Chapter 821 Do It Yourself
After Zhu Fengchun left, Ji Yun sat quietly on the cloud couch for a long time, his expression uncertain.

Then he suddenly got up, left the room and walked through the long corridors in the maze-like Qingyun Palace, and finally came to a quiet and unique courtyard.

In the yard was a thick osmanthus tree, and under the tree sat a white-haired old man in sackcloth.

The old man's eyes were closed, his left face was wrinkled, his complexion was dark yellow and covered with age spots.

But the skin on the right cheek was rosy and firm, revealing the look of life.

Very strange.

"Disciple Ji Yun..."

Ji Yun bowed respectfully to the other party: "Greetings, Master Uncle!"

This old man in sackcloth is not only Ji Yun's elder, but also a Taoist monk. His meritorious deeds are at the forefront of the entire Qingyun League, and his strength is unfathomable.

It's just that he usually lives in seclusion in the Qingyun Palace to practice, and does not participate in the affairs of the Qingyun League, existing like a wild crane in the clouds.

The status is extremely detached.

If he had no other choice, Ji Yun didn't want to alarm this master uncle.


The old man in sackcloth slowly opened his eyes.

One eye of the old monk was cloudy and cloudy, while the other was bright and energetic.

He looked at Ji Yun who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "So it's Ji Yun, what's the matter?"

"Master Uncle!"

Ji Yun immediately explained the ins and outs of the whole matter in detail.

He didn't add oil and vinegar, and he didn't avoid the important and ignore the minor, including his coveting of the transformed beast and the shady methods he used, and he didn't hide the slightest.

Because Ji Yun knew very well that if he said anything insincere, he would not escape the eyes of this old ancestor.

Let alone getting help from the other party, you will be lucky if you don't eat "life"!

He was beaten by this master uncle when he was a child, and now he still feels a dull pain when he thinks about it.

The old man in sackcloth patiently listened to Ji Yun's words, and then showed a smile that was not a smile: "You are still the same as when you were a child, and you can't even do bad things well."

Ji Yun's face was flushed red and he was speechless.

This monk has been stuck in the extraordinary realm for a long time. Although he has already reached the peak level, he has never been able to take the last step. After a long time, he is almost becoming a demon.

The Taoist monks will not only increase their strength to a higher level, but also greatly extend their lifespan. Ji Yun didn't want to turn into a pile of bones after a hundred years, so he racked his brains to find a way to break through.

Under such circumstances, how could he not be tempted when a ferocious beast suddenly jumped into his sight?

Ji Yun felt that this was his opportunity to enter Taoism.

But in order not to fall into the shoes of others, he did not directly deal with Wang Chen, but secretly plotted.

As a result, the plan had just started when it was met with a strong counterattack, and Daoji was damaged.

It took Ji Yun a year to barely recover.

However, this did not dispel his thoughts, but made him even crazier.

Because only by stripping off the qi and blood essence of this monster in shape, can his foundation be completely restored and the possibility of entering the Tao can be preserved.

In addition, Ji Yun wants to seek revenge from Wang Chen!
So no matter whether Zhu Fengchun came to him or not, Ji Yun had to settle the score with Wang Chen.

But he also knew very well that with his current situation, let alone washing away his shame against Wang Chen, he might lose his life.

He can only use his last hole card.

That is, the old ancestor in front of him.

As for whether the old man in sackcloth would help him, Ji Yun was not sure, so he could only kneel on the ground and listen to the training.

"I'm old."

The old man in sackcloth sighed, and said, "The Supreme Realm is doomed to be hopeless, and there is not much life left, so don't let me take action against that young man."

"The disciples dare not!"

Ji Yun kowtowed in fear: "Uncle Master, you have never been here as a disciple."

The old man in sackcloth shook his head, took out a bronze bell from his robe, and put it in front of Ji Yun: "For the sake of your master who passed away early, I will help you one last time."

"This is the Ten Thousand Beast Bell, obtained from Yao Gong's treasure chest. It can drive beasts below the eighth level. It should be used once or twice."

"I will teach you the method of sacrifice, as for how to use it, it is up to you."

Ji Yun was overjoyed and kowtowed again and again: "Thank you, Master Uncle, thank you Master Uncle!"

"No more knocking."

The old man in sackcloth waved his hand: "Take this Ten Thousand Beast Bell, and the fate between you and me will be over. In the future, don't come to me again, and I won't see you again. Just do it yourself!"

Ji Yun held the Wanshou bell in both hands.


When he came back to his senses, he found that he was already outside the courtyard.

The front yard door is closed!

Although he got a supreme magic weapon, Ji Yun's heart was empty, as if he had lost the most precious thing.

In fact, he is very clear that his current identity has a great relationship with this master uncle.

Without this relationship, his position in Qingyun League is bound to be unstable.

But it's too late to regret now!
Ji Yun tightly held the Wanshou Bell in his hand, his expression became ferocious and vicious.

For the current plan, he has only one way to go to the dark!

"Wang Chen!"

Wang Chen's name was squeezed out from the monk's teeth, with deep-seated resentment and hostility.

At the same time, Wang Chen, who was supervising the students' daily practice at Bailu Academy twenty or thirty miles away, felt something and glanced in the direction of Taiwu City.

Taiwu City is the largest city in the Wushan Realm, with this city as the center, there is no mist covering the area within tens of miles.

The geographical location is unique.

Since most of the areas outside the city have been developed for many years and belong to the major forces in the city, the Mo family spent a lot of thought before purchasing this land for Wang Chen.

Pharmacies and colleges were built.

Although the Cishi Hall in the city is still there, ordinary people inside and outside Taiwu City basically come to the pharmacy if they want to ask for medical advice.

They not only treated themselves, but also sent their children here, hoping to enter White Deer College to study.

Change the fate of the poor!
There are a lot of private schools and martial arts halls in Taiwu City, but none of them can do what Bailu Academy does. Not only are tuition fees waived, but they also provide two meals for free.

Just these two points are enough to make countless people sharpen their heads and try their best to squeeze in.

Not to mention that the master of the academy is still an immortal master!
But Wang Chen doesn't accept everyone. The disciples of the college can be illiterate, but they can't have bad intentions, and they can be helpless, but they must know how to work hard.

People who like to steal, rape and play tricks have no room to survive here.

Over the past year, the number of disciples at White Deer Academy has exceeded [-]!
And they and their parents, like the countless patients treated by Cishi Pharmacy, brought Wang Chen a steady stream of merit and virtue! ——
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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