Chapter 765
boom! boom! boom!
Xiao Wu, Su Qi and Chen Kui fell heavily to the ground, in a state of embarrassment.

They struggled to get up from the ground, but the severe pain flooded the whole body, causing their limbs to be weak, and they tried several times without success.

All the martial arts disciples around stared blankly, because they were so shocked that they forgot to help the three people who fell to the ground.

how can that be!

Master Liu's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

The three people he picked out to fight Wang Chen were the best among the martial arts disciples, at the peak level of meat refining, and all of them had been in the ring, and had quite a lot of actual combat experience.

If Master Liu did it himself, it would be no problem to crush Xiao Wu, Su Qi and Chen Kui at the same time.

But he would never be able to control the enemy with one move like Wang Chen!
Wang Chen glanced around and asked, "Who else?"

This is too arrogant, too domineering!

Anyone caught by Wang Chen's gaze lowered their heads subconsciously.

Xiao Wu, Su Qi and Chen Kui all lost so badly, how could they have the qualifications to compete with Wang Chen!

Here, Master Liu took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the shock and excitement in his heart, and asked in a deep voice: "What is your cultivation level, I want to listen to the truth!"

Just now Shi Yan introduced that Wang Chen was 15 years old, and his cultivation was at the Bone Refining Realm.

But if it is really at the bone refinement level, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a level!

Wang Chen smiled: "Blood refinement."

Blood refining!

Master Liu clenched his fists and let out a low growl, while Shi Yan next to him looked like a ghost.

Wang Chen broke through bone refining at the age of 15. He is already an unprecedented genius in Xiaoshi Village. Only now does he know that his real cultivation is a higher level of blood refining.

Shi Yan felt that his common sense had been subverted!

But Master Liu didn't care so much, he said excitedly: "Come on, let's talk inside!"

Turning his face away, the martial artist glanced at his apprentices again with fierce eyes: "Anyone who dares to say a word about today's matter, I will peel off his skin!"

The three of them, including Xiao Wu who had just been lifted up, shuddered and nodded hurriedly.

"Xiao Liu, go and invite the owner here immediately!"

While commanding his disciples, Master Liu led Wang Chen and Shi Yan into the inner hall.

Although the location of this Hongyi martial arts gym is remote, the scale of the building is not small. There are three entrances at the front and back.

After Wang Chen and Shi Yan were seated, another pretty maid brought tea.

Master Liu said solemnly to Wang Chen: "Little brother, with your talent and strength, I am not qualified to be the master, so please wait a moment, my house owner will be here soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man in a brocade robe appeared in the inner hall with his head held high.

Master Liu got up immediately: "Master!"

The brocade robed man asked in a deep voice, "Old Liu, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

Master Liu quickly explained: "Master, this is Shi Yan from Xiaoshi Village. He introduced a young genius to our martial arts hall today. Since the matter is important, please come here."

"Young genius?"

The brocade robed man looked at Wang Chen with great interest: "Is this the one?"

"That's right!"

Master Liu said with a little excitement: "Wang Chen, 15 years old, at the blood refinement level, just defeated the three disciples Xiao Wu, Su Qi and Chen Kui with a single move!"

The complexion of the brocade robed man changed, and he blurted out, "This is impossible!"

A 15-year-old blood refiner is one of the most talented people in Chibi City. How could he come from the countryside?
You must know that these Tianjiao not only have the purest family blood, but also have taken various precious ingredients for strengthening the body and washing the marrow since childhood, bathed in valuable medicinal soup, and together with the guidance of famous teachers, they can achieve such achievements.

Where does Xiaoshi Village have such conditions!

Master Liu smiled wryly, "I don't believe it either, but the curator can try."

Whether it is true or not, just try it out!
The brocade robed man also realized that he had lost his composure.

He pondered for a while, and said to Wang Chen: "Little brother, attack me with all your strength!"

Master Liu explained: "Our owner is the pinnacle of marrow refinement, you can just shoot, don't worry about accidental injury."

Like Wang Chen, he is at the blood refinement level, and he knows the strength of his own house owner.

All out?

Wang Chen smiled inwardly, but on the surface he saluted the brocade robed man calmly and said, "Junior Wang Chen, please give me your advice."

The brocade robed man nodded, and raised his hand to signal Wang Chen to make a move.

Wang Chen's gaze was fixed, and he suddenly leaned forward and punched the opponent's chest.

Before the others arrived, the ferocious punch was imminent, causing the man in the brocade robe to pimple his face.

"it is good!"

The man in brocade robe's eyes changed abruptly, and he raised his palm and slapped Wang Chen's fist.

The fists and palms collided instantly, and there was a clear and crisp sound of shaking.

Wang Chen stepped back three steps, the figure of the brocade robed man swayed, but his footsteps did not move a bit.

He withdrew his palm expressionlessly, but was stunned.

Wang Chen didn't speak either.

He only used five points of strength for this punch, and he didn't arouse the power of Vajra Fist.

This is in line with the current realm of cultivation.

"it is good!"

The man in the brocade robe suddenly gave a low shout, his expression became extremely excited: "Okay, okay, okay!"

He asked with bright eyes: "Wang Chen, are you willing to be my personal disciple?"

If such a genius is missed, then he will definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

Wang Chen hesitated for a moment.

He came to Chibi City to make a name for himself, but he didn't want to have anyone as his teacher.

Because the master-student relationship in this world is more important than father and son, the master can almost ask for anything from the disciple, and if the disciple resists the master, it is treason, and everyone can punish him!
This cause and effect is too great.

Seeing Wang Chen's hesitation, the brocade-robed man became anxious: "No, I was wrong just now, I want to accept apprentices on behalf of my master, as long as you are willing, you will be my junior from today on!"

As soon as this remark came out, Master Liu who was next to him almost fainted.

Accepting as a disciple and accepting an apprentice on behalf of a teacher are two completely different concepts!
As long as Wang Chen agrees, then he will be the No. [-] figure in Hongyi Martial Arts.

This courtesy is too generous!
Wang Chen couldn't help asking: "Then who is your master?"

The brocade-robed man said sadly, "Master has passed away long ago, and I am the only true disciple left in this sect."

"Now there are two."

Wang Chen said decisively: "Junior brother Wang Chen, I have met senior brother!"

He bowed respectfully to the brocade robed man.

It is impossible to be someone else's apprentice, and this is not Haotian Realm.

But being a little junior is completely acceptable.

The man in the brocade robe suddenly smiled: "Okay, that's great!"

He was very grateful for his decisiveness.

If he had insisted on accepting Wang Chen as an apprentice just now, the matter would most likely go wrong.

And there are so many martial arts gyms in Chibi City, there is no need for Wang Chen to hang himself from a tree in Hongyi Martial Arts Hall.

Now it is done!
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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