Chapter 829 Fighting

Longbows, swords, daggers and leather armor are the standard equipment for every student of White Hart Academy.

The value of any piece of these equipment is beyond the reach of ordinary civilian families, and the quality is very high.

The bow is a strong bow, and the arrow is a sharp arrow. The special metal triangular arrow has excellent armor-piercing ability, and can penetrate even armor at close range. Its power is not something that these third- and fourth-order beasts can resist.

The pack of wolves that had just rushed out of the forest, like wheat swept by a scythe, fell down in a large piece.

Seeing such a scene, the teenagers all cheered up.

They have sharp weapons in their hands, and there are many warriors in the battle, not to mention Wang Chen, the head of the fairy master, who is protecting them. If they don't dare to fight the fierce beasts like this, then it's really better to buy a piece of tofu and kill them.

The fear in everyone's hearts disappeared, and someone let out a cry of excitement.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

More arrows shot out quickly, and fell on the heads of the herd like raindrops, immediately setting off a bloody storm.

Although these teenagers didn't have much actual combat experience, they were numerous and full of courage. After the initial panic, their performance became better and better.

It's strange to say that one after another, the ferocious beasts rushing over under the rain of arrows, they didn't seem to be afraid of death at all.

Even though the corpses were strewn all over the ground, they still roared and stepped on the corpses of their companions, rushing towards the boys one after another.

This is obviously very unusual.

Because ferocious beasts have a certain amount of wisdom, under normal circumstances they would not seek death knowing that they must die, and their attack methods would not be so dull and rigid.

It feels like it was deliberately sent up to the disciples of Bailu Academy to practice archery!

It's just that the teenagers are all passionate and killing, they don't care about so much, and they don't think about it at all.

They didn't even realize that Wang Chen had already left quietly.

At this moment, Wang Chen was already on a mountain three miles away.

Beside him stood Hu Jiaojiao dressed in white, who was holding a golden bell in her hand.

Ten Thousand Beast Bells.

And the attention of the two has always been concentrated on the mountain forest area where the fighting broke out.

Although blocked by the mist, Hu Jiaojiao, who was holding the bell of the Ten Thousand Beasts, knew the situation there like the back of her hand!

She suddenly asked: "It's over fifteen hundred, do you want to continue?"


Wang Chen replied, "Let's end it."

That's right, the sudden appearance of the herd was not an accident at all, but a "program" he had arranged in advance!
After Wang Chen killed Ji Yun and got the Wanshou Bell, he restored part of the spirituality of this magic weapon according to the method taught by Yao Lao.

Then hand it over to Hu Jiaojiao.

With this magic weapon, Hu Jiaojiao can go deep into the mountains and forests and drive thousands of beasts.

The ferocious beasts that besieged the students of White Deer Academy were all under the control of Hu Jiaojiao, which is why the fledgling youths were able to kill them so easily.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and it will become more and more difficult for them to "level up" in the future!


Hu Jiaojiao nodded, and shook the golden bell in her hand.

The crisp ringtone spread all over the place in an instant.

Almost at the same moment, those ferocious beasts that were still besieging the students of White Deer Academy all turned around and fled in all directions, disappearing into the vast forest in the blink of an eye.

There were corpses all over the place.

A group of teenagers who were on the rise suddenly lost their target, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

This encounter appeared suddenly, and ended even more abruptly!
Make them all a bit hard to get used to.

"All right."

A congenital martial artist came over and said in a deep voice, "Don't be dazed, hurry up and pack up the spoils!"

Everyone just woke up like a dream, and then began to practice the decomposition technique under the supervision and guidance of a group of martial artists.

Disintegration is not a method, but a skill that hunters must master. It seems simple but actually has profound knowledge.

Most of the ferocious beasts are full of treasures, and their skin, muscles, tendons, blood, bones and claws are all useful, and it is quite troublesome to deal with.

Handled well, the value of the prey can be preserved to the greatest extent.

In turn, it is a waste of money!

And these White Deer Academy disciples had previously learned the disintegration technique from a martial artist, and also had the opportunity to "practice".

But most of the beasts that besieged the White Deer Academy last time were blasted into charcoal by lightning, and only a few were still intact, so not everyone could handle them.

Now, they can finally revisit the craft.

Pieces of bloody animal skins were peeled off, and large chunks of animal meat were cut out. Regardless of the stench, everyone tried their best to pull useful materials, cramp bones, pull out teeth and claws, and even hairs were not spared. .

As for the arrows shot earlier, of course they can be retracted.

Among the first batch of disciples of White Deer Academy, there were many children from poor families. They knew the preciousness of these things and refused to waste any of them.

Immediately afterwards, piles of bonfires were set up, and the cut animal meat was hung on a makeshift grill to start smoking.

The weather is a bit hot, and these fresh animal meats will easily spoil if they are not smoked and roasted quickly.

At the beginning, everyone was not very proficient, and it was inevitable to make mistakes in a hurry.

Some materials were wasted.

But under the harsh reprimand of the martial artists, they grew up at an astonishing speed.

And with this kind of practice a few more times, even if these youngsters can't become powerful warriors, they will still be excellent hunters!
From busy day to night, three thousand White Deer Academy disciples camped in the forest.

The blazing fire dispelled the darkness and fog, and everyone gathered around the campfire to enjoy the trophies they had hunted with their own hands. Joy and satisfaction filled every young face.

And the humanity radiated by them merged into Wang Chen's body silently.

Gather a little inspiration.

Wang Chen took a deep breath, and his cultivation had unknowingly increased to another level.

He had never tried such a practice method before, but the effect was unexpectedly powerful.

Most importantly, this was realized by Wang Chen himself!

He faintly felt the limit of the realm of entering the Tao.

In time, he will be promoted to the Supreme!
And the [-] disciples of White Deer Academy have also gained a lot.

In the next few days, they continued to go deep into the mountains, collecting medicinal materials and hunting ferocious beasts with increasingly skillful methods.

When these teenagers returned to the academy, each of them was carrying a huge animal skin package.

It's full of loot.

And compared to when they left, there was more fierce blood on their bodies.

The blood can only be condensed after experiencing real battles!
The first generation of Bailu disciples grew rapidly in this way.

Since they can completely achieve self-sufficiency, the blockade and suppression of Bailu College and Mercy Pharmacy by certain forces in Taiwu City have become a joke.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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