hiding from the earth, omnipotent.

At the end of the dream, everything turned into nothingness and fell into darkness.

And in the deepest part of the darkness, there stands a simple and simple stone monument, shining with a faint glow.

When Chen Ergou tried to see clearly the words on the stele, the latter suddenly emitted an incomparably bright light, which instantly hurt his eyes.


Chen Ergou woke up with a loud cry.

At this time, he realized that it was already dawn, and his body was sweating profusely, very sticky and uncomfortable.

I reached out and touched it, only to be wiped with foul-smelling sludge!

Chen Ergou was startled, got up in a hurry and went out, took off his clothes and carried a bucket of water to wash his stinking body.

While washing and washing, he was shocked to find that in his mind, there was an extra exercise formula!
Chen Ergou was dumbfounded.

When he was young, he learned superficial martial arts from his father, but he never got started because of his dull personality, but he also heard Chen Qiaoshan talk about some common sense about martial arts, warriors and kung fu.

Most of this world is shrouded in mist, and countless desolate and ferocious beasts occupy it.

Desolate beasts are the prey of the human race, and ferocious beasts are the biggest and most terrifying enemy of the human race!

In order to fight against fierce beasts, the ancestors of the human race created martial arts and exercises, collectively referred to as martial arts.

People who practice and master martial arts are warriors!
After thousands of years of evolution, today's warriors are divided into the seven realms of skin refining, meat refining, bone refining, blood refining, marrow refining, acquired and innate, corresponding to beasts of the first to seventh ranks.

Chen Qiaoshan is a martial artist in the meat refinement realm.

And Chen Ergou didn't even get into the most elementary level of leather refining as a warrior - his comprehension is too poor, so he can only be a farmer with his face turned to the loess and his back to the sky.

Chen Qiaoshan spent a lot of effort but couldn't make Chen Ergou a warrior, so he gave up later.

I even thought it would be nice to be a farmer, at least I didn't need to venture into the misty wilderness to hunt.

But no one knows that Chen Ergou has always longed to become a real warrior!
Now there was an extra exercise formula inexplicably in his mind, he panicked at first, but soon became excited and excited.

Could this be the legendary chance?
It's a pity that Chen Qiaoshan is not here, otherwise Chen Ergou will definitely tell his father about it.

It is also very strange to say that this exercise formula is obviously very mysterious, but he just understands its full meaning.

At this moment, Chen Ergou had a strong impulse.

He wanted to see if he could learn and master this technique.

Tianlong King Kong's Fa-rectification!

But thinking that the work in the field hadn't been done yet, Chen Ergou had no choice but to suppress his impulse, hastily cooked a few yams to fill his stomach, and then left the house with the farm tools.

Chen Ergou worked extraordinarily hard today because he had something on his mind.

The work that originally took half a day to finish was done by him by noon, which surprised several neighbors.

Chen Ergou didn't care what others thought, he rushed home as fast as he could, closed the door and carefully recalled the mantra of "Tianlong King Kong Rectification".

What Chen Ergou is most worried about is that he will forget the content of this exercise. Even if he just makes a few typos, it may cause him to be unable to practice.

Fortunately, this formula seems to be imprinted in his mind, as long as he recalls it, he can clearly remember every word!
The 15-year-old boy finally made up his mind to try to practice "Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa" before Chen Qiaoshan came back, to see if he could become a warrior.

He wanted to give his father a big surprise!

At this moment, Chen Ergou didn't know how reckless his actions were.

You must know that if you practice a brand new exercise without guidance, the probability of accidents is very high.

Once the skills are practiced wrongly, the vitality will be lost at the slightest, and the internal organs will be injured at the worst, and there is even the possibility of becoming a cripple!

Chen Ergou started to practice the "Dharma of Tianlong King Kong" in a daze.

However, the process of his cultivation was unexpectedly smooth, and he did not encounter any difficulties and obstacles.

It's as if you've rehearsed it thousands of times long ago, reaching the point where practice makes perfect, and now it's just a review!
One move and one move, one breath and one breath, tempering flesh and blood, exhaling and breathing.

When the night was approaching, Chen Ergou was already sweating profusely, and the skin membrane of his whole body was as tight and tough as an old cow.

Leather refining is successful!
The first one is sent.

I wish everyone a happy May Day. By the way, I would like to ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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