Chapter 831 Fighting Techniques (Continued)

A heavy slap hit Sikong Hongfei's face.

This well-known playboy in Taiwu City trembled all over, and slowly opened his eyes.

At first his eyes were a little confused, but when he saw Wang Chen sitting in front of the table drinking tea, all the memories returned instantly.

"Wang, Dean Wang, may I have offended you in any way?"

In fact, Sikong Hongfei wanted to ask this question when he knew Wang Chen's identity in the Qingchun Tower!
He didn't have any communication with Wang Chen in the past, but he also knew Wang Chen's reputation.

However, Wang Chen didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and he passed out instantly before he could speak, until he woke up again at this moment.

Although Sikong Hongfei is arrogant and domineering, he is not an idiot with arrears of IQ. Knowing that he has fallen into Wang Chen's hands, he can't let his temper go.

Otherwise, you will definitely suffer!


Wang Chen replied bluntly: "But your father wants to trouble me. As the saying goes, if I don't ask you, who else can I turn to?"

Wang Chen had already understood before that it was Sikong Deping of the Sikong family who came out to deal with Mo Han and the Mo family.

The Chief Governor of Taiwu Pavilion!
The Sikong family is one of the largest big families in Taiwu City. There are many people in the family and they have a huge business. They run many businesses and occupy the leading position.

The emergence of Bailu College and Cishi Pharmacy, especially the latter, violated the interests of the Sikong family to a large extent.

With such a causal reason, it is not at all unusual for Sikong Deping to take the Mo family to knock on the mountain.

Wang Chen originally wanted to arrest Sikong Deping directly, but the chief governor of the Taiwu Pavilion has recently lived on Qingyun Peak, so he can only take the next best thing and talk about the other party's son.

Sikong Hongfei was dumbfounded.

He doesn't like to practice, and he doesn't like to take care of family affairs. He usually only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, so he doesn't know where his father has offended Wang Chen.

It felt like being shot while lying down.

Sikong Hongfei wanted to cry out for grievances or make tough threats, but after thinking about it, he was still a good man who would not suffer the immediate loss: "Master Wang, I really don't know these things, and it's useless for you to arrest me."

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as you cooperate obediently, I won't kill you."

He nodded to the warrior standing beside him, who immediately put pen, ink, paper and inkstone in front of Sikong Hongfei.

Sikong Hongfei was stunned for a moment, then asked cautiously: "Master Wang, what do you mean?"

"Write a letter to your father."

Wang Chen said lightly: "You can think about what to write, anyway, if your father doesn't come to save you within three days, then I'll just send you to the ultimate bliss."

Sikong Hongfei shivered involuntarily, grabbed a pen and paper and started writing the letter.

Intuition told this dude that others might be afraid of his identity, but Wang Chen didn't care.

If you want to survive, you must follow Wang Chen's words.

Sikong Hongfei quickly wrote a distress letter, timidly wanting to hand it over to Wang Chen.

But Wang Chen didn't bother to look at it: "Gao Zhuang, take him down."


After a while, the warrior who took away Sikong Hongfei came back: "My lord, I'm already locked in the dungeon."

"Two things."

Wang Chen raised the letter written by Yang Sikong Hongfei just now, and said: "Send this letter to Qingyun Palace, and then inform everyone that the college will be closed for three days, so everyone can go home."

The samurai replied in a deep voice, "Follow the order!"

Wang Chen nodded.

This warrior is named Gao Zhuang, only this year, his parents died since he was a child, and he makes a living by hunting outside the city with his natural supernatural power.

Half a year ago, when he was selling furs, he had a conflict with gang members. As a result, he was outnumbered and seriously injured, and he struggled to go to Cishi Pharmacy for help.

At that time, Wang Chen happened to be in the pharmacy, and he was very pitiful when he saw the other party, so he sent away the gang members who followed him.

Gao Zhuang was saved.

Although for Wang Chen, this is just a trivial matter.

But Gao Zhuang knew how to repay his kindness, and knelt in front of the medicine shop for a day and a night, wanting to work hard for Wang Chen!
Wang Chen saw that Gao Zhuang was indeed sincere and possessed martial arts talent, so he accepted him.

As the name suggests, tall and strong people are tall and big, and their physique is different from ordinary people.

It's just that his life was too bumpy, he missed the best time to lay the foundation, and without the guidance of a martial artist, he barely managed to get to the second level of meat refining, wasting this talent in vain.

Fortunately, Gao Zhuang met Wang Chen.

Under Wang Chen's cultivation, he took the elixir to wash the marrow and cut down the bones. After getting started in martial arts, he entered the country quickly.

In just half a year, he has entered the level of blood refinement.

There is only one step away from the fifth-order marrow refinement!
The most important thing is that Gao Zhuang's loyalty to Wang Chen is full, and it belongs to the kind that wants him to commit suicide without frowning.

Therefore, Wang Chen handed over part of the affairs of the college and the pharmacy to him to manage.

Apart from Hu Jiaojiao, he is the closest person to Wang Chen.

After Wang Chen's order was issued, the disciples of Bailu Academy packed their bags and went home the next morning.

Usually, they live and board in the academy, and they only have the opportunity to go home to visit relatives once a month, and now they have a three-day holiday suddenly, which makes people feel a little bit embarrassed.

But more disciples were elated, unaware that the college would face a great test!

By noon, all the more than 1 disciples and apprentices returned to their homes, except for the martial artists and handymen hired by the academy.

Wang Chen called all the martial artists together and said, "I will have a battle with Qingyun Palace, which is not something you can participate in, so no matter what happens, everyone stay in your residence and don't come out."

These martial artists were hired by Wang Chen to guard the academy and teach the freshmen, and they did not have the obligation and responsibility to work for his personal grievances.

Wang Chen will not force others to make things difficult.

What's more, the enemy he has to face is not something these fighters in the marrow and acquired realm can contend with.

Even the innately strong can't do it.

What difference does it make if there are more or less cannon fodder?
The martial artists looked at each other.

But everyone obeyed Wang Chen's order.

In fact, many of these martial artists were willing to fight for Wang Chen.

However, Qingyun Palace has a great reputation, and its supreme status has never been shaken for thousands of years, and its power has long been suppressed in everyone's heart.

Letting them face the coercion of Qingyun Palace is really beyond their capabilities.

As a result, the entire White Deer Academy quickly became empty and quiet, and the usual bustling scene was completely gone.

Wang Chen came to the gate of the college and placed the desk and tea stove.

Sipping tea while waiting for the Lord to appear.

Wang Chen didn't wait for a long time, only half an hour later, a team with banners and banners came from the direction of Taiwu City, approaching the White Deer College aggressively!

Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen narrowed his eyes, and a cold smile curled up on his lips.

It's time for a showdown!
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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