Chapter 770

Acquired Warrior!
Shao Hongcheng was so excited that he suddenly got up, leaped to Wang Chen, and said in a trembling voice: "Junior brother, am I dreaming?"

Wang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, but was a little moved: "Brother, you read that right, I have already broken through the Houtian Realm!"

Although Shao Hongcheng recruited him into the Hongyi Martial Arts Hall, the main purpose of accepting him on behalf of his teacher and accepting him as an apprentice was for the continuation of the martial arts hall and the inheritance of the sect.

But this cheap big brother is really kind to Wang Chen, and does his best to provide him with various resources.

Among other things, the five blood marrow pills alone have exhausted most of Shao Hongcheng's wealth.

Wang Chen is not a white-eyed wolf: "Senior brother, I will win the martial arts competition for you and come back!"

The leader of the martial arts competition will not only get generous rewards himself, but also the martial arts he represents will also be honored.

Wang Chen has such self-confidence, and he also intends to make a name for himself in the martial arts competition.

"good good good good!"

Shao Hongcheng clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "It's safe this time!"

He had already highly estimated Wang Chen before, and he predicted that Wang Chen could break through the acquired state within two months, and then participate in the martial arts competition after stabilizing his realm, and he would be sure to win the top three.

Never expected that in less than a month, Wang Chen would be promoted to Houtian Dajing!
This speed is too fast.

Arriving in Shaohong Chengdu feels unreal, and even a little worried: "Junior brother, the acquired state is completely enough, you should be steady first, don't rush too fast."

Improving the realm of cultivation too quickly can easily lead to unstable foundations, which is a taboo in martial arts.

Wang Chen is not only fast, he is flying!

Wang Chen smiled and said: "But brother, I want to break through my innateness before the martial arts competition!"

Shao Hongcheng was stunned: "But now there is only a little more than a month left before the martial arts competition."

Wang Chen nodded: "Enough."

Shao Hongcheng looked at Wang Chen blankly, as if he was looking at a visitor from outside the sky.

He didn't go crazy on the spot, he was considered mentally strong.

The owner of the museum actually felt that Wang Chen was not talking big, he really had such confidence!


Shao Hongcheng chewed on these two words, his expression fluctuating.

Innate, it was his biggest dream!
Shao Hongcheng's expression became bitter: "Senior Brother, it's not that Senior Brother doesn't want to help you, it's just the Xiantian Pill that Houtian Jin Xiantian needs. Senior Brother is really powerless!"

It took his life to get the Blood Essence Pill, and the more precious Xiantian Pill was a legendary treasure, and it was not something that a mere martial arts master could get his hands on.

This thing is only treasured by a few big families in Chibi City!
It is a matter of innateness, and they will never give it up to others.

"No Xiantian pill."

Wang Chen didn't care: "Brother, I only need the follow-up technique of Wuji Xuangong."

"Wuji Xuan Gong" is classified as a skill on the panel, and what Wang Chen has cultivated is only the upper part, and its core content stops at the acquired level, without breaking through the innate know-how.

As for the Xiantian pill that others regard as a treasure, Wang Chen is completely dispensable.

Because after condensing the true energy of martial arts, he has already seen clearly the way to the higher level.

What is lacking is nothing more than the corresponding exercises.

As for the resources needed for cultivation, with Wang Chen's current cultivation strength, it is not a problem at all to hunt and hunt by himself.

"Hold on."

Without hesitation, Shao Hongcheng immediately opened the secret room in the study in front of Wang Chen, and took out a box from it.

He opened the box and saw a palm-sized bronze mirror inside.

Wang Chen was slightly taken aback.

Because this bronze mirror is impressively in the shape of the Eight Diagrams, and the circle is densely covered with small real seal runes.

It is clearly a genus of a magic weapon!

Shao Hongcheng took out the bronze mirror and rubbed it a few times, then handed it to Wang Chen reluctantly: "Junior brother, the follow-up part of Wuji Xuangong is in this Wuji mirror, and you need to comprehend it yourself."

After a pause, he said solemnly: "Junior Brother, this Promise Mirror is a sacred object of my Promise Sect head, you take it, and you will be the head of my Promise Sect from now on!"

Wang Chen: "Huh?"

He only wanted the exercises, but he didn't want to be the head of the Wuji Sect!

Shao Hongcheng smiled wryly and said: "Junior brother, don't refuse, you must be the head of the sect. I will never be able to carry forward this sect in my life, and I hope to rest on you!"

Shao Hongcheng's attitude was so firm that Wang Chen was too embarrassed to refuse.

He nodded and took the Promise Mirror.

There are only Wang Chen and Shao Hongcheng in the Promise Gate, so there is no need for any ceremonies, such a simple handover is considered.

And Shao Hongcheng, who handed over the Wuji mirror, felt relieved, as if he had lifted a heavy burden.

The whole person is relaxed.

He smiled and said, "Junior Sect Leader, it's up to you in the future!"

Wang Chen said: "I will do my best."

The atmosphere is here, and he can only try his best to perfunctory.

But Wang Chen must find a way to repay Shao Hongcheng's friendship!
Before the owner finished, he handed Wang Chen another key: "This is the key to open the secret room. This is all that is left of my Wuji Gate. Don't hold it against me. I took a lot of keys a while ago." It’s changed to the Blood Marrow Pill.”

Of course Wang Chen didn't dislike it, but he was determined not to, and left it to Shao Hongcheng to continue to hold it.

The two chatted for a long time.

After Wang Chen broke through the day after tomorrow, only Shao Hongcheng, who was at the peak of refining marrow, could no longer give him advice in martial arts, and most of the family fortune in the martial arts school was also lost. Therefore, if Wang Chen wants to be promoted to Xiantian, he can only rely on himself.

After talking with Shao Hong, Wang Chen had a preliminary idea.

Returning to his residence, he took out the Promise Mirror he had just obtained from his arms.

After playing with it for a while, Wang Chen can be sure that this thing is a magic weapon.

To be precise, it is a Tier [-] magic weapon!

Wang Chen speculated that this was probably left by a monk who came to the Wushan Realm.

Nine out of ten are Nascent Soul cultivators!
Because it is reasonable to speculate based on the situation we have, Yuanying (demon king) can keep his body and equipment when he enters the Wushan Realm, while Jindan (big demon) and Zifu will "soul wear" like him, and even lose his soul. Memory requires self-awakening.

Those who can leave the Promise Mirror must be the existence of the Nascent Soul Stage!

This made Wang Chen even more curious about the mirror in his hand.

Holding the mirror in his hand, he silently practiced the method of the five elements, and injected a trace of heaven and earth spiritual energy from his dantian.

The blood marrow pill contains a very weak aura of heaven and earth. While refining the power of the medicine, Wang Chen also sealed the aura of heaven and earth in his dantian.

Putting it in the Haotian Realm, this bit of heaven and earth aura is not enough to drive a low-level talisman.

But in this world, it is extremely precious.

Wang Chen didn't even dare to refine it into mana, for fear that it would be consumed directly.

He hadn't thought about how to use this aura of heaven and earth before, but it came in handy immediately.

And with the infusion of heaven and earth spiritual energy, the Promise Mirror suddenly emitted a dazzling light!
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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