Chapter 762 The Wizard

"Looking for death!"

"Let's kill him together!"

Wang Chen's shot was extremely sudden, and he severely injured the domineering bearded man with one blow.

The hunters in Xintian Village were all dumbfounded, and immediately realized that they all cursed at Wang Chen!

It's not like they just talked and didn't move, they pulled out their weapons and looked fierce.

The atmosphere in the cave suddenly became extremely tense.


Just when a fierce battle was about to break out, an old voice suddenly came from outside the cave.

The Xintian hunters all changed their faces when they heard this voice, and subconsciously took a step back.

Wang Chen originally planned to strike first, but he didn't expect things to change suddenly. After thinking about it, he still didn't act immediately.

Unlike the bandits, although Xiaoshi Village and Xintian Village have long-term conflicts, they have not yet reached the point of generational blood feuds, and they even have the experience of fighting against foreign enemies.

That's why Wang Chen didn't kill the bearded man on the spot.

The hunters of Xintian Village quickly moved out of the way, and an old man in sackcloth walked in holding a bone staff.

He looked quite old, thin and grey-haired, but his eyes were piercing and full of majesty.

Swept by the old man's gaze, the hunters all lowered their heads.

Don't dare to make mistakes.

Shi Yan hastily saluted, "I've seen Mr. Wu!"

Wang Chen's eyes flashed, and he immediately understood the other party's identity.

This is the wizard of Nittamura!
Or earth witches.

A wizard is a very special existence. It is said that he can communicate with ghosts and gods and master all kinds of incredible mysteries.

There are countless rumors and stories about wizards, but most of them are absurd.

And Wang Chen's understanding of wizards is extremely limited.

Because there are no wizards in Xiaoshi Village.

After the death of the wizard in Xiaoshi Village decades ago, no new wizard was born.

This situation is normal, because wizards are awakened innately, unlike warriors who can break through through practice, and many villages have similar situations.

But a village with wizards is definitely safer than a village without wizards, and it also has more potential for development!
From this point of view, there is a big gap between Xiaoshi Village and Xintian Village.

That's why Shi Yan was so respectful.

"You are Shi Yan from Xiaoshi Village, right?"

The old man in sackcloth nodded at Shi Yan: "I've seen you before."

Shi Yan was flattered.

A long time ago, he went to Xintian Village as a representative of Xiaoshi Village to negotiate, and met the "spiritual leader" of Xintian Village, and he did not expect that the other party could recognize him at a glance.

And say his name!

Then the eyes of the old man in sackcloth fell on Wang Chen: "Who is this young warrior?"

"Little Stone Village, Wang Chen."

Wang Chen didn't wait for Shi Yan's introduction, and replied by himself: "I've met Mr. Wu."

When he decided to go to Chibi City, Shi Laowu suggested that Wang Chen change his name, because his original name was too rustic, and he would be ridiculed and despised if he settled in the city.

Wang Chen just changed his real name back!
He is determined to make a name for himself in the Wushan world, and his most fundamental purpose is to find Hu Jiaojiao. If he keeps his original name, he will be kicked in the head by a donkey.

So even the surname was changed together.

Shi Laowu was very puzzled by this, and felt that Wang Chen was suspected of forgetting his ancestors, but he didn't say anything after all.

Shi Yan would not have any opinion.

"Sure enough, a hero comes out of a boy!"

The old man in sackcloth didn't mind Wang Chen's "rudeness", and smiled slightly: "Are you going to Chibi? We were wrong just now, please forgive me."

Although he was outside the cave before, he was very clear about what happened inside the cave.

I know that it is my own unreasonableness first.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand, the "spiritual leader" of Xintian Village is so polite, Wang Chen can't turn his face, nodded and replied: "Yes."

"Then don't bother."

The old man in sackcloth waved his hands resolutely: "Come here, carry Tian Dazhu out!"

Two hunters hurried forward and carried away the unconscious bearded man.

The old man in sackcloth nodded slightly at Wang Chen, then turned and left the cave.

Although the other hunters were unwilling, none of them dared to disobey the wizard's decision and left angrily.

After all the people in Xintian Village had left, Shi Yan, who had been on tenterhooks, let out a long sigh of relief.

He looked at Wang Chen who sat down and continued to drink meat soup as if nothing had happened, scratched his head and wanted to say something, but he swallowed all the words back into his stomach.

Shi Yan has already seen that although Wang Chen is young, he is a very assertive person.

The most important thing is that he is strong enough.

Elder Wu is afraid!

"Old Wu, why don't you kill this little bastard?"

Here, the hunters of Xintian Village ran away dejectedly with their beards raised, and one of them asked angrily: "There are so many of us, are we afraid that we can't beat him?"

Although the others didn't speak, they all had similar meanings in their eyes.

The questioner's forehead was instantly slapped with a stick.

The old man in sackcloth retracted the bone stick in his hand with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice, "Because I don't want to collect the corpses of so many of you!"

what? !

The hunters were taken aback and couldn't believe their ears.

Although Wang Chen showed considerable strength, everyone believed that his ability to defeat Tian Dazhu was entirely the result of a sneak attack.

With so many people rushing forward, I don't believe Wang Chen can resist it!
The words of the old man in sackcloth subverted their cognition.

"Don't believe it, do you?"

The old man in sackcloth obviously knew everyone's thoughts very well, and said coldly: "This Wang Chen is not an ordinary warrior, at least he is at the level of bone refinement, and may even enter the level of blood refinement."

"He has a bloody aura on his body, and he must have killed many people with strong qi and blood recently."

"I can't be wrong!"

The hunters were all dumbfounded.

Of course, one must listen to the words of one's own wizard, and it is unlikely that one will make a wrong judgment.

Everyone just didn't expect that a mere teenage boy would be so tough!
At this moment, none of them noticed that the hand of the old man in sackcloth was trembling slightly holding the bone staff, and there was still a trace of fear lurking in the deepest part of his eyes.

The hunters didn't even know how much mental shock the old wizard had suffered when he saw Wang Chen for the first time just now.

And once a fierce conflict broke out between the two sides, everyone including Wu Lao would die!
The old man in sackcloth calmed down, took out a pack of medicinal powder from his pocket, and handed it to the hunter next to him: "Heal Tian Dazhu first, this catastrophe is completely self-inflicted!"

Tian Dazhu, who was severely injured by Wang Chen, was not weak. In fact, his cultivation was among the best among the hunters in Xintian Village.

But now it was being carried away like a dead dog, its face was completely bloody, and it looked extremely miserable.

Everyone felt concerned, and they didn't dare to talk too much, so they quickened their pace.

It was as if there was a fierce beast chasing after him! ——
PS: I have been too busy these days, which caused the update to be unfavorable. Please forgive me, and I will adjust it as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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