In the small hall in the backyard, monk surnamed Lu and Wang Chen sat opposite each other.

The name of this uninvited guest is Lu Huaizhen, and his identity is the elder of Sanyu Lu's family.

Qianxing Xiancheng has a large area, divided into thirteen corners from the inside to the outside, similar to the ring concept of the big city in Wang Chen's previous life, the core area is from one to six corners, which accommodate thousands of merchant clans.

Qianxing Immortal City is a family without business, so to have a place in Sanyu, it must be a very powerful family!

But Wang's family is in Sanyu, and this Lu's family is also in Sanyu. A Jindan Daoist from the other side suddenly came to the door. Wang Chen felt that it was probably not a good thing!
Lu Huaizhen put down the teacup in his hand, and sighed: "Fellow Daoist Wang, as a Golden Core cultivator, you are really wronged to stay in this small magic weapon shop in Qiyu!"

Without waiting for an answer, he looked directly at Wang Chen and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, let me just cut to the chase. Our Lu family intends to hire you as Jindan Keqing, what do you think?"

Wang Chen smiled and said: "Thank you for the kindness of the Lu family, but I have no plans to join the clan for the time being."

The other party's purpose was obviously the same as Wang Chenming's, but Wang Chen refused even the Wang family, so how could he agree to the Lu family.

He visited the two families back and forth, and he felt that the water inside was a bit muddy, so he didn't intend to get involved.

"Aren't you going to listen to our Lu family's conditions?"

However, Lu Huaizhen didn't intend to give up, and continued: "The treatment of Jindan Keqing is the same as that of the elders of the family, and you can get a cultivation cave and Lingzhi Manor, and there are also generous offerings every year..."

"The most important thing is that our Lu family can give you a place in the lower realm!"


Wang Chen touched his chin thoughtfully.

Compared with the Wang family, the sincerity of the Lu family is much greater, at least the latter has clearly put forward conditions, unlike Wang Chenming who is just playing around.

For example, Wang Chenming only said to fight for the most precious place in the lower realm, but Lu Huaizhen said that he could give one.

The two are judged against each other!
Seeing Wang Chen's silence, Lu Huai was really displeased, and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, our Lu family is really sincere, no matter how high it is, it's not that we can't afford it, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it!"

"I know that Wang Chenming from the Wang family has looked for you, but do you know that the Wang family is almost doomed?"

Wang Chen was slightly taken aback: "I would like to hear the details."


Lu Huaizhen sneered: "The Yuanying ancestor of the Wang family is close to the limit of his lifespan. Among the Jindan elders, there is only Wang Hongyi, a ninth-level peak, but he failed five years ago to congeal his baby, and he barely recovered until now."

"Once the patriarch of the Wang family is resigned, there will be no one among the younger generations to replace them, and Sanyu will not have a place for them!"

"So the most urgent thing for the Wang family right now is to raise a lot of ideas from the lower realms for Wang Hongyi, and once again hit the Nascent Soul Realm."

"If you join the Wang family, you will definitely be sent to open up the lower realm. Even if you succeed in picking up an idea and come back, how much can you keep?"

Killing and killing people!

Wang Chen had to admit that although this Lu Huaizhen had a haughty attitude, his eloquence was very eloquent, and he made it clear in a few words, and at the same time stepped the Wang family into the quagmire.

If it were anyone, they would definitely have doubts after listening to it. Even if they didn't want to join the Lu family, they wouldn't be able to join the Wang family again.

"The situation of the Wang family is not a secret..."

Lu Huaizhen clapped his hands and said: "Fellow Daoist, feel free to inquire to see if what Lu is telling is the truth. It's not that I'm talking behind my back, but I just don't want Fellow Daoist to be deceived and lead astray!"

Seeing that Wang Chen fell into deep thought, Lu Huaizhen stood up and said, "Friend Wang, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind. If you want to gain a foothold in Qianxing Immortal City, you want to cultivate with peace of mind, and you want to condense the Nascent Soul. If you don't join the family, you won't be able to do it." of."

"Although our Lu family may not be your best choice, it is definitely ten or a hundred times better than the Wang family!"

"Think about it carefully, and then contact me when you figure it out."

"I'll go ahead and don't need to send it away."

After speaking, he dropped a letter on the case table, and then drifted away.

Wang Chen sat still, frowning and looking at the letter on the table.

To be honest, he was quite upset.

What Lu Huaizhen said was correct. After understanding the secret of Ningying, Wang Chen realized that if he wanted to step up to a higher level, he had to obtain the most precious resources.

And this kind of resource is only in the hands of the upper-level forces in Qianxing Immortal City, and it is almost impossible for a grassroots monk like him to obtain it.

Unless you are willing to sell yourself to work!

But the Lu family and Wang Chen absolutely don't think about it.

The reason is very simple, the conditions offered by Lu Huaizhen are very attractive, but the other party is obviously targeting the Wang family. Once the Wang family is completely cut off, can he still enjoy these benefits?

Maybe it can, but the price to be paid is hard to say!
For example, the Wang family's condition is to share half of the places in the lower realm, and the Lu family will give him all of it?

Wang Chen is not so naive!

The most important thing is that although Lu Huaizhen's condescending meaning is well hidden, it cannot be concealed from Wang Chen's spiritual sense.

He is a dignified Jindan real person, why bother to run over and be inferior to others!
As far as his mind was concerned, Wang Chen made a decisive decision.

Regardless of the Lu family, Wang family, or other aristocratic families, he will not go to any of them!
Isn't it good to be alone?
As for the inspiration from the lower realm that Ning Ying needed, he was not in a hurry to use it right now, so there was no need to mess things up.

As for rejecting these aristocratic families, if there are any unsolvable consequences, at worst, they will change to the fairy city.

Wang Chen is used to running away!
It's just that the plan didn't change and came quickly. What Wang Chen didn't expect was that just after Lu Huaizhen left, Wang Chenming rushed to him, eager to talk to him.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, did Lu Huai of the Lu family really look for you just now?"

Seeing the other party's panic-stricken appearance, Wang Chen frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist Wang, are you questioning me?"

Wang Chenming was dumbfounded.

Although Wang Chen has no roots or bottom, but he is also a Jindan real person, and he did not agree to join the Wang family, so what qualifications does he have to raise a teacher?
What's more, Wang Chen opened the door to do business, and there is no reason to refuse customers!
"Feel sorry."

Wang Chenming saluted Wang Chen with a wry smile, and said, "I'm also in a daze, talking nonsense, please forgive me, Fellow Daoist."

Wang Chen waved his hand and said, "Forget it."

His indifferent attitude made Wang Chenming look embarrassed, and felt that he was wronged, so he had to apologize again: "I'm really sorry, Fellow Daoist Wang, I was reckless this time, but you must not trust Lu Huaizhen, there is no good person in their Lu family!"


Wang Chen asked back: "Lu Huaizhen said that the ancestor of the Yuanying of your Wang family is close to the limit of life, and there is a nine-layer golden core that is going to congeal again. Is it also false?"

Wang Chenming's face turned red in an instant, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

After a while, he sighed, "These are all true."
The first update is here, please support with a guaranteed monthly ticket, thank you everyone!

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