Chapter 778
Hongyi Martial Arts Hall.

In the front hall, Shao Hongcheng, the owner of the museum, sat on the armchair with an extremely ugly expression, as bleak as a dead parent.

He asked in a deep voice, "Is there really no news about Wang Chen?"

The two people who just came in looked at each other, and shook their heads in unison, looking helpless.

Shao Hongcheng smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it."

The simple two words uttered from his mouth carried an extremely heavy meaning.

In two days' time, Chibi City's annual martial arts competition will be held, and Hongyi Martial Arts will definitely send people to compete in the martial arts arena.

The problem is that the current Hongyi Martial Arts School is not well received, none of the new generation stands out, and several martial artists have already entered the age of declining vitality, and there is not much chance of winning in the ring.

Shao Hongcheng didn't want to see anything happen to them either.

There are no eyes in fists and feet, and no affection can be seen in the arena. Casualties are nothing but normal.

Previously, Shao Hongcheng pinned all his hopes on Wang Chen, and Wang Chen's breakthrough in the acquired miracle also made him full of ambition, and he thought he was sure of winning this time.

It never occurred to him that in order to improve his strength, Wang Chen went to Beishan alone to practice!

There has been no news so far.

Now Shao Hongcheng is extremely regretful, he knew that he would leave Wang Chen in Chibi City no matter what.

With the cultivation strength of the acquired great realm, it is enough to help Hongyi martial arts get the crucial victory, so that the martial arts will not be eliminated from the cup and lose the qualification to gain a foothold in Chibi City.

Now that I think about it, greed is really bad!

The owner of the museum was regretful and anxious, he sighed and felt depressed, and he was a little dazed when he clenched his fists.

Suddenly the surroundings became extremely quiet, and the atmosphere was so strange that Shao Hongcheng, who was emotionally unstable, became aware.

"The owner."

Shao Hongcheng raised his head suddenly, and saw Wang Chen appearing at the entrance of the front hall at a glance!
He was dumbfounded and couldn't believe his eyes.

Wang Chen's image at the moment can be said to be quite bad, with a piece of animal skin wrapped around his body, and a big bag also made of animal skin on his back, he looks like a barbarian who just ran out of the mountains.

But Shao Hongcheng didn't care about his image, his mood climbed from the trough to the peak in an instant, and he couldn't help laughing loudly: "Okay, okay, Wang Chen, you are finally back!"

God is sorry, during Wang Chen's absence, Shao Hongcheng can be said to have trouble sleeping and eating and worrying day and night.

Seeing Wang Chen goodbye now is like seeing a long-lost relative.

Even closer than your own relatives!

The museum owner almost rushed forward and hugged Wang Chen tightly, never letting go.

Shao Hongcheng was so excited that Wang Chen's hairs stood on end. He said quickly, "Master, you have been worrying about this period of time. Don't worry, I will definitely participate in the martial arts competition."

Not only did he want to participate, but he also wanted to win the leader for Hongyi Martial Arts Hall to repay the favor he owed.

"You go out first."

Shao Hongcheng calmed down. He sent away the people in the martial arts gym present, and then poured a cup of hot tea for Wang Chen himself.

After Wang Chen put down his burden and sat down, Shao Hongcheng asked in a low voice, "Junior brother, where are you now?"

Wang Chen knew what the other party wanted to ask, so he didn't answer directly, but bent forward and flicked.

A wisp of finger wind shot out instantly, piercing through the teacup placed on the desk with incomparable precision, and hot tea flowed out continuously from the finger hole.

Get really angry!

Shao Hongcheng suddenly opened his eyes wide, gasped, his hands were trembling slightly, and almost lost his composure on the spot.


Only the innately strong can achieve the supernatural powers of releasing true energy, picking leaves, flying flowers, and flicking fingers.

The 16-year-old boy in front of him is already a top existence qualified to sit in the city!
Shao Hongcheng's mood at this moment cannot be described in words, and he was extremely shocked.

He already has a high opinion of Wang Chen's martial arts talent, but Wang Chen can always subvert his common sense and create incredible miracles.

At this moment, Shao Hongcheng left the martial arts competition behind.

It doesn't matter at all.

You must know that there is only one innate strongman in the entire Chibi City. When Wang Chen enters the ring, it is a dimensionality reduction blow. There cannot be any opponents, and you can win the game with just a few fingers.

What Shao Hongcheng has to consider now is the impact of Hongyi Martial Arts having an innate strong man!
As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and there is a sudden addition of an innate warrior in Chibi City, so the reaction of the also innate city lord Zhao Zhenxuan is hard to say.

Zhao Zhenxuan has controlled Chibi City for decades, and his cultivation strength is unfathomable. It is not something Wang Chen, a new genius, can compete with.

Once the city lord thinks that Wang Chen's existence threatens him, then Hongyi Martial Arts will be in bad luck.

The more Shao Hongcheng thought about it, the more panicked he became, and the excitement and excitement just now disappeared.

He couldn't help but said: "Junior brother, you must not show your innate cultivation, acquired is enough."

Wang Chen was a little puzzled, but quickly realized: "Brother, are you worried about Zhao Zhenxuan?"


Shao Hongcheng said worriedly: "You just broke through your innate talent, so it's better to keep a low profile."

In fact, Hongyi Martial Arts can be abandoned, but Wang Chen, a young genius, must have nothing to do. Shao Hongcheng pinned all his hopes on revitalizing Wuji Sect on him.

If it doesn't work, then you can only pack up and run away.

"Junior brother, I've made up my mind."

Shao Hongcheng said firmly: "We will not participate in the martial arts competition!"

Compared with the importance of Wang Chen, what is the Martial Arts Competition?
Farts are gone!

Wang Chen shook his head and said: "I will definitely participate in this martial arts competition, and I will not hide my realm."

What a joke, if he doesn't participate in the martial arts competition, how will he repay Shao Hongcheng's karmic favor, how will he become famous and increase his chances of finding Hu Jiaojiao?

Wang Chen doesn't want to stay in this world for too long, lest there will be changes in Haotian Realm.

And he was also worried about Hu Jiaojiao's safety.

"Brother, don't worry."

Wang Chen said in a deep voice: "Don't worry about Zhao Zhenxuan, if he has any ideas, I will naturally teach him the principles of life."

Teach Zhao Zhenxuan the principles of life!
Shao Hongcheng was dumbfounded.

Wang Chen's words were more than arrogant, they were extremely arrogant.

If someone else found out, there would be a turbulent wave immediately, tearing the Hong Yi Martial Arts Hall to shreds.

However, the strong self-confidence revealed by Wang Chen made Shao Hongcheng unable to say any objection.

It even felt like it was possible.

This kind of trust stems from Wang Chen's soaring cultivation realm and the miracles he has repeatedly created.

This young man is beyond common sense at all!

Shao Hongcheng gritted his teeth: "Okay, then do it according to your wishes, Junior Brother."

He's gone all out!
Life can be fought several times, this time Shao Hongcheng decided to sacrifice his life to accompany Wang Chen to the end.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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