Chapter 845 Dragon Slaying

Facing the kneeling monks, Wang Chen only uttered a word, and immediately raised his palm again.

The power of the magic circle hidden deep in the Taiji Palace was instantly activated, and as his palm was pressed down heavily, it instantly enveloped the group of traitors.

Nearly a hundred monks at the extraordinary level had no time to let out a scream, and they were all crushed into meatloaf!

Wang Chen personally presided over the layout of the Great Wall of Chang'an City, which cost a lot of financial resources, and its rank was incomparably high.

It's just that even if he handed over the control to Mo Han, the latter would not be able to fully exert the power of the magic circle.

Therefore, it is difficult to support under the situation of internal and external troubles.

Now that Wang Chen has broken through the gate and personally controlled the battle formation, the situation is completely different!
And such a terrifying scene became a nightmare that the other monks present would never forget. This also made it impossible for this group of people to have a single traitor from now on.

Wang Chen ignored the large number of information prompts that had been swiped in the field of vision, waved his sleeves and said, "You all return to your respective positions, and I will take care of the outside affairs."

He nodded at Mo Han, then dodged out of the hall.

As soon as he left the palace gate, Wang Chen looked up and saw two flying dragons circling in the air.

This so-called flying dragon is not a real dragon clan. In fact, not to mention the lower realm like the Wushan Realm, even the vast and boundless Haotian Realm is hard to find traces of real dragons today.

The two flying dragons that Wang Chen saw were very similar to the western dragons in previous film and television dramas. They have huge bodies, strong limbs, short thick necks and ferocious heads.

Of course, a pair of eagle-like wings is also indispensable.

The two flying dragons are one red and one black, and the body surface is covered with dense scales except for the wings.

They swooped down again and again unscrupulously, like two giant shells bombarding the ground, ruthlessly destroying the tall buildings in the city, causing a large number of casualties.

Undoubtedly, this is the result of problems in the operation of the moat formation.

Otherwise, with Wang Chen's arrangement, it would be impossible to allow such arrogance in Chang'an City!

The attack of the flying dragon also caused great panic to the people in the city.

People were crying and running for their lives in all directions. Some residents fell to the ground and were trampled heavily by those behind them.

The scene is horrible!
The city guards in Chang'an City were also fighting back with all their strength, but the arrows they shot couldn't break through the hard scales on the dragon's body at all, and throwing the tomahawk and spear towards it was almost like scratching an itch.

Fearless, several innate warriors rushed towards the landing dragon, trying to find the opponent's vitals and deliver a fatal blow.

It's just that Feilong's intuition is extremely keen, and before these warriors approached, he suddenly turned around and swung his tail, opened his bloody mouth and sprayed hot flames at them.

The innate warrior who was sprayed by the dragon flame instantly turned into coke!
Seeing such a scene, Wang Chen was furious.

He reached out and grabbed the sunset bow hidden in the Sumeru Ring.


Wang Chen exhaled suddenly, and the divine bow was drawn into a full moon in his hand, and a long dark golden arrow was attached to it at the same time.

A steady stream of incomparably majestic innate true qi was poured into this weapon of destruction, fully arousing its power!
The next moment, a long arrow with terrifying power shot out.

The arrow pierced through the air without any sound, passing a thousand steps in the blink of an eye, and the speed increased instead of decreasing.

The three-edged armor-piercing arrow had an extremely violent friction with the air, and it quickly turned red and brightened, and then the whole arrow was cut into a stream of fire, and shot at the dark red flying dragon.

This red dragon is a little smaller than the black dragon, but it is equally ferocious and terrifying. It just destroyed a five-story building, hooked a civilian with its sharp claws and threw it into the air, and then it was like eating a snack Probe swallowed in one gulp.

The red dragon roared triumphantly, and was about to spread its wings to take off again, when suddenly a creepy feeling came to its heart.

The red dragon was taken aback immediately, and hurriedly jumped up with its hind limbs.

As long as it flies back into the sky, it will be invincible!

However, just as the dragon's feet left the ground, a stream of fire pierced through its head in an instant!

The flying dragon's head is not big compared to its body size, and the scales on the surface are also very small, but under the scales is a thick cuticle, and inside is an extremely hard skull, protecting the fragile brain.

Its head can be said to be the strongest defense of the entire body, but at this moment it has not played any role, and it has been penetrated like paper.

The red dragon was shaken all over, and the wings that had just spread fell down feebly.

With the last ounce of strength, it turned its head to look at the black dragon in mid-air, with an extremely desperate look in its eyes.

The next moment, the head of this beast, which was close to the ninth level, suddenly exploded, and red, white, and black things flew in all directions.

The huge body then fell heavily, crushing a nearby building.


The black dragon in mid-air over there happened to witness this scene, and it immediately let out a mournful and angry roar, and in an instant, flames burst out all over its body, and it entered a berserk state.

But three streams of fire shot forward and backward, targeting the black dragon's head and chest and abdomen respectively.

Although the black dragon fell into madness due to the tragic death of its companion, the instinct of a high-level beast has not been lost, and it immediately sensed the imminent threat of death.

It dived towards the ground without thinking, trying to avoid the incoming streamer.

But how could it be possible for Wang Chen to easily dodge the arrows shot by the power of the Godly Bow of the Setting Sun in the realm of the ether?

The arrow shot at the black dragon's head missed the target, but the other two arrows shot into the black dragon's lower abdomen and right hind limb respectively, and the power contained in it exploded suddenly in its body.

Two clouds of blood mist exploded at the same time where the arrow was shot by the black dragon. It suddenly lost its balance and fell to the ground.

There was only a bang, and a big hole was knocked out on the long street.


The severely injured black dragon dragged a broken leg, struggling to get up from the pit.

As a result, a figure flew towards it and landed in front of it in the blink of an eye.

It was Wang Chen!

Seeing the "little man" in front of him, the black dragon's eyes suddenly shrank, and the fear in his heart made him tremble involuntarily.

This top-level ferocious beast has never encountered a human being who poses such a huge threat to itself!
It opened its huge mouth without thinking, and flames surged from its throat.

However, before the black dragon could spray out the dragon flames, Wang Chen jumped up and punched it on the nose.

The black dragon's nose is the most vulnerable part of the whole head. Under the violent and incomparable punching force of Wang Chen, it instantly turned into fleshy blood foam, and the bones inside were shattered inch by inch.

The black dragon withdrew its head in pain, but the flames that hadn't spewed out were detonated in its mouth by the punch that had just penetrated.

boom! ——
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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