793 King to King

[Name: Wang Chen (Chen Ergou)]

【Age: 16】

【Cultivation: Innate】

[Cultivation method: Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa (fourth floor): 305/400]

[Skill: Promise Mysterious Art (Small Accomplishment): 274/300]

[Skill: Bone Refining, Easy Tendon Burning and Blood Burning Method (Dzogchen)]

[Vigor and blood: 36790]

【Infuriating: 56/100】

This is Wang Chen's current panel data.

In the past period of time, he practiced diligently every day, and his accumulation of strength can be described as advancing by leaps and bounds. The Tianlong King Kong Dharma he majored in has already broken through the fourth level.

In fact, Wang Chen in the "Golden Body" on the third floor is already invulnerable to all poisons, and ordinary poisons have no effect on him in the slightest.

The fourth layer of King Kong is impeccable, the internal organs, the six internal organs, the limbs and the bones are all flawless. No matter how powerful the golden ring snake's venom is, it is impossible to hurt Wang Chen in the slightest!
But Zhao Zhenxuan didn't know this, he sneered and said: "Wang Chen, I can give you another chance, as long as you make a vow to work for me for 30 years, I will give you the antidote."

"Otherwise, next year's today will be your death day!"

As soon as this innate strong man finished speaking, the surrounding warriors in green shirts all approached, and the formation they formed showed their murderous intent, and the surrounding fog rolled silently and surged.

"You didn't choose."

Zhao Zhenxuan continued: "Even if you don't get the golden ring snake venom, you still have no chance of winning with my sword formation."

"So, kneel down for me!"

He roared out the last sentence with innate qi, which made the whole crypt tremble.

The aura of this innate strong man also climbed to the peak, and suddenly he swung his fists and blasted at Wang Chen!
In fact, Zhao Zhenxuan didn't want to give Wang Chen a chance to survive at all. He said so many words in order to weaken Wang Chen's will and let the golden ring snake's venom spread more deeply.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, not to mention that the opponent is still a strong man of the same level!
However, although Zhao Zhenxuan was old and hot, he never dreamed that Wang Chen was not only not afraid of the golden ring snake's venom, but also his will to fight was not affected in the slightest.

Seeing Zhao Zhenxuan's surprise attack again, he swung the Zhanyue Saber without avoiding it.

The sword light suddenly appeared, and it slashed straight at Zhao Zhenxuan's face.

This knife is simple, decisive, powerful and fast as lightning.

Zhao Zhenxuan was slightly startled, and immediately changed his fist into a palm, trying to clamp the Zhanyue Saber with his hands together.

But his face suddenly changed, and suddenly he swung backwards.

Kankan avoided Wang Chen's counterattack.

Zhao Zhenxuan took a dozen steps back and stopped, looking down at his chest.

The shirt he was wearing was cut open with a straight slit, exposing the animal skin inner armor inside.

And this inner armor, which can resist the attack of Xuanbing, is also separated from the left and right, and the bloodstains inside can be faintly seen.

Just now his reaction was even a tenth of a breath slower, or he couldn't dodge fast enough, and now he has been disembowelled by Wang Chen!

"A good knife!"

Zhao Zhenxuan, who escaped unharmed, showed a fierce look in his eyes: "I really underestimated you!"

Wang Chen's knife cut open not only his coat and inner armor, but also his protective qi!

This means that the weapon in Wang Chen's hand is not only very powerful, but also his cultivation level exceeds Zhao Zhenxuan's expectations.

Knowing oneself and the enemy, Zhao Zhenxuan realized that he had underestimated Wang Chen.

Almost paid for it with my life!
But how is this possible?
The strength shown by Wang Chen was no longer inferior to that of Zhao Zhenxuan, and he was also poisoned by the golden ring snake.

A mere 16-year-old boy, even if he has heaven-defying aptitude, it is logically impossible for him to exceed his decades of accumulation.

There must be a big secret in Wang Chen's body!
Zhao Zhenxuan looked at Wang Chen with a hint of greed.

If Wang Chen's secret can be obtained, then the transcendent realm he pursued all his life may not necessarily be a dream anymore.

At that time, Zhao Zhenxuan may become the top existence in this world!
The reason why he painstakingly set up this game within a game to deal with Wang Chen was that he originally had this intention, but what he got now was an even bigger surprise.

The premise is to win Wang Chen!
"Get out!"

Thousands of thoughts flashed through the mind of this congenital strong man, and he immediately shouted: "It doesn't matter whether you live or die!"

Before Zhao Zhenxuan finished speaking, the twelve warriors in green shirts rushed towards Wang Chen.

They swung their long knives at the same time, and a dawson-cold light of the knives illuminated the crypt, condensing an unparalleled killing intent!
At the same time, Zhao Zhenxuan's figure disappeared in place.

These twelve warriors in green shirts can be said to be Zhao Zhenxuan's biggest trump card. The Jujue Sword Formation formed by them can kill innate powerhouses, and with Zhao Zhenxuan's own strength, he dares to fight against extraordinary monks.

He doesn't believe he can't take Wang Chen down!

At this time, Wang Chen suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a cage, and invisible pressure surged from all directions, trying to tear him into pieces and crush him into slag.

But trying to overwhelm Wang Chen with such pressure is tantamount to nonsense.

He put the saber back into its sheath, took off the Overlord Spear hanging behind him with his backhand, and swept it out suddenly.

Total Annihilation!

The Overlord Spear is a magic soldier in the battle formation, and it is most fearless of group battles and sieges. Under the infusion of Wang Chen's innate qi, its power is instantly aroused, and the gun body reveals a faint red glow.

Like a burning flame of blood!
Pointing at the tip of the spear, the invisible sword light that struck first was instantly shattered and annihilated.

The twelve mighty green-clothed warriors felt heavy gun shadows in front of their eyes, and a suffocating force surged back, enveloping them all.

These warriors also lost their lock on Wang Chen!

A warrior in green shirt realized something was wrong, and immediately reminded him heavily.


A spear point suddenly appeared on his chest.

Incomparably sharp, not stained with blood!

At some point, Wang Chen appeared behind this green-clothed warrior, and shot through his body.

【Blood +10000】

The next moment, Wang Chen pulled out the Overlord Spear, and shook out a bowl-sized spear flower towards the right.

Sparks burst out, and Zhao Zhenxuan, who had just reappeared, staggered back.

His face was extremely livid: "You are not poisoned!"

This innate strong man saw the timing of Wang Chen's killing of his subordinates, and tried to catch Wang Chen by surprise.

However, Wang Chen seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and did not give Zhao Zhenxuan a chance at all!

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Unfortunately, there are no prizes."

He didn't continue to attack Zhao Zhenxuan, but rushed towards the right side, and the Overlord Spear stabbed out with lightning, piercing the head of another warrior in green shirt.

【Blood +10000】

Zhao Zhenxuan devoted countless efforts and resources to cultivate the elite soldiers, but at this moment it became the best tool for Wang Chen to increase his vitality and blood. In the blink of an eye, he killed three people in a row.


Seeing such a scene, Zhao Zhenxuan's heart was bleeding, and immediately started to pursue Wang Chen and save his confidants.

As a result, Wang Chen didn't fight with him at all, relying on his nimble body skills and amazing speed, he galloped freely in the cave, stabbing the overlord's sharpshooter frequently, and killing the green-clothed warriors one after another.

No one can block his power of a shot! ——
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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