Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 772 Hunting Beishan

Chapter 772 Hunting Beishan

The mountains on which Chibi City relies are called "Northern Mountains".

Beishan is so big and boundless that no one can measure this majestic mountain range that stretches for tens of thousands of miles with both feet under the cover of heavy fog.

Including extraordinary and Taoist monks.

For thousands of years, the warriors of Chibi City have never stopped exploring Beishan, but it is only limited to a small area.

No matter how good a hunter is, he dare not go too deep into the mountains, lest he lose his way and become the prey of ferocious beasts.

People like Wang Chen who entered Beishan to hunt alone without being familiar with the geographical environment are definitely rare!
The fog in the mountains sometimes thickens and sometimes fades, and sometimes a sudden gust of wind blows through, allowing people to clearly see the towering peaks in the distance, but most of the time the visibility is only a few dozen paces.

After entering the mountain, Wang Chen kept accelerating his pace, his figure became erratic, and disappeared into the dense forest in the blink of an eye.

After a while, a group of heavily armed hunters rushed to the scene.

They stopped before the woods and looked left and right for signs.


A hunter scolded: "Isn't this kid running too fast?"


His companion said disapprovingly: "With the boss around, I can't escape!"

A gray-haired old hunter next to him smiled, showing black and yellow teeth.

He leaned over and stretched out his hands to fiddle with the weeds he handed over a few times, then pointed to the right side with certainty and said: "The little guy is going in this direction..."


Before the old hunter finished speaking, a middle-aged warrior with a dark face in the team suddenly changed his expression.

The next moment, a feathered arrow pierced the air and flew over a distance of hundreds of steps like lightning, hitting the old hunter's throat.


The sharp arrow pierced through his neck in an instant, and a cloud of blood sprayed out from the back of his neck.

The old hunter was dumbfounded, his scarlet eyeballs were almost out of their sockets.

His throat was rattling, and he fell backwards to the ground with extremely strong unwillingness and remorse!
Among the hunters in Chibi City, there is no one in a hundred who can live to his age without retiring.

People become mature with age, and the veteran hunter's combat experience is definitely rich and incomparable. He can even develop a keen intuition similar to that of a wild beast during long-term hunting, and avoid danger in time before it is approaching.

Without such ability, it is impossible to live to this day!

In fact, when the arrow flew, the old hunter had already sensed the danger.

But before he could dodge, he was blocked by an arrow.

The middle-aged warrior next to him was stronger, and he also had no time to intercept it.

Because the speed of this arrow is too fast!

"Enemy attack!"

With the sudden fall of the old hunter, the nine-member team fell into chaos.

They were hunters, and now they have become prey!

Another two feathered arrows shot back and forth, and the speed was astonishingly fast.


A hunter was shot in the chest. The tough and thick leather armor did not provide any protection, but only made him suffer more pain before dying.

"It's all scattered!"

The middle-aged warrior let out a loud roar, and suddenly rushed towards the woods in front of him.

He never thought that his mission target today was a sharpshooter. The omission in intelligence undoubtedly caused a fatal mistake, and the only way to make up for it was to fight in close combat.

Otherwise, once the kite is pulled away, everyone including him will die.

The opponent's archery is terrible!

A feathered arrow passed the side of the middle-aged warrior.

Knowing that the opponent was a sharpshooter, the middle-aged warrior approached the target by snaking and walking. Although he slowed down his speed, he successfully avoided the arrows that were aimed at him.

At this moment, the middle-aged warrior had already seen the figure holding a bow and nocking an arrow in the forest.


Before he could be happy, he heard screams from behind.

The arrow was not aimed at him just now!
The middle-aged warrior who suddenly understood was about to burst into tears, feeling that he had encountered an unprecedented humiliation.

He secretly swore that he would definitely tear his opponent into pieces and tear them into pieces!
"Ah!" "Ah!"

In just a few breaths of time, two more hunters were killed by arrows.

The others were scared out of their wits and fled in all directions!

And the middle-aged warrior finally approached the target, he roared sharply, pulled out a long black whip tied around his waist, and swung his arm suddenly towards the archer.

This archer is naturally Wang Chen!

In fact, as early as when he just left the city, he discovered the "tail" following him.

Just in order to avoid complications, Wang Chen deliberately waited until now to get into trouble.

The other party's party of nine people was chasing after him, with 100% malicious intentions, and they would never kill wrongly.

[Blood +100], [Blood +100], [Blood +100]...

The prompts displayed in the field of vision indicated that those shot and killed by Wang Chen were all Tier [-] Bone Refining Warriors.

His qi and blood value, which had been cleared to zero, soared accordingly.

Just when Wang Chen was brushing his energy and blood values, the middle-aged warrior's black whip lashed at the vitals of his neck.

The slender whip tip pierced the air and made a strange whistling sound, which was a bit soul-stirring.

Wang Chen put down his bow and arrow, reached out to grab it without avoiding it, and immediately held the whip tip in his hand.

It seems simple and simple, but in fact, even if the eyesight and technique are a little bit worse, they will be slapped heavily in vain.

The whip tip was smooth to the touch, and it felt as sharp as a blade.

It was covered with black scales as thin as a cicada's wings!
Seeing his weapon being grabbed by Wang Chen, the middle-aged warrior was shocked at first, and then instinctively wanted to withdraw it.

As a result, he exerted all his strength, but Wang Chen remained motionless!

Boundless fear surged up in the heart of the middle-aged warrior, flooding his body uncontrollably.

As a martial artist at the pinnacle of refinement, he has defeated powerful enemies many times by relying on a black scale whip that is close to the level of a black soldier.

The middle-aged martial artist never thought that someone would be able to hold on to the black scale whip he cast.

And there's no damage yet.

Acquired Warrior!
A noun instantly appeared in his mind, making him tremble all over.

"Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding!"

Frightened, the middle-aged martial artist spread his five fingers and gave up the handle of the whip. He was so distressed that he wanted to die, but he had to squeeze out a flattering smile: "I admitted the wrong person, you are a lot of adults, let's put it in the next lifeline!"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly jumped up and flew backwards.

Intention to widen the distance between Wang Chen and Wang Chen!

A middle-aged martial artist can hardly imagine that a mere teenage boy, who has only been in Chibi City for a month or two, has actually broken through the acquired realm.

If this matter is revealed, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Chibi City!

How could he dare to provoke such a person?

The middle-aged warrior completely lost his will to fight, all he wanted to do was escape, the farther the better!

(End of this chapter)

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