At some point, two wooden houses and a flower garden appeared in the nameless valley.

The deep pool is full of green grass, wild flowers grow on the roof covered with vines, the mountains and forests are full of birdsong, the flowing water is endless, and the mist is dense, just like a fairyland.

On the rock by the pool, Wang Chen sat cross-legged, concentrating on sensing the secrets of heaven and earth.

This is his daily morning class.

After the monk broke through the Golden Core Realm, the efficiency of absorbing and using the aura of heaven and earth has been greatly improved. Therefore, only places where the aura is highly concentrated can meet the needs of daily practice.

When this unnamed valley was first discovered, the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy was not satisfactory, but the terrain and location were quite good, so Wang Chen chose it as a temporary place to stay.

As a result, he discovered the predecessor's cave house hidden deep under the pool, and mastered its built-in Liuhe Xuanyuan formation. With the power of this magic circle, he opened up a small cave of paradise for himself.

It's really an impermanence!
The spiritual energy in the surrounding space continuously gathered, poured in from Wang Chen's zenith, penetrated his internal organs and limbs, and finally condensed in the dantian of the sea of ​​energy.

The newly born true essence is absorbed by the golden core, and then fed back out, so the cycle goes on and on.

The impurities that have been cleaned up during the cycle are discharged from the Yongquan acupoint on the bottom of Wang Chen's feet.

After 36 weeks of meritorious deeds, Wang Chen opened his eyes.


I saw the pool of water in front of me churning, and a graceful figure broke through the water.

It was Su Ziling.

Holding the teapot and tea tray in her hands, the girl turned around lightly in the air, and landed firmly beside Wang Chen: "My lord, please enjoy the tea."


Wang Chen took a sip of a cup of hot fragrant tea, only to feel the fragrance on his lips and teeth, refreshed!
The tea is the high-quality spiritual tea he bought in Qianxing Xiancheng, and the water for making the tea comes from a spring in the cave at the bottom of the pool.

This spring gushes water day and night, which is the source of the pond water. The water quality is excellent and rich in aura, so it is very good for making tea.

However, the spring water must be taken immediately, otherwise the spiritual energy will be lost when it is poured into the Tan, and the taste will be much worse.

Looking at the well-behaved tea-serving girl beside him, Wang Chen sighed in his heart.

This is the day of the gods!

But Wang Chen knew his own family affairs, and in terms of his personality, it was difficult for him to endure the lonely and quiet life for many years.

Although there is a lot of filth and smell in the surging world of mortals, there are also fireworks in the world, and Wang Chen embraces the body of the world, but he has the heart of entering the world!

"From now on, you don't have to wait by my side every day..."

Wang Chen put down his teacup, and said to Su Ziling: "Hurry up and practice, and try to break through and open your house as soon as possible!"

Su Ziling's low level of cultivation has always been a problem. Wang Chen can't guarantee that he will take her with him all the time, so he has to be able to protect himself.

But in the Haotian Realm, under the golden core, there are ants, and Qi training monks are like weeds.

Zifu is just a trash fish!

Su Ziling nodded vigorously: "I will work hard!"

Wang Chen smiled: "Go."

He left the practice quiet room in the cave at the bottom of the pool for Su Ziling to use. The abundant heaven and earth aura in it can greatly improve the latter's cultivation efficiency, and it is also very suitable for Su Ziling's physique.

For this reason, Wang Chen specially refined a small seal, refined it into the control formula of the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation, and intercepted a wisp of the power of the Liuhe Great Seal to blend into it, and handed it to Su Ziling to master it.

In this way, Su Ziling can not only freely enter and exit the Wuming Valley and the cave at the bottom of the pool, but also can control part of the power of the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation to ensure his own safety.

As for Wang Chen himself, the difference between his cultivation efficiency in the quiet room of the cave mansion and in Xiaoguli is not very different, and it is not too long.

From the first floor to the ninth floor of the golden core, it is a long journey to the fairyland, and I don't know how many years it will take!

After drinking a pot of spiritual tea, Wang Chen took out the Great Seal of Liuhe and held it in his hand, gently rubbing one side of the seal with his thumb.

I saw a flash of spiritual light, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

The next moment, Wang Chen appeared in a secret room!
This secret room is about three feet square, and the walls, ceiling, and floor are all as smooth as a mirror, engraved with countless complicated real seal runes.

And in the middle of the room, there is a bronze sacrificial basin impressively.

With a wave of his hand, Wang Chen threw dozens of middle-grade spirit stones into the sacrificial basin.

Just like before, these spirit stones fell into the sea like mud cows and disappeared in an instant.

The Zhenzhuan runes densely covering the surrounding space all lit up, and then fell into silence again.

Wang Chen touched his chin thoughtfully.

This secret room was discovered after he mastered the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation, and then activated the third side of the Liuhe printing to be able to teleport into it.

This confined space is extremely strange, it exists and does not exist in Wang Chen's perception, as if it is independent of this world, mysterious and mysterious.

And when Wang Chen puts spirit stones into the sacrificial basin, it can slightly stimulate the magic circle here.

That's right, there is also a magic circle in this room.

Wang Chen invested thousands of middle-grade spirit stones before and after, and only then did he get some information feedback.

What was arranged in this secret room turned out to be a teleportation array!

As for where and where it was teleported, Wang Chen didn't know.

Because the spirit stone that Wang Chen invested so far is still far from actually activating and opening this teleportation array!

This made him very curious.

This teleportation formation is actually the formation within the formation of the Liuhe Xuanyuan formation, and its grade is definitely very high. It is estimated that it was the escape route left by the great monk who built the cave at the bottom of the pool in the past.

Wang Chen also had to consider that once Xiaogu, where he was currently staying, encountered an irresistible danger, he had to retreat.

And because the Tandi Cave Mansion and the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation are integrated into one, with Wang Chen's current cultivation strength, it is impossible to find another way in the cave mansion without destroying the magic circle.

In other words, his best tunnel digging ability will not work here!

People without long-term considerations must have near-term worries, Wang Chen doesn't want to regret it when things come to an end, so finding out and mastering this teleportation array has become a top priority.

The problem is that he has already invested a lot of savings in order to activate the Liuhe Xuanyuan Formation.

The spirit stone, which was thought to last for a long time, was almost given away by Wang Chen!
Wang Chen shook his head, activated the Liuhe Great Seal again, and teleported back to Xiaogu in an instant.

"Zi Ling, practice hard at home and don't go out."

Wang Chen first left a few words for Su Ziling through the seal, and then swept out of the valley with a sword light, and flew towards the depths of the vast mountains.

He was going to explore the surrounding area to see if he could find a source of income and earn enough spirit stones to activate the teleportation array.

In addition, Wang Chen also wants to try to see what level his combat power has reached now.

The Longyuan Sword flying at high speed wrapped around Wang Chen seemed to have sensed his mood, and immediately let out a buzzing sound eager to fight.
The first one is sent.

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